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Wiadomości - Lelek

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Publikacje / EU07-477_HIST
« dnia: 26 Marca 2017, 12:12:14 »
To jest historyczna tekstura EU07-477 "Rumcajs" z lat 2008-2014.

Zdjęcia/photos: darek71wrc
TGA: http://eu07.pl/userfiles/22925/303e-tv-477_HIST_2.7z

Dodane do repozytorium, rev. 1720. - @Maciej

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury
« dnia: 11 Lutego 2017, 15:06:19 »
...szybciej bym dojechał do Czech, sfotografował i wrócił ;)
Nie wiem, jak daleko od granicy mieszkasz, ale toto nie zajelo mi wiencej niż 2 godziny.
I don't know, how far from border you live, but this didn't take more than 2 hours.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury
« dnia: 09 Lutego 2017, 21:11:06 »
Na stacji Brno hl. n. Jeśli będę kiedys w Břeclavi, może będzie możliwość wykonania zdjęcie innego 363, od strony której potrzebujesz (ale chyba nie od drugiej). Jednak malowanie jest z obu stron tak samo, jedyną różnicą jest to przesłona chłodnicy. I @ST44-003 mówił, że będzie starał się coś z tym zrobić.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury
« dnia: 09 Lutego 2017, 21:01:20 »
Prawdopodobnie nie, bo lokomotywa CD Cargo w pociągu pasażerskim jest wyjątkiem.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury
« dnia: 09 Lutego 2017, 19:16:39 »
Zdjęcia 363-036-5 CD Cargo. Wiem, że zdjęcia nie są idealne, ale mam nadzieję, że będzie możliwe, coś z nich zrobić.
Photos of 363-036-5 ČD Cargo. I know photos are not ideal, but I hope it will be possible to make something from them.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Kabina Skody CD163
« dnia: 24 Stycznia 2017, 21:51:40 »
Oto obiecane czerwone światło. Niestety LED. Tez jest podgladowe zdjecje stopnia.
Promised red light, unfortunately LED. Also brief picture of footboard.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Kabina Skody CD163
« dnia: 14 Stycznia 2017, 16:58:23 »
362-173 has both sides in a different (sun) light.
362-173 oba boki ma w różnym świetle (słonecznym)
And you can't use only one side (probably the dark) and remove from there radiator shutter and copy round windows from other side?

I nie można użyć tylko jednej strony (prawdopodobnie ciemnej) i usunąć stamtąd przesłony chłodnicy i kopiować okna okrągłe z drugiej strony?

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Kabina Skody CD163
« dnia: 14 Stycznia 2017, 12:34:29 »
Yes, there are only white. But maybe I'll be able to obtain also red.

PL (translator):
Tak, tylko biały kolor. Może wkrótce zrobię zdjęcia również czerwony.

http://eu07.pl/userfiles/22925/foto-362-173-7.7z (LED)

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Kabina Skody CD163
« dnia: 14 Stycznia 2017, 12:03:11 »
Potrzebne mi foty zapalonych świateł.
All photos of X63(2) locomotives I have uploaded to forum have lights on (but only white). You can't use them?

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury.
« dnia: 15 Grudnia 2016, 21:30:34 »
So in that case there is whole pack:
It is 362-001-0 in historical painting ES499.1001. Unfortunately it was quite dark and I couldn't fix my camera anyway, so pictures are underexposed.

Unfortunately, I have got information from author of Czech locomotives for MaSzyna, that so dark textures are useless, so we can probably remove my last posts to bocznica.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury.
« dnia: 15 Grudnia 2016, 20:05:02 »
Is it possible to make textures with underexposed pictures like this (of course in bigger resolution)? I hope it is, because because of taking pictures, I forgot to buy ticket and had to pay 40 CZK additional charge in train.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Rozruch, nastawnik (joystick) w CD 150/363
« dnia: 01 Grudnia 2016, 15:20:31 »
Swoją drogą, to Pershingi to zajebiste maszyny są. Bezprądowa oznaczona naszym "We8a i b", zanik napięcia, ponowny powrót napięcia a WS dalej trzyma ;). I wiem czemu :P
The locomotive on video from dymus is not Pershing, but but Eso (362). I have read, that in case you don't apply power during voltage loss, low-voltage fuse stays idle.
Kochani :D (@Lelek, @Antek) jak Was dobrze tu widzieć :D
I have seen this post yesterday evening, but because not everyone here likes English, I decided to wait, if some Polish user will answer. And I see, that you with dymus probably know about the locos more than I do.
Btw. Do you know Plzeňští strojvůdci page? There is a lot of documetation for Czech locomotives.

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Zdjęcia taboru na tekstury.
« dnia: 01 Grudnia 2016, 14:27:59 »
Photos of 263-001 „Máša”. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to make pictures of both sides, so the second side is from 263-002 „Dáša”. If someone ever will do the texture of Máša, on the second side, he will remove radiator shutter and use Dášas windows.

Publikacje / Bdmteeo
« dnia: 27 Września 2016, 20:31:33 »
This are textures of Czech car Bdmteeo294.

Textures: Lelek
Correction of 3D models: Stele
Correction of physics: youBy
Author of pictures used for interor texture: user "vh" from vagonWEB.cz

Dodane do repozytorium, rev. 1606. - @Maciej

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: linia 139
« dnia: 26 Września 2016, 20:00:28 »
Linia 139 was never in official collection of sceneries. It's old unfinished project, which is now probably dead. Some files for scenery are here.

Bieżące Symulatorowe / Odp: Sieć trakcyjna w Maszynie.
« dnia: 15 Września 2016, 17:47:48 »
I tried like you have written, but I'm getting error: File "<string>", line 302
IndentationError: expected an indented block
in log.txt.
But you was right with idea, that rectangle from my code is covered by rectangle from your code. When I wrote my code on another place and your one covered with #, on AC it was working correctly. You have the file with error in attachment.

Bieżące Symulatorowe / Odp: Sieć trakcyjna w Maszynie.
« dnia: 15 Września 2016, 13:36:40 »
I'm again playing with my AD/DC scenery and I have made AC diagnostic display for TRAXX. I have only took DC diagnostic and increase numbers on voltage scale six times. Then in python renderer I have added condition, that if voltage is bigger than 5 000 V, the AC display will be used. Changing of display surprisingly works.
When the scale has six time bigger values, I considered, the height of rectangle must be six times less sensitive to voltage, to keep in the scale. So I have multiplied voltage in algorithm by 0,167, so have code like this:
#diag slupki ac

if (state['eimp_c1_uhv']>5000):
wolt = state['eimp_c1_uhv']
napiecie = 586-(0.0866*wolt*0.167)
draw.rectangle(((266,586),(358,napiecie)), fill=niebieski_diag)
#if wolt>2500:
#draw.rectangle(((267,608),(358,646)), fill=niebieski_diag)
if state['eimp_c1_ms']:
draw.text((271,613), u'WG wł', font=self.maly_arial, fill=bialy_diag)
elif wolt>2500:
draw.text((265,613), u'WG wył', font=self.maly_arial, fill=bialy_diag)
draw.text((265,613), u'WG wył', font=self.maly_arial, fill=czarny_diag)

prad = state['eimp_c1_ihv']
if prad<0:
self.print_fixed_with(draw, '2000', (535,607), 4, self.sredni_arial, czarny_diag)
if prad>3700:
ampery = 586-(0.1183*prad)
draw.rectangle(((532,586),(625,ampery)), fill=niebieski_diag)

hbl = state['eimp_pn1_sp']
cisn = 586-(34.6666*hbl)
draw.rectangle(((727,647),(820,cisn)), fill=niebieski_diag)
But the rectangle is still going out of scale. I also tried to change the number, but it has no effect, no matter if it's 1000 or 0,001. What I have done wrong? Files are in attachment.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Texture trouble
« dnia: 07 Września 2016, 16:43:02 »
It's described in this post. It's Polish, but there is a lot of pictures which can help you. Shortly:
  • Download file mini.scm, link is at the bottom of the Polish manual and save it to folder scenery.
  • In Rainsted in list of sceneries choose the scenery mini and set there your car. To be able to launch simulation without any driveable locomotive, in occupancy option set headdriver. While starting, you'll get Player Train Init Failed error. Press Enter to continue loading. If this procedure will fail, set together with your car any driveable locomotive and in connection options uncheck everything.
  • When the scenery is loaded, go to external view and make screenshot of your car by pressing PrinScreen.
  • NOW DIFFERENCE FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUAL: Go to textures/mini folder and open any file there. In the file paste the screenshot. Some users have problems with miniatures created as new file.
  • Trim your picture like is shown in picture 5 in the Polish manual (height of frame must be 150 px), scale to five times smaller resolution (so the height will be 30 px) and Save As BMP to same folder.
  • Open textures.txt. Line for your car is:
FILE.EXT=MODEL,MINI,MINIPLUSchange MINIPLUS to name of miniature you created and save the file.

Bieżące kolejowe / Odp: Kolejowy Rotfl
« dnia: 05 Września 2016, 15:25:39 »
No matter, if boy or girl will be born. About half year ago, I saw on YT very similar video like on one post above, only difference was that the „driver” was girl at same age like the boy above. Her father was giving her order, what to do (like turn on light, relase brakes...) and she exactly knew what button she has to press on the panel. Unfortunately video is not on YT anymore.
Finally, I have found the videos:

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Texture trouble
« dnia: 05 Września 2016, 09:43:02 »
The texture must be in TGA or DDS format. You will copy it to folder, where are also another textures for the model. There should be also file textures.txt. In the file will be lines like this:
FILE.EXT=MODEL,MINI,MINIPLUSYou will copy and paste one of them and the part FILE.EXT you will change to name of your texture with extension and save the file.
Then you will open Rainsted and go to Current Vehicles tab and click Check current vehicles (the operation will take a while). Then you can go to Trainsets tab.You should find there your new texture (name will be like you wrote to textures.txt as FILE.EXT, but the miniature will be same like some another car has.
This is enough, when you want to only check your texture in MaSzyna. Once you will want to publish it, you should also do the miniature for Rainsted. This we will learn you later :)

Screeny / Odp: MaSzyna Trailer?
« dnia: 29 Sierpnia 2016, 10:55:23 »
I also like the video. Maybe you could represent diesel locos on Całkowo instead of Bałtyk. I'm also not sure, if scenery Zwierziniec is ideal for representation of MaSzyna.
Now, I hope, mods will forgive me this little offtop, but when I was watching the departure of EN57, it looked little bit strange with pictures of another cars in windows texture. On Chomikuj account of user EP08_15 I have seen lot of interior models for various cars. Why we not use them? I know, you will probably say, they are bad quality and have holes. But are pictures of background in windows better?

Very advanced player of MaSzyna:

The video was probably removed from YouTube, so we can remove also this post.

Istotnie usunięty, no to na bok. | @Stele

Poszukuję, chcę zrobić / Odp: Maszyna 15.02 TGA/T3D
« dnia: 13 Sierpnia 2016, 07:48:21 »
And how is the link to the repo. Because last year, I have received http://nastawnia.cf/svn/eu07/, but I see, now the link is not working.

you don't have to do only models. Guys from there are preparing for simulator Czech locomotive 163, which is also used in Italy like E.630. When you will make photos for textures and send them to forum, I'm sure that the devs will be happy. Recently was also released model of TRAXX, so you can do textures of some Italian carrier.
If there is some community of people playing MaSzyna in Italy, or you are thinking rail fans in Italy could be interested, you can write Italian documentation for sim. In folder sounds, you can find TXT files with name ending with -en. This are files for English subtitles. You can translate them to Italian and save them with end -it, to have Italian subtitles.
Here is some post from another Italian fan. Maybe you can try to contact him and start to cooperate. He wasn't on forum about two years, but when you will write him Personal Massage, maybe forum will send him email and he will come back.

Pomoc w tworzeniu / Odp: Siatki mapowania UV taboru
« dnia: 10 Lipca 2016, 14:49:34 »
Please, could you generate for me net for model 182_CD?

Would it be possible, to control on principle you used for light switch, pantographs on 181(2) and EP(U) 05? There is no single switch for every pantograph, but only a switch none -> front -> both -> rear.

Publikacje / 783-001-1
« dnia: 24 Czerwca 2016, 20:47:51 »
Dodane do repozytorium.
This is new texture for Voith Maxima of Czech company IDS Cargo. Thanks to all users, who participated on tests.

TGA files: http://eu07.pl/userfiles/22925/783-001-1_2.7z

Pomoc doraźna / Odp: Problemy z patchem 16.05
« dnia: 14 Czerwca 2016, 10:19:25 »
I tried few locos on td, to see how my FPS will be:
  • EU07 ~ 85 FPS
  • TRAXX  ~ 75–95 FPS
  • ST45 ~ 90–95 FPS
  • BR285  ~ 70–80 FPS
  • ET22-2009  ~ 65–70 FPS
I have Intel Core Duo 2,93 GHz; 4 GB RAM; ATI Radeon HD 4550.
And would it be possible to use on BR285 same control system like in TRAXX? Because I think in real loco driver controls tractive force, not engine RPM.

Na warsztacie / Odp: Drawinowo - modyfikacje sterowania
« dnia: 20 Maja 2016, 19:00:53 »
Here are Czech subs.

Symulator / Odp: Jak czytać prędkości rozkładowe?
« dnia: 10 Kwietnia 2016, 19:11:04 »
So, how I can recognize, when speed signalized by semaphore is only for switches after semaphore and when it's until next semaphore? Because in Ie-1 is written:
Jeżeli sygnał na semaforze świetlnym zezwala na jazdę ze zmniejszoną prędkością, to jazda z tą prędkością obowiązuje do końca okręgu zwrotnicowego osłanianego tym semaforem, z wyjątkiem jazd po torach głównych dodatkowych, na których należy stosować na całej drodze przebiegu prędkość wskazaną na semaforze.”
For example on scenario l05-day-tlk83202, before departure from Sandomierz I get signal „40 km/h, on next semaphore 100 km/h”. So shall I go 40 km/h until last car pass switches after semaphore and than speed up to 100 km/h or keep 40 km/h until I pass semaphore signalizing 100 km/h?
Sorry, that I'm writing English into Polish discussion, but this interests me long time.
Thanks in advance.

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