Autor Wątek:  Italian subtitles - Sottotitoli in italiano  (Przeczytany 19504 razy)

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Odp: Italian subtitles - Sottotitoli in italiano
« Odpowiedź #30 dnia: 12 Października 2020, 22:19:28 »
I have 169 files on repository so there's more. Could you sort them by scenery subfolder? Or add them to poeditor project,31983.msg518078.html#msg518078 but sorting manualy seems much easier. You can filter out those already added to 20.04 pack so there will be only a few to sort out.

Sorry, I read only now.
Am I doing something wrong or does the link in that thread no longer work?
Angelo - Parlo italiano

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Odp: Italian subtitles - Sottotitoli in italiano
« Odpowiedź #31 dnia: 13 Października 2020, 00:32:02 »
I don't remember paswords for my poeditor account, but as I remember, we had it registered as non comercial project without limitations of free account, so it'd be strange to be deleted in less than a year.
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Offline IXIAI

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Odp: Italian subtitles - Sottotitoli in italiano
« Odpowiedź #32 dnia: 14 Października 2020, 11:16:25 »
I see. Anyway, if someone will manage to make it work, let me know and I'll be glad to write new translations from English to Italian!
Angelo - Parlo italiano