Autor Wątek:  Low performence issue  (Przeczytany 5918 razy)

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Offline Naim99

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Low performence issue
« dnia: 28 Lipca 2020, 20:38:05 »
Hi. I love very much this simulator! But I have this problem, the game lags a bit in every scenery, also in the test scenery! I tried to modify graphical impostation and other things but makes always the same... not is a big lag, it lags a bit, but frequently and is very annoying. Help me please. I have:
Processor:Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2840 @2.16GHz  2.16 GHz
RAM:4,00 GB
64 bit system.
With old versions I don't have this annoying lags. Help me please.

Come on. Use spaces after punctuation marks. It applies to any language. Also name topic properly. @Stele
« Ostatnia zmiana: 28 Lipca 2020, 20:58:08 wysłana przez Stele »

Offline Stele

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 28 Lipca 2020, 21:04:04 »
What have you tried? Your computer doesn't meet lowest hardware requirements. Even on lowest settings some scenerios simply won't fit into such memory.
Set renderer to simple (legacy). Disable shadows. Enable memory conservation. Downgrade textures to 1024px.
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Offline Naim99

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 28 Lipca 2020, 21:08:18 »
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Października 2020, 23:21:24 wysłana przez matek123 »

Offline Didsideout

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 06 Października 2020, 09:59:16 »
I have same problem with my laptop - the game lags a bit the same way and the bigger scenarios are even more serious slowed down. Did my hardware meet the lowest requirements for the game, or I should buy another one with better hardware? - Intel Cote (TM) i3 - 3120M CPU @ 2.5 GHz, RAM 4 GB, Video Card AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700, 64 Bit System.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Października 2020, 10:01:11 wysłana przez Didsideout »

Offline Didsideout

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 11 Października 2020, 11:33:24 »
Hi again guys,
just want to share some problem I have recently noticed - my FPS are changing in range from 15 to 115 almost in every second. In one moment is 115 and in the next one goes to 60, than to 25, than jumps to 120 again. This causes a lot of lagging which is very annoying for me. Did you have same experience also and how can I resolve this issue?

Offline Hubertnator23

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 11 Października 2020, 11:37:11 »
Try turning vsync on in the starter.

Offline Didsideout

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 11 Października 2020, 12:29:53 »
Hi there,
this was really helpful advise and now the FPS are 60 0at almost all the time, Still there are some parts of the tracks that makes the FPS goes from 30 till 60 again and the lagging is still in place. I am testing this now on L61 rote. The problems start once I am entering the bigger stations, Is there anything I can do to make the performance even better?

Offline Stele

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 11 Października 2020, 14:45:05 »
It's drop as long as there many objects arround or only few times when loading them into gpu memory?
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Offline Didsideout

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Odp: Low performence issue
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 12 Października 2020, 08:36:23 »
I think it`s the second case you have described, as I am travelling thru long forests but there is no lagging at all, just in a few places when I am not expecting it at all.