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EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Wipers?
« dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 19:58:58 »
I've started such work around 2013 or 2014, but it turned out that the wiper switch is in the cabin, while the wipers would have to be part of the external model. I started rebuilding the structures for the in-cab (e.g., switches) and external (pantographs, doors) animations, while I didn't manage to work out the interaction between the two. On the other hand, you would have to take into account phenomena such as rain and snow falling on the windows, or freezing of the glass, which in turn is related to temperatures and atmospheric pressure. It would take me several months to refine this along with testing, so someone else is probably able to do it too. To this end, the project was opened almost a decade ago, so all that remains is to wait for a deer.

Nope. We don't use emergency brake when changing cabins. Full brake, then quickly to cutoff. It won't release the brake. You pull the little lever on the opposite end of fv4a, then quickly turn in to cutoff. The locomotive will remain braked. Been there, done that. You can do it in sim too. Don't use keyboards. Quickly turn the brake handle to cutoff with your mouse.

I think you can't just leave train break valve on release when changing cab, it has to be put in cut-off position.

-- Edit --

Quick googling revealed some intstruction manuals:

Cz2, 10.7 Cab change says:
Engage train break and leave main valve in cut-off position.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Change cabin procedure in EU07
« dnia: 28 Lipca 2017, 01:29:28 »

A is pantographs lock, B is high voltage compartment lock, that can be accesed only with lowered pantographs.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Italian User Manual
« dnia: 13 Października 2010, 17:08:16 »
Hi Polish friends!

Me & Kebablover have written a user manual in italian.
You can download it from Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HF5CNY00 .


I have pasted the manual in attachment and "glued" the message.

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