Autor Wątek:  Additional routes?  (Przeczytany 9919 razy)

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Offline blillpers

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Additional routes?
« dnia: 09 Października 2016, 23:13:46 »
I'm just wondering if there are any additional routes than those included with the simulator?

Line 53 and Line 61 are my two favourite ones, as they have the best scenery. Are they being extended and/or updated? And are there any more good routes available to download, or being built? I've tried to read through the forum, but the language is a bit hard even with Google Translate.

To me, the simulator is very good and the only thing lacking is some more high-quality routes, maybe even real-life based ones! :)

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Odp: Additional routes?
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 09 Października 2016, 23:34:41 »
Line 61 is being rebuild to better replicate reality. You can get last beta version from starters addon tab.
Few in-progress sceneries can be found on workshop. Few other, especialy old ones converted to be working with latest packs in addons test. Other realy old and unsupperted sceneries can be found in dups of old webpage
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Offline blillpers

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Odp: Additional routes?
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 10 Października 2016, 21:49:06 »
Sounds good. Could you explain how to install the current Linia 61 version? The tab is mostly in Polish and hard to understand, I tried it and the new version wouldn't load, I suppose it became corrupted. I've reinstalled the current Maszyna version now and the old version of Linia 61 works as usual now.

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Odp: Additional routes?
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 10 Października 2016, 22:09:54 »
First you need to have main pack of Maszyna 15.04 with patch 16.08 from projects main page. After that update Rainsted to latest version by hitting that "aktualizuj rainsted" button in first tab as long as it dowloads something. Then go to last tab "dodatki". In the middle you have section "Linia 61 [...] przebudowywane przez Ra..." with account number for donations and four buttons on the right. Third one in bold font "instaluj ostatnią wersję roboczą scenerii" is what you're looking for.
I don't know what happened to rainsted translations. Now I don't even have any options in language settings there and you're not firs foreign user asking how to get those updates.
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Offline blillpers

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Odp: Additional routes?
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 10 Października 2016, 23:12:02 »
Thanks, I had it working now. Went from Ozmiek towards Czêstochowa, everything very fine until Herby Stare where I misunderstood the signals (old system?) and derailed on a switch due to excessive speed. I thought two green lights was supposed to mean all clear ahead! ;)

I'll try again tomorrow...

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Odp: Additional routes?
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 10 Października 2016, 23:21:33 »
Herby was probably last station using those old signals and they got replaced few years ago during modernisation of line 61, but they still can be found at the end of current E1 signalisation instruction as "used until cancelation" with few others that differs by lights order and black line velocity indicator.
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