Autor Wątek:  Linia 053 Cargo part 1  (Przeczytany 9099 razy)

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Linia 053 Cargo part 1
« dnia: 04 Listopada 2016, 23:40:31 »
Sorry for starting so many threads. I'm trying to run the scenario Linia 053 Cargo part 1. Starting in the locomotive shed in Debica I go through the station on the shunting signals, then reverse and go back until I get to a red main signal in the other end of the station. There is a train consisting of a SM42+ET22 and coal wagons standing on the track leading to the freight yard, but it won't move and the signal I'm standing at won't change in at least 10 minutes.

The instructions says something about coupling to thhe SM42 but the signal is red, should I pass it? The radio calls isn't subtitled, so maybe somewhere I get permission to pass the red signal?

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Odp: Linia 053 Cargo part 1
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 05 Listopada 2016, 00:26:54 »
If I remember corectly, you should go to the end of the map, wait for 2xtem2 shunting by and then couple with sm42 (properly, without taking control of that train as it have to pull you to freight station). ET22 drives in to another track in the meantime. After coupling press shift+1 to launch sm42.
If there're any audio files you thing are important and aren't subbed yet, try to get their names from events script. We'll try to make subs for them.
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Odp: Linia 053 Cargo part 1
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 05 Listopada 2016, 05:44:54 »
Allright, I got it working a bit further now. The error was to press Shift+1 too early. However, after coupling to the SM42 and pressing Shift+1 nothing happens except for the signal turning green. How should I avoid taking control of the train after coupling?

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Odp: Linia 053 Cargo part 1
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 05 Listopada 2016, 08:23:13 »
Before you copule to SM42, you have to turn of brake of train (ctrl+5) and reverser handle at neutral. Or, come in SM42 (F5) and pres (shift+q) and come back to ET41.
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Offline blillpers

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Odp: Linia 053 Cargo part 1
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 05 Listopada 2016, 08:49:44 »
Thank you, I'll try that next time.

Regarding subtitles, there were almost none at all. Only one call from train manager to driver of the passenger train to depart.