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Wiadomości - paul_ebm

Strony: [1]
Oh~so : (
Now two of my friends use my translation, and they say that the main translated normally, it is clear.
But its not a final translation, i give you some corrections later.
Have you enabled on the computer package of cyrillic?

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 30 Maja 2011, 21:17:36 »

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 29 Maja 2011, 14:05:57 »

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 27 Maja 2011, 22:01:34 »
ET21 z pociągiem towarowym.

I completed work on the language pack in Russian for the simulator.
Spent 4 days. Translated everything, including the file "start-ru". Where I have translated the values ​​of buttons with the words that are used on Russian railways

   « Dodano: 26 Maja 2011, 23:39:39 »
What about translation? Do I need something to fix?

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 26 Maja 2011, 20:42:18 »
Baltyk. EN57.

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 25 Maja 2011, 20:59:32 »

And the last.


LaDebugTol.Caption=Toleration [0.1mm]

Will be a lot of "cuts", as the Russian words are almost always longer than English or Polish.

For example:



LaRndSel.Caption=Lista uїytych include:  — what is this?

15.Caption=NodeLine_Strip //list of lines
16.Caption=NodeLine_Loop //list of lines
17.Caption=NodeMemCell //memory cell
18.Caption=NodeEventLauncher //event launcher
19.Caption=NodeSound //sound
20.Caption=Event //abstract event

What means Node ?

I need help for this:


As I promised, I'm working on russian and belarusian languages for the simulator.
In this topic, I will ask questions during the translation.

At the moment I'm working on the Russian language, and I have some questions.

1) Some phrases do not have enough space in the buttons. What can i do? Use reductions, or?
2) Almost everything need to translate, I try to translate using the words in such a way they are used in our language. Is it Ok? Or a literal translation would be more understandable?

Moderators, please move the topic to the desired section, or leave here if I have made it in the right place.
The place is correct, I've only modified the topic.

Screeny / Odp: Wasze filmy z symkiem w roli głównej
« dnia: 21 Maja 2011, 00:15:51 »


Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 21 Maja 2011, 11:06:20 »
Mglisty, zimny poranek.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 19 Maja 2011, 00:37:41 »
Ok, i get it. I'll try.
I am very pleased that I could something to help, it will allow me to pay a small portion to my favorite simulator.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 19 Maja 2011, 00:15:20 »
As I know, there's no one working on the Russian translation.
Ok, i can do it. Hows it working? Just rename words in "lang" file?

That's why You should do the Belarusian translation also :)
I like the way You thinking. And i totally agree with You.

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 18 Maja 2011, 22:05:04 »
EU06 z pociągiem osobowym.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 18 Maja 2011, 22:11:11 »
Does someone works on the Russian translation?
Belarusian translation is not very important, because even at home, this language is very reduced. And it is very sad.

PS. Bielaruskaja mova hučyć prykladna voś tak . Mnie zdajecca,  šmat jakija slovy paliaki pavinny razumieć z bielaruskaj movy. Hetak ža,  bielaruskaja mova maje jak lacinskaje,  tak i kiryličnaj napisannie. (Belarusian language goes something like this. I think many Poles should understand the words of the Belarusian language. Likewise, the Belarusian language has both Latin and Cyrillic writing.)

Screeny / Odp: Galeria screenów.
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 15:37:27 »
ET41-181 z pociągiem towarowym.

   « Dodano: 16 Maja 2011, 22:49:58 »
EP09 z pociągiem Intercity.

   « Dodano: 17 Maja 2011, 22:25:51 »

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 21:47:45 »
Ok, i get it ^^
Thanks for help ;)

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 15:52:47 »
I already posted two of my screens in gallery ;) Resolution is high.

I watched the last post in the gallery was on 9th of May, I make screenshots almost every day. I can post them, even if the previous post was also from me?

That is why I asked about the author's theme, that would not clutter up the main theme.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 15:32:33 »
Ok, i will use compression :)

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Belarus is here!
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 15:07:40 »
Hi Quark-t!
Many thanks for the fast reply.
Ah so, my screens all 300+ kb : (
Hm, can i use http://www.flickr.com/ and make (240 x 112) previews? :) If not, for sure i will follow the rules.
I ask because I have all my screenshots at flickr.

PS. For sure i can make translation in Russian or Belarusian, it's not a problem.
Show that you want me to translate, and i'll try ;)

EU07 Simulator English forum / Belarus is here!
« dnia: 16 Maja 2011, 14:31:32 »
First: Thank you for approve my registration, especially REWIZOR for helping me.

Hello, my dear Polish neighbors. My name is Pavel, I'm from Belarus. I love the Polish railways for a long time, and has been long following the project "EU07". I know Dz.U. 2005 nr 172 poz. 1444  very well and read a lot of material about polish railways :)
I have a question:

I'm doing a lot of screenshots. Can I create my own topic in "screens"? Or i must create my screens topic here, in "English Speaking members"?

So sorry that I can not talk to you in your native language. I understand  Polish language very well, and know how to read well in Polish, because Belarussian and Polish languages are very similar, but to say something to me – very hard ..)

I really want to be with you in this community.

Pavel Dvorak.

Strony: [1]