Autor Wątek:  Head Tracking  (Przeczytany 7498 razy)

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Offline Greno Zee

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Head Tracking
« dnia: 13 Lipca 2007, 15:11:33 »
Believe it or not, until recently I didn't even know anything like this exists. But once I found out, I immediately thought of MaSzyna (well, MSFS first :P )
This is the right answer to increasing the driving experience, especially in the smaller cabins.
For those as ignorant as I am, we're talking about a software that analyzes input from your web cam. You are in the picture with some kind of recognizable feature on your head. As you move your head, the software recognizes the position and issues mouse/joystick input accordingly.

This is a freeware but requires you to build a four LED construction to put on your head:
You also need additional software to simulate mouse.

Here is a 15$ commercial one with a slightly limited trial, where you just print out the label and off you go:

I'll add some impressions once I test it!

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Head Tracking
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 28 Lipca 2007, 14:15:08 »
or i'm missing some point or...

Lets's say that when i turn my  head (left or right) i won't be facing toward to my screen? so in that way I'll need to buy aditional screens and place them all around myself , right ?
so it's not $15.... id couple thousents for screens and $15 for license... :D

untill i miss something

but idea is great.
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Head Tracking
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 28 Lipca 2007, 14:22:58 »
Very interesting project :D Anybody know how to make an IR filter?
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Head Tracking
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 28 Lipca 2007, 15:08:34 »
Cytat: "mechatronik"
Very interesting project :D Anybody know how to make an IR filter?

You can make it from a photographic plate. Simply cut some of the plate and use it as a filter. And as for Track IR similar devices: check out Freelook - (100% freeware ;) ) . It requires a webcam and a bright point (a LED - you can use IR with IR filter on the camera or simple visual spectrum LED, you can also use a piece of tin foil). It supports any game with mouse look so I suppose it should work with MaSzyna.
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