Autor Wątek:  MaSzyna Operation Guide  (Przeczytany 149704 razy)

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Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 12:57:47 »
Here you will find a summary of all the controls I was able to collect plus additional driving practices and procedures. If you see anything wrong here, please post so ;) Also, note that I don’t know anything about actual train driving and terminology so the translations of certain controls and such are pure dictionary links without any knowledge what the damn thing really is :P. I have also used some translations as found in the readme.txt in EU07-160704-unoff.
Texts in this size are my personal comments based on my own experience and are no guarantee to comply with actual functionality and design intentions of MaSzyna.

Note: capital letter means the key is to be used while holding the SHIFT key
Non-driving controls
ESC -> pause, all controls locked
F1 –> shows current time
F2 –> shows various information about train (polish original seems to suggest this works for any train if you’re close enough but I could get this working only for the human driven train)
F3 -> pause (I haven’t been able to use this key – ESC worked fine)
F4 –> leave/enter the cabin
F6 –> speeds the time up (only in debug mode)
F7 –> toggle scenery shown as wireframe
F8 –> shows FPS
F10 -> exit simulator
1, 2, 3... -> scenery definition keys (non locked)

Loco driving
All loco types
J j –> turn battery on/off
d r –> reverser forwards/backwards
a A -> horn low/high frequency
s -> sand
ENTER -> antilock braking system + sand

The following are numeric keypad keys. The NUMLOCK must be on for numbers.
+ - -> main controller add/reduce power
1 7 -> increase/decrease the aid brake
3 9 -> increase/decrease the main brake
4 -> main brake to running position
0 -> main brake emergency braking, main brake line pressure release
. -> main brake quick release, main brake line pressure overload
8 5 2 -> main brake valve braking positioning (I suppose these set the brake to certain predefined positions)
6 -> release loco brake (leaves the brakes of the cars on)

b B -> brake response delay switch freight/passenger
SPACE ->alert/train self braking system reset

Q (@) -> autopilot; locks the keyboard (The original documentation states Q to be the control, an English translation from EU07-160704-unoff says it’s @, I couldn’t get any results with either – well, not that I tried really hard…)

M m –> turn the main circuit on/off
O o –> raise/lower the rear pantograph
P p –> raise/lower the front pantograph
X x –> turn the voltage converter (ventilators) on/off
C c –> turn the compressor on/off
F f -> current overload relay switch (high/low)
n -> electric engine current overload fuse reset
G g -> driver selectable automatic startup trigger current switch, on/off (only if defined in *.chk file)

The following are numeric keypad keys:
/ * -> field shunt

M m –> turn ignition on/off
The following are numeric keypad keys.
/ * -> shift gear up/down on this sequence: 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4 where 0 means neutral. Some locos, like SN61, actually shift automatically.

As far as I know, it’s not yet even possible to design steam locos for MaSzyna.

+ -> your side
- -> opposite side
Equipped only with aid brake.

INS –> connect loco to the nearest* cars
DEL –> disconnect loco from the nearest* cars
Please, refer to the section OPERATION PROCEDURES to learn how to perform these tasks correctly.

t T –> turn end lights of the nearest* train on/off (I haven’t been able to use this control; it might require the functionality to be available on the cars or so…)
y Y –> previous/next left light position (3 positions: red/off/white)
u U –> previous/next top light position (2 positions: off/on)
i I –> previous/next right light position (3 positions: red/off/white)
Note: turning any of the red lights on seems to turn them both on. Also, I have noticed some locos having different mapping of these keys (like the U key controlled the right light and the I key the top one) so the best way to control the lights is from outside while looking at the loco.

Driver experience
ARROWS -> move the eye around the cabin - when inside or scenery - when outside
PAGEUP PAGEDN -> move the eye up and down
SHIFT CTRL -> when outside, in speeds up the motion controls
HOME END ->move to other compartments of the loco(s)

Special controls
These controls are reserved for loco developers and their usage depends on what the authors choose
[ and { -> universal 1 (ex: window, door…)
] and } –> universal 2 (ex: window, door…)
; and : -> universal 3 (ex: a switch button…)
‘ and “ –> universal 4 (ex: a ventilator…)
H h -> Turn the train heating on/off

Environment controls
T t -> change a switch seting. You have to fly close to a switch you want to set. Don't use this if on a mission, you might break the events.

Unknown controls
z –> I really don’t know. It works only if defined in .mmd file and the best translation I could come up with is: "shows the current of the second module"

* - only cars up to 500 m away from the human controlled loco and and located on the same track as the loco.

Signals and Signs
It is essential to know at least the basics of signalling on polish railways. The best reference site I could find is here : Railway Signs and Signals of Great Britain - Links. Links to many sites, including 2 Polish ones.

Driving EU07 class
While there may be some loco dependant differences, I’m sure the description for EU07 class loco is enough to get you started on all other electric locos:
Turn the batteries on {SHIFT + j}.
Use reverser to select desired direction of travel {d/r}.
Reset train self braking system {SPACE}.
The pantograph needs to be up. If not, raise it (I believe the rear one is to be used on polish rails {SHIFT + o}).
Turn the main circuit on {SHIFT + m}.
Turn the voltage converter on {SHIFT + x}.
Turn the compressor on {SHIFT + c}.
Check the manometer to see if the main brake line pressure is 0.5MPa.
Use reverser to select desired direction of travel {d/r}.
Rotate master controller wheel to first position {NumPad "+"}.
Wait for about 1 sec or so until the orange light lights up on the control panel. Once this happens, rotate the master controller to a higher setting observing the current and avoiding wheel slippage.
Too high of a current may trip the current overload fuse. In case the current overload fuse is tripped, rotate master controller back to position 0, reset the overload fuse {n}.
A similar procedure is carried out when power cutoff switch is tripped due to voltage line surges as well as when there is a momentary loss of voltage in the supply line.
In the event of wheel slippage, decrease master controller setting and apply a bit of sand {s}, or use the antilock braking system {ENTER}.
Once the locomotive reaches a certain speed where the engine current drops to lower levels, set the master controller into non-resistor setting. This is done by rotating master controller into a position where the orange light is turned off. There are only two non-resistant positions, first approximately halfway through the full rotation, while the second one is at the maximum master controller setting.  Once the master controller is at one of these positions further acceleration/driving can be accomplished by using field shunts {NumPad /}.
Note: Driving locomotive for prolong periods of time should only be done at non-resistive settings otherwise overheating to resistor network may occur.
Furthermore, the closest non-resistor setting can quickly be set by pressing SHIFT along with a master controller key.

While driving locomotive without any cars attached it is best to use a pneumatic aid brakes instead of main brakes, in all other cases use main brakes. The pneumatic aid brake provides much faster response (but on the locomotive only).
Note: Releasing main brakes on a long train may take a while. Moving the main brake handle all the way to the right for no more than few seconds will shorten the release process. In reality, the Oerlicon brake system has a safety valve that prevents an overload of the main brake line. For now this option is not available, so be careful.
In the running main brake handle position the pressure in the brake line should always stay at 0.5 MPa.

EU07 class locomotives have Bo'Bo' wheel configuration.  Its continuous power is 2000kW. The maximum design speed is 125km/h.

Driving SN61 class
Again, following this checklist should get you started on all other diesel locos:
Turn the batteries on {SHIFT + j}.
Use reverser to set the direction {d/r}.
Rotate master controller handle to first position {NumPad "+"}.
Having master controller handle set to first position, engage the starter {SHIFT + m}.
Once the engine starts successfully move the master controller handle to the next setting, idle position. In this position and above positions compressor is loading pressure.
To start moving, rotate master controller handle one more position. This should be done when all of the train’s brakes have been released. On this setting the SN61 diesel motor unit will be riding the clutch, therefore do not use this setting as permanent driving setting.
Once the speed of 7…8km/h is reached rotate the master controller handle to the next position. There are 5 normal driving positions.  Gears change automatically.

Summary of master controller positions:
0: shut down
1: ignition
2: idle
3: partly engaged clutch
4: 1
5: 2
6: 3
7: 4
8: 5
First position opens throttle to 15% while last position is fully open, 100%.
This and other passenger diesel locos have usually small cabins and it’s difficult to keep visual reference to your panel – making setting the master controller to idle position no easy task. This works for me: use SHIFT + NumPad "-" to set the master controller to 0 (shut down) position and quickly hit NumPad "+" twice. This puts you to the desired setting and the engine doesn’t shut down that fast.

SN61 is a B'2' diesel motor unit that has been used in the past as a commuter train.  It consists of 370kW engine and its design speed is 100 km/h.

The basic rule to couple is that your loco must be as close to the cars as possible for the coupling to succeed. While I managed to couple by just stopping right on the cars, this usually leads to your loco bouncing off so the following procedure is a sure to work one..

Drive the loco next to the cars, leave the cabin {F4} and fly to the coupler of the first car. Then you'll need to put a little pressure on the coaches (master contoller on 1st position). Once the bumpers touch and the loco stops, couple the consist {INS twice} (I’ve been in fact able to trigger some action by hitting this key up to 4 times – with some impressive visual and sound effects ;) ; on the contrary, this works only with the EXE released by youBy and seems to cause sometimes MaSzyna to crash when used). Turn the master controller off {SHIFT + NumPad "-"}, return to the loco {F4} and go on with the mission.

Walk to the cabin facing the cars {HOME/END}. Use {NumPad 5} to brake. Once the pressure stabilizes, release the loco brakes {NumPad 6}. Drive the loco towards the cars until it stops moving (use master controller position 2). Engage the aid brakes {NumPad 1 twice} and turn the master controller off {SHIFT + NumPad "-"}. Leave the cabin {F4} and move to within 1m from the coupler. Uncouple {DELETE twice}. Move back to the cabin {F4}, release the aid brake {SHIFT + NumPad 7} and off you go.

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Offline Bartek

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 13:14:33 »
Well done again! Thank you indeed :)
Pozdrawiam z Gdyni Wielkiego Kacka,

Offline BLAcKboY

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 13:22:28 »
The basic rule to couple is that your loco must be as close to the cars as possible for the coupling to succeed. While I managed to couple by just stopping right on the cars, this usually leads to your loco bouncing off so the following procedure is a sure to work one..
Drive your loco from the cabin that faces the cars {HOME/END}. Move to the cars until you touch them (at low speed that is). The loco will probably bounce back a bit. Set the master controller to position 1 and once the orange light turns on, to position 2. Once you touch the cars again and the loco is certainly in contact with the cars, put the pneumatic aid brake to position 2 {NumPad 1 twice}.Turn the master controller off {SHIFT + NumPad “-“} and leave the cabin {F4}. Fly to within 1m from the coupler and Couple the cars {INSERT twice}. I’ve been in fact able to trigger some action by hitting this key up to 4 times – with some impressive visual and sound effects ;). So I’d say keep coupling as long as anything happens.
Move back to the cabin {F4}, walk to the front cabin and your ready to go. Don’t forget to turn the aid brake off {SHIFT + NumPad 7}.

Isn't it a little bit to complicated? I the latest pack, wich you've recomended you don't have to change the cabin. The simplest way to couple coaches is to drive next to them then get out of a cabin (F4), fly to a coach next to the loco (near atachment of course) then you'll need to put a little pressure on the coaches (master contoller on 1st position) when loco and coach "meets" press "INS" twice and you're done.
My personal favourites: 2TE10, 240 and 750
Fan mjuzjk 1
Fan mjuzjk 2

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 13:51:45 »
This indeed is simplier. As I've mentioned, I don't speak your language and this is what I've been able to understand from different posts concerning this topic. I also must have missed this in the update log for the latest release.
I'll modify the original post but before I do that, I wonder, is it standard RL practice to perform coupling while the loco is pushing against the cars?

Offline BLAcKboY

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 14:09:16 »
Glad I could help.

Well in the real world you have a man doing the couple thing (how do you call that thing???). But I think it's a good idea. Because attachment between loco an coach must be stiff, otherwise ride will be bouncy (in horizontal way). Pressure compress bumpers, so the couple-thing-guy can screw the connection tighter. But I'm not sure if it's used (Rather not).
My personal favourites: 2TE10, 240 and 750
Fan mjuzjk 1
Fan mjuzjk 2

Offline Bartek

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 16:11:53 »
Cytat: "BLAcKboY"
Well in the real world you have a man doing the couple thing (how do you call that thing???).

Coupling :)
Pozdrawiam z Gdyni Wielkiego Kacka,

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 15 Maja 2007, 20:54:30 »
Updated the coupling guide and some minor editting.

Offline Grizebar

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 18 Maja 2007, 19:44:57 »
I find the easiest way to couple is to approach the cars at around 5 kpm and keep hitting the Insert key until locked.

Offline David Seiver

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 18 Maja 2007, 20:03:48 »
Re Steam Engines. I've seen some primitive models of steam locomotives in certain scenes, although they were undrivable. What would be the restrictions to getting these to work in EU07? I would imagine that animating the wheels would not be a problem, but the drive and piston mechanisms may present a programming nighmare. Also, there is no particle engine for smoke and steam, but may be possible. Is any of the dev team considering implimenting steam in the near future, perhaps for the Aurora project?
David Seiver

Offline BLAcKboY

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 18 Maja 2007, 23:03:43 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
t T –> turn end lights of the nearest* train on/off (I haven’t been able to use this control; it might require the functionality to be available on the cars or so…)

You have to be very close to the end of the train (just like with coupling). It haven't worked for me though.
But what's more importaint t T refers to reversers (??? damn again, how do you call those things??? track changers???) When you'll fly close enough to this "rverser" you'll be able to change track. And this works just fine I think that on every scenery in te pack you've linked.
My personal favourites: 2TE10, 240 and 750
Fan mjuzjk 1
Fan mjuzjk 2

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 00:36:57 »
@ David Seiver:
Though I have no idea, I'm guessing you've got the steam issues right.
I've never heard of Aurora project. Do you mean Nebula or is there anything brand new?

@ BLAcKboY
True, I remember reading about the T key being used for changing switches (that's what they're called if we mean the same thing ;) ). But it makes me wonder. Setting of the switches is usually controled by events, wouldn't you actually screw your mission up if you start playing with them around?

Offline David Seiver

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 05:14:55 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
@ David Seiver:
Though I have no idea, I'm guessing you've got the steam issues right.
I've never heard of Aurora project. Do you mean Nebula or is there anything brand new?

Right, Nebula, thanks for the correction. I knew it had something stellar about the name. :)
David Seiver

Offline t0mcioo

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 09:40:26 »
@Greno Zee & @BLAcKboY -> Yes t T is for switches in track junction. (just to confirm and solve yours dubts)
"...sometimes the sound of goodbye is louder than any drum beat..."
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Offline BLAcKboY

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 11:36:00 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
Setting of the switches is usually controled by events, wouldn't you actually screw your mission up if you start playing with them around?

It should. So when you're on a mission don't mess with the switches. But when you've done your mission why shouldin't you play a little bit longer bumping the cars all around ;)

@t0mcioo klawisz T nie ma przedemną żadnych tajemnic :-P

@David Seiver Yup primitive model of Ty2 in a Quark scenery, I thing somebody made it drivable, but it was a long time ago, and I don't think that anybody is thinking seriously about steam engines in this version MaSzyna.
My personal favourites: 2TE10, 240 and 750
Fan mjuzjk 1
Fan mjuzjk 2

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 22 Maja 2007, 21:10:58 »
Added controls for train heating and switching.

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 27 Maja 2007, 01:46:31 »
Added a note on hitting INSERT more than twice during coupling on youBy's EXE causing MaSzyna to crash sometimes.

Offline youBy

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: 27 Maja 2007, 11:55:30 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
Added a note on hitting INSERT more than twice during coupling on youBy's EXE causing MaSzyna to crash sometimes.
Hmm, I do not know why is it.
1 INS -> mechanical coupler
2 INS -> air pipe 5 atm, red - for brakes
3 INS -> air pipe 8 atm, yellow
4 INS -> controll cable (if we have two similar locs, we can controll both)
I think that's not needed pressing twice DEL, but I do not rember now.

z - shows the current of next car, only if: defined in mmd and exist in t3d and in both chk is TYPE=ET41

!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,( - works only, if events are defined in scenery by author. It works in Manewrowo and Moczniki

t T is for switches in track junction
Yes, but only if you have special inc for switch with t/T defined to switch direction in it. T is also for lights/tables, but which model has it?
BTW. y,u,i should work as you wrote, but i.e. EN57 from official package has bad names in t3d

/ * for diesel:
sequence depends on motorparamtable from chk. In SM03 is 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4, but you can also make other one i.e. 0-1-2-3-4-5

Autopilot is Q. In debugmode q switches AI off.

Everything what concers cars in freefly works in radius equal 500m from human car. I mean F2, couplig, decoupling etc.

[for mods]jak coś namieszałem językowo, to poprawcie od razu posta[/for mods]
Powyższy post wyraża jedynie opinię autora w chwili publikacji. Autor zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany poglądów bez podawania przyczyny, jak również informowania o tym.

Offline Greno Zee

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MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: 02 Sierpnia 2007, 17:15:49 »
I wondered whether this thread would be worth pinning...


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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: 29 Października 2007, 21:28:22 »
Hello my frends! I have a problem. I close to the coaches, set up a 2 position of the controler. Then i press 2 times INS key but i can't coupling to them. Can anibody help me?

Greetings from Bulgaria :)

Offline Poscikk

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: 29 Października 2007, 21:44:43 »
If I understand, you can't attach locomotive with carriage, can you?

If it's true:

You must press down locomotive to carriage. To do it, press 4 positions of "power controller".
Then press NumPad 1 few times. "Power" will decrease.
Press F4 key and go close to "connection"
Press two INS two times.

Za sterami 138 godzin 28 minut :)

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: 29 Października 2007, 21:56:16 »
Hello my frends! I have a problem. I close to the coaches, set up a 2 position of the controler. Then i press 2 times INS key but i can't coupling to them. Can anibody help me?

Greetings from Bulgaria :)

Hi :).
What version of "maszyna" did You have?
In older version You must be in locomotive cab to couple or uncouple loco. Of course You must set up the controler for 1, 2 or 3 position and press INS or DEL key. In new version You must go out and be close to coupler.
It's important what version did You have.

The new version You can download from :

Download this files:

All unpack to one folder.

Greetings :).
Autoryzacja: M62, M62Ko, M62M, BR231, BR232, BR233 060DA, TEM2, S200, t448p, SM42, SM30, SM03, SA105, SA108, SA132, SA134
EU07 (4E, 303E), ET21 (3E/1, 3E/1M), ET22, 111Ed, E4MSU, ES64F4, E186, E189, E140, E181, E182, E183, ET40, EN57, EN57AKW, EN76


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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: 29 Października 2007, 22:24:04 »
Thanks. :)

Offline kebaplover

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 04:07:46 »
Hi :D

How can I open the doors on the right side of the EN57? I manage to open the left ones with ";" but i cannot find it's right equivalent! o.O

thank you!

ps. how do I insert smilies? (It is possible?)
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Offline eu07_304

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 07:31:26 »

It's not possible to insert smiles here.

You can open lefs doors by Shift+< , close with < , right doors by shift+> , close by >. You can sound end signal by ?.


Offline kebaplover

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 13:26:02 »
i guess that the polish keyboard layout is different from the italian one... In fact i open left doors with ";" and I close them with ","... "<" and ">" doesn't work... I guess I'll have to find their equivalents on the IT keyboard ...

Well, thank you!
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Offline tof63

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #25 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 14:48:54 »
Polish keybord:

Italian keyboard:

Offline kebaplover

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #26 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 15:28:55 »
ciao compaesano luigi! :D

After seeing Tof's layout pictures, I think that our friend eu07_304 has mixed things up a bit:

You can open lefs doors by Shift+< , close with < , right doors by shift+> , close by >. You can sound end signal by ?.

in fact: shift + < is ">" and shift + > doesn't exist... because > is already  shift + < !  ;)
I once tried the < > keys (in fact i think I tried every possible key combination wih shift + "key") some time ago but they didn't work... i could still, as i said, opend the left doors with ";" and close them with "," , thus i  managed to open the left ones once, but i don't know how i did that...
Hope someone can help me. :)

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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #27 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 15:43:19 »
You can open lefs doors by Shift+< , close with < , right doors by shift+> , close by >. You can sound end signal by ?.
This could make sense with the US keyboard layout in mind:


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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #28 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 15:46:01 »

looking on my keyboard a can see, that 304 is right. I have the same layout as him. But there is no problem after all.
Looking at Tofs layouts (those first ones), the answer is:
Left door: Open (;) Close (,)
Right door: Open (:) Close (.)
Door warning signal: (-)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 24 Listopada 2007, 15:49:00 wysłana przez BLAcKboY »
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Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: 24 Listopada 2007, 15:49:54 »
Ok then if you are using the Us layout everything seems to fit... the problem is that doors did not open with . or : neither...
it is better to shut up and give the impression of being stupid, rather than talk and confirm it