Polska wersja

List of vehicles in which the "universals" work and detailed functions which they perform. Below is a description of the abbreviations:
GL - Gauge Lights
TL - Timetable Lights
CL - Cab Light
U0 ... U9 - Universal 0 - Universal 9

181_v1GL, CL
303e_v1GL, CL, U0: Battery switch door U1: Window, U2: Door,
4e_v14e, 4e-ep-tv, 4e-ep-zez, 4e-tv: GL, U1: Window, U2: Door,
4e-ep, 4e-zez: GL, U1: Sun Shade, U2: Window
br285_v1GL, CL, U1: Secondman's sun-shade, U2: Driver's sun-shade
IMPORTANT 0 - turn on/off the onboard computer, 9 - turn on/off the radio screen
ed72_v1GL, U2: Window
elf_v1GL, CL, Dashboard Illumination, U1: Sun screen, U2,3: Windows, U4-7: Equipment rack doors
ep05_v2GL, U2: window
ep07_v1GL, U1: left window, U2: right window
ep09_v1GL, Cab Lamp, U2: sun shade
et22_v2GL, U1: Sun Shade, U2: window
et22-2000_v2GL, CL
IMPORTANT 0 - turn on/off the onboard computer
et40_v1U2: Window
et41_v2GL, U1: window
et42_v2GL, U1: Sun Shade, U2: Window,
IMPORTANT 0 - Turn on the controls (speedometer, gauges)
eu04_v1U1: Window right, U2: Window left, U3: Gaugelights, U4: Handbrake handle
eu05_v2U2: Window, U3: Gaugelights
m62_mod_v1U3: Radio screen backlight, GL
sm40_v1U2: Right Window, GL
sm41_v1U2: Right Window, GL
sm42_v1GL, U4: Fan
sp42_v1GL, U4: Fan
su45_v2GL, U1: Sun Shade, U4: Fan
st44_v1GL, U1: Driver-side window U2: Windcatcher on the driver-side window
st45_v1GL, U1: Sun Shade left, U2: Sun Shade right, U4: Fan
su46_v2GL, U1: Sun Shade, U2: Window, U4: Fan

Extract from Key Functions - just in case:

Key Function Note / Comment
; Gauge lights switch -
' Cab light switch -
1 Toggle for Universal 1 -
2 Toggle for Universal 2 -
3 Toggle for Universal 3 -
4 Toggle for Universal 4 -
5 Toggle for Universal 5 -
Toggle for Universal 6 -
7 Toggle for Universal 7 -
8 Toggle for Universal 8 -
9 Toggle for Universal 9 -
0 Toggle for Universal 10 -
List author: libertyn89.
Update: Maciej, kolejarz2009
English translation: kolejarz2009