i see from your web site you use 3dmax for modelling, Do you have any plugins or support/info for 3rd party creations? eg UK loco & Freight wagons
Some corrections after Tom Gmyrek posting:
There are scripts for 3dsmax or gmax (for 3dsmax use is more convenient). You may download and unzip these scripts to the
3dsmax/scripts folder and run
main.ms under 3dsmax environment.
Click on
Export t3d button if you want to convert 3dsmax model to
*.t3d text file format used by current version of simulator.
Note, that you need some modification before exporting, for example
wheels should be continuosly numbered (wheel01 wheel02 wheel03 etc),
orientation of wheel or other animated parts origin is also important.
Of course root hierarchy of submodel is requirded.
Feel free to ask about other details - there is no english translation
of models/scenery documentation due to the program developing stage.
yourtype.t3d model and the apriopriate textures should be placed
somewhere in /dynamic folder, for example
This file must be assisted by yourtype.chk text file with physical characteristics and yourtype.mmd with multimedia definitions (models, sounds, animations etc) - both files have together similar function like MSTS .eng file.
You can use other files (for example Eaos.*) as an example for editing
new (hope that keywords which are abbreviations of english words are
enough self-explanatory).
I apologise for my grammar, I hope that Tom Gmyrek will correct
my english ;-)