I have a set of questions from different areas. I wish to bring them up in one thread and if i get lucky enough to receive an answer, I'll organize it and pass logically to the related topics.
[*]What's the deal with SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys
There are numerous tracks instructing the driver to use one of these keys. I was never able to make this work - at least to my best knowledge. I always stand somewhere in front of a red light untill I decide I've had enough and quit.
So, is this effected by your regional settings? I've tired my belgian keyboard, my English UK and English US and nothing.
Could it also have anything to do with the fact that I use a laptop?
And finally, why do some tracks need this and some don't?
[*]I have noticed on some EMUs one can open and close the door. All I can do is control the left side door. On my belgian keybord "?" opens the door, "," closes it ("?" is SHIFT+"," and physically lays where english has got the M key). On english UK it's "<" and ",". There is not one single key anywhere that would open the right side door. How do I do that?
[*]In Dynamic\PKP there's the dynamic.dat. Why isn't there one in every subfolder of Dynamic? Or why isn't the dynamic.dat straight in the Dynamic folder.
[*]In the SCN files (btw, quite unlucky choice of extension) I see the include dirrective. I've seen in other files as well. Can I include files only down the structure or can I reference as well up - like ..\SomeFolder\SomeFile.inc?
I hope someone can answer at least some of these questions. Thanks in advance!