Autor Wątek:  Help need on explaining CHK file  (Przeczytany 7568 razy)

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Offline Tade(HUN)

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Help need on explaining CHK file
« dnia: 09 Maja 2009, 11:14:21 »


Chciałbym prosić o pomoc. Chcę wykonać węgierski silnik do gry, ale i nie wiedzieć, że. chk co łania to znaczyć.
Niech on będzie miły ktoś zapisuje to że z czerwonym jeden oprawił, co informują na obrazie, i liczby jakiego rodzaju środki, i jak dużo tam musieć być.
Pomoc naprzód dziękuję bardzo!


I would like to ask help. I want to do a Hungarian engine into the game, but i don't know, that .chk what doe it mean.
Let him be kind somebody writes it down, that with the red one framed, what are reported on the picture, and the numbers what kind of measures, and how much there have to be.
The help ahead thank you very much!
The picture above.

Offline Driver24

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Odp: Help need on explaining CHK file
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 24 Maja 2009, 13:02:00 »
Hello Tede!
I try to help you, but i don't now everything what's all positions mean i chk file.
PWR - power of your locomotive in KM
SandCap- Sand Capacity.
Dimension- Long, Height ,Width Cx-air resistance factor of your train.
D- Dimension of your wheel, Ad and Bd is spacing tenon, Rmin-the radius of turn.
And Brakes, its difficult. About brake i try ask my colleague, and answer :]
Security system: its easy to understand.
Light: light in your train, LmaxCurrent=100 - max of electric current in [A]
Engine: Trans=15:68- transmision, in Eu07=18:79 Ftmax is engine strength in newton's [N]
MotorParamTable - technical parameters of train motor.

In english is difficult to explain. This chk is from ST44-diesel train, so I don't have experience in this type of train.
Better guy who know a lot of this type of train is @YB. Maybe you can ask him.
So, have a nice weekend,
I wish you luck.
Partia "Ruch poparcia Twarożka" ;) wcześniej Stowarzyszenie Wąchaczy Kota

Offline Tade(HUN)

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Odp: Help need on explaining CHK file
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 24 Maja 2009, 16:05:46 »

Thank you for the help! :)

I would have a question yet:
A program in which it is possible to construct it exists .chk?

Offline ShaXbee

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Odp: Help need on explaining CHK file
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 09 Września 2009, 10:42:33 »
Unfortunately such tool dont exist yet.