Hello Tede!
I try to help you, but i don't now everything what's all positions mean i chk file.
PWR - power of your locomotive in KM
SandCap- Sand Capacity.
Dimension- Long, Height ,Width Cx-air resistance factor of your train.
D- Dimension of your wheel, Ad and Bd is spacing tenon, Rmin-the radius of turn.
And Brakes, its difficult. About brake i try ask my colleague, and answer :]
Security system: its easy to understand.
Light: light in your train, LmaxCurrent=100 - max of electric current in [A]
Engine: Trans=15:68- transmision, in Eu07=18:79 Ftmax is engine strength in newton's [N]
MotorParamTable - technical parameters of train motor.
In english is difficult to explain. This chk is from ST44-diesel train, so I don't have experience in this type of train.
Better guy who know a lot of this type of train is @YB. Maybe you can ask him.
So, have a nice weekend,
I wish you luck.