Autor Wątek:  ET42 bug - Electric current distribution is broken :/  (Przeczytany 2973 razy)

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ET42 bug - Electric current distribution is broken :/
« dnia: 12 Września 2022, 00:39:11 »
Hello everyone,

I noticed one strange thing on ET42 locomotive kind of related to train heating bug I have reported recently. It seems when you raise only rear pantograph, current values on series-parallel and parallel are only half of what they should be. For instance I have rear pantograph raised up, I am driving on parallel notch (38) drawing 400A per motor group, so I would expect 1600A being drawn from overhead lines, but only 800A is being drawn as seen in debug mode. (Sreenshot attachment)

I know, that ET42 has special "granny" mode (which can be activated by Ctrl+F) where you can connect all 8 traction motors into series so you can reach faster resistor-less notch for heavy trains or cruise at low speeds without using resistor notches. Here actually one bug resolves another bug, because there is twice more current being drawn in this "granny" mode, and rear pantograph only halves current, so 0.5 * 2 = 1 and fixes that unless you raise front pantograph.

If my understandment is correct, ET42 has those motor (groups) connections:

All series (8S ; 375V per motor) = S // Which I call in paragraph above "granny" mode
Series-parallel (2P 4S ; 750V per motor) = SP
Parallel (4P 2S ; 1500V per motor)  = P

So I tested all connections and pantograph combinations at 200A seen on traction motors ammeter for both rear and front section and here are the results.

Rear pantograph only:

S: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 200 A ; OK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; NOK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; NOK

Front pantograph:

S: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 200 A ; NOK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; OK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; OK

Both pantographs

S: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 200 A ; NOK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; OK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; OK

As again, I would be happier if I could post those findings written in Polish, however as Czech user it would be tragedy to write in PL or have this processed by Google translator :D , so I will remain posting my finding in English.

Best regards,
Pesimist sees darkness in the tunnel
Optimist sees light at the of the tunnel
Realist knows they are in the middle of the tunnel
Locomotive driver sees three idiots on track