Autor Wątek:  Status  (Przeczytany 21025 razy)

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« dnia: 21 Października 2005, 23:46:29 »

I was wondering how that status are on the sim, and on the site.. It is so long time ago that we have seen anything from you.

Hope to hear from you.

Best regards


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« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 28 Listopada 2005, 16:27:09 »

I am wondering too. New program version, scenarios have been announced for the spring 2005, but nothing.
The site in English is not available either. It was told to be a server replacement problem, but it is nearly a year ago.

It is a pity, because the EU07 is one of the best railway simulator programs I know. I hope, the Polish friends did not give up the work, they started with developing the simulator.

Best regards:



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Re: Status
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 28 Listopada 2005, 20:25:25 »
Cytat: "condor-9"

I was wondering how that status are on the sim, and on the site.. It is so long time ago that we have seen anything from you.

Sim is dead because 'Polish friends' are too dumb to make anything together :/


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« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 02 Grudnia 2005, 10:37:45 »
Hi all,
why you don't publish the Nebula source code on Sourceforge?
Perhaps someone will be interested to continue the develop of this fantastic train simulator...

Sim is dead

is very sad!!! :'(


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« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 02 Grudnia 2005, 15:30:15 »
DO NON LET EU07 DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 02 Grudnia 2005, 18:44:31 »
Cytat: "Anonymous"
Hi all,
why you don't publish the Nebula source code on Sourceforge?
Perhaps someone will be interested to continue the develop of this fantastic train simulator...

it's on, svn


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« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 13 Grudnia 2005, 16:00:04 »
Hmm.. i very sorry to hear that the project are droped because of that the team could not work as a team..

anyway, i dont think that the link that you gave us are working.. :(

Offline bve2

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« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 13 Grudnia 2005, 18:22:29 »
Ofcourse it's working!
Here is the link.Enjoy...

Offline Bartek

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« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 25 Grudnia 2005, 20:04:03 »
We all hope that the project will be still developed...

For the time being, a great suprise for all of us - new screens from MaSzyna 2 (ex Nebula).

They can be found in this thread -

Pozdrawiam z Gdyni Wielkiego Kacka,


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« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 06 Kwietnia 2006, 21:12:44 »
Is there any usable new version of the simulator? When we'll can try the new nebula version?


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« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 02 Grudnia 2006, 18:05:54 »
Hi there..

Are there any news? Is the sim still under development?

Offline Bartek

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« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 02 Grudnia 2006, 19:49:34 »
Still and neverending developement...

Recently there has been a release of the ET42 loco - you can find it in the Vehicles section of this forum ("Tabor" in Polish).

Also there are some vehicles improvements, some routes are developed - all this stuff is published on the forum (Tabor - vehicles, Trasy - routes).

However no remarkable updates of the sim's engine have been recently published.
Pozdrawiam z Gdyni Wielkiego Kacka,

Offline Grizebar

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« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 03 Grudnia 2006, 16:28:08 »
You could grab the SVN update files from BeriOS, but I've been told these are not current. I would like to see this Open Source distribution method re-established, if a t all possible. Perhaps if the dev team would consder 'hiring' other developers to work with the current team.


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« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 01 Stycznia 2007, 22:14:41 »
Any news about the simulator?

Offline Greno Zee

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« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 26 Kwietnia 2007, 21:47:40 »
Hey everyone!
I've been browsing through these forums for about 3 months now and while not being Polish, my mother language, czech, allows me to partially understand what goes on and I've gotta tell you, there's a lot.
I hope to find the time to put up some summaries of the latest updates, links and possibly put up some documentation, especially on track creation.
I in fact find it a bit pitty that this project is so little known because I consider it the best train simulation ever. For one, it totally beat in my eyes BVE, which is really popular (not speaking of MSTS, Trainz etc.).
Also, creation of setup packages being part of my job, I plan to try to put up some sort of installer if anyone would be interested.

For now, thank to the polish team for bringing out this already #1 train simulator, even though they mostly seem to have abandoned it for Nebula

Offline David Seiver

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« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 05:28:14 »
Nebula looks promising. I played around with what was available and the graphics are much better than EU07 original. The physics engine is also enhanced. Train derailments and crashes are possible, not recommended but fun.

David Seiver