Autor Wątek:  I want to make something for Maszyna  (Przeczytany 13943 razy)

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Offline IXIAI

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I want to make something for Maszyna
« dnia: 10 Lipca 2016, 21:14:15 »
Hallo railfans!

I'm Angelo from Italy, I love trains since I was a little child and I like Maszyna because it makes me feel like a train driver...and also because it's free :-)
I like playing with resistors and shunts on a light commuter train or on a heavy freight train.

Well, now I want to make something for this wonderful simulator; just a house and an easy two-kilometers railway.

Could anyone help me, please?
I've made 3D models for years; my avatar is a train that I made for Trainz Simulator.

Angelo - Parlo italiano

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 10 Lipca 2016, 22:08:41 »
Hello and welcome to our forum.
You need blender or 3ds max for mesh export.
Scripts for 3ds are here:
For blender here:,26905.msg411233.html#msg411233
Our simulator uses model i "t3d" format that accepts only mesh and free spot light objects. Standard materials, one texture with dimensions of multiplied two per object. Every model have to have set hierachy of objects. And that all basics needed for static models. Maybe further explaing of how phases of rendering works and how to set animations will be required, but there'll be time for it if you'll get stuck on any issues.
As for railway building, 3ds max allows you to make almost everything besides proper track geometry. Almost all of our sceneries were made in 3ds max. Rainsted editor is better for track construcion and have built in tools for recreation of the real one such as satelite map background and numeric terrain models, but supports only polish services that provides them.
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Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 10:46:38 »
Hi Stele,

Thank you for your answer.
Sorry, I can't understand what you wrote about textures.

I'll tell you if I do something good.
Angelo - Parlo italiano

Offline Stele

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 11:53:34 »
I mean that every textures dimentions have to be power of two. 2^n to be properly displayed by every graphic card. And thay you can only use one texture per object as t3d format doesn't support  texture channels.
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Offline Lelek

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 15:05:00 »
you don't have to do only models. Guys from there are preparing for simulator Czech locomotive 163, which is also used in Italy like E.630. When you will make photos for textures and send them to forum, I'm sure that the devs will be happy. Recently was also released model of TRAXX, so you can do textures of some Italian carrier.
If there is some community of people playing MaSzyna in Italy, or you are thinking rail fans in Italy could be interested, you can write Italian documentation for sim. In folder sounds, you can find TXT files with name ending with -en. This are files for English subtitles. You can translate them to Italian and save them with end -it, to have Italian subtitles.
Here is some post from another Italian fan. Maybe you can try to contact him and start to cooperate. He wasn't on forum about two years, but when you will write him Personal Massage, maybe forum will send him email and he will come back.

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 15:13:05 »
He wasn't on forum about two years, but when you will write him Personal Massage, maybe forum will send him email and he will come back.
The better solution is to use an email address.

Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 19:46:04 »

Stele: ok, that's like in Microsoft Train Simulator.

Lelek: I know that there's an Italian manual here,16751.0.html

Unfortunately, all the E.630 left Italy in 2010, so I can't take photos; but I could draw them.
Is there a TRAXX for Maszyna wich is not the E.186? In Italy we have only E.483 and E.189 - indeed I don't know what are differences between 186 and 189, maybe they're very similar.

Well, I'll start with the Italian subtitles. I'll end in a week, I hope.
I'll also write him.

Angelo - Parlo italiano

Offline Stele

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 11 Lipca 2016, 20:07:12 »
The difference between us and MSTS is, that we use replacable skins for vehicles models and every model can have only up to 4 textures in one set. That's main issue when it comes to conversion.
Our Traxx is closest to E483 when it comes to phisics, but represents every version for now, before someone will make modifications to get separate models. E189 is completly different loco made by different company. Only similarities are in hull shape, cab design and maybe some internal parts. One of our overworked devs works on it, but it won't have cab for now so will be unplayable, as we doesn't have needed blueprints for accurate model or modelers with spare time as sadly every one of us have dozen or more started projects.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 11 Lipca 2016, 20:08:13 wysłana przez Stele »
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Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 13 Lipca 2016, 09:47:59 »

Done! I made all 189 subtitles in Italian! Now I have to solve a small problem, then I'm going to share all.

See you soon!
Angelo - Parlo italiano

Offline MaciejM

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 13 Lipca 2016, 15:19:41 »
What's the problem? Please pack all subtitles in rar/7z/zip and upload by this page ( matching bugs- prefix.
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Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 13 Lipca 2016, 15:26:40 »
In Italian there are accent marks (à, è, ì, ò, ù, é...) and Maszyna doesn't read them; I have to replace them with apostrophes.

Thank you for your explanation, I'll use that when I end.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 13 Lipca 2016, 15:27:45 wysłana przez IXIAI »
Angelo - Parlo italiano

Offline matek123

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 13 Lipca 2016, 15:44:36 »
If You check test-pefix, your pack will automatic public in test addons. If you check bugs-, you had to copy link, and make past in this topic/
Poszukuję zdjęć na tekstury pociągów sieciowych. Szczególnie platform z pomostami.

Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 14 Lipca 2016, 22:19:39 »
Thank you, Matek.

Tomorrow I go on holidays, I'll work on subtitles in august.

See you!
Angelo - Parlo italiano

Offline IXIAI

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Odp: I want to make something for Maszyna
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 28 Sierpnia 2016, 11:08:17 »
Angelo - Parlo italiano