2. How can I understand the route details as to what I have to do and where all do I have to halt and drive back?
It's very hard to understand Polish radiotelephone commands. Because of that we've prepared English, Czech and Hungarian subtitles for all radiothelephone commands. If you want to turn subtitles on you have to find
eu07.ini file, open in (using e.g. notepad), find line
lang pl and change
pl into
// Parametry użytkowe - jak komu wygodniej:
width 1600 // (800) szerokość ekranu
height 900 // (600) wysokość ekranu
fullscreen yes // (no) yes: tryb pełnoekranowy
mousescale 1.5 0.5 // (3.2 0.5) czułość myszy, można dawać ujemne dla odwrócenia kierunku
brakestep 1.0 // (1.0) krok zmiany położenia kranu Oerlikon przy pojedynczym naciśnięciu [Num3]/[Num9]
inactivepause yes // (yes) zatrzymanie programu, jeśli nie jest aktywnym oknem
pause no // (no) yes: zatrzymanie symulacji zaraz po wczytaniu
feedbackmode 0 // (1) 0 - wyłączone, 1 - załączone sterowanie diodami klawiatury (Caps Lock - CA/SHP, Scroll Lock - jazda na oporach rozruchowych)
feedbackport 0x378 // adres bazowy portu LPT dla feedbackmode 3 (zapalanie kontrolek wyjściami LPT)
friction 1.0 // (1.0) mnożnik dla współczynnika tarcia
lang en // (pl) język dla napisów
You will see english subtitles during simulation if you do change that line. It'll make simulation much esasier for you.
How can see the time table and station distances during running of the simulator?
Timetables are available during simulation, just press F3 button in the train cab, you will see
simple timetable with station names, max velocites for your train.
1. How can I have the entire cab with English names for all buttons and meters?
Polish names for buttons/meters are "written" on the texture, now it's impossible to change them into foreign language. But
here is a simple operation guide which can help you with basics, it's almost 9 years old (from 2007), but it has been updated I see.