Lash up? You mean: how to have 2 locos joint and drive them as one?
Values in node -1 0 EP08-008 dynamic PKP\eu07 ep08-008 4E1 0.0 headdriver 3 0 enddynamic mean the following (variables are underlined):
EP08-008 - name of the loco to be used i.e. by the startup program
PKP\eu07 - folder with textures of the loco
ep08-008 - texture file name (the default extension is .bmp so if the file is ep08-008.bmp there's no need to add the extension)
4E1 - set of phisical parameters to be used with certain type of a loco (a reference to .mmd, .chk and .t3d files i.e. 4E1.mmd); 4E1 is for EP08, 201E for ET22, 4E for EU07 old type, 303E for EU07 new type etc.
0.0 - initial speed of the loco
headdriver - sets cabin where you start (headdriver or reardriver)
3 - type of a coupler
0 - value of passengers; to be used only with cars where instead of '0' you can put 'x Passengers' (where x is a number)