Autor W±tek:  H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)  (Przeczytany 130873 razy)

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Offline MaciejM

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #30 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:09:43 »
No, it works. Screen:
Edit.: I'd been waiting about 40 seconds.

Yes, so it works bad.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:13:28 wysłana przez ZiomalCl »
PKP Intercity Zakład Centralny w Warszawie
15 lat z MaSzyn±!

Sceneria Tomaszewo - zapraszam do otwartych testów scenerii.

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #31 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:31:42 »
Edit.: I'd been waiting about 40 seconds.

For my browser more than 30 seconds means 404 error. So I can't enter.

Offline MaciejM

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #32 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:33:31 »
Which browser have you got? I've got G.Chrome.
PKP Intercity Zakład Centralny w Warszawie
15 lat z MaSzyn±!

Sceneria Tomaszewo - zapraszam do otwartych testów scenerii.

Offline AtapiCl

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #33 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:50:32 »
For my browser more than 30 seconds means 404 error. So I can't enter.

E.g. firefox.

Offline Rozi

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #34 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 17:54:04 »
Yes, indeed.

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #35 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 19:20:01 »

If this URL does not open then I suggest that the subdomain:

Üdv: Mrcell

Offline szogun

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« OdpowiedĽ #36 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 19:26:54 »
This URL is also not working.
Skoro kot robi MIAU czyli miauczy, to dlaczego pies szczeka a nie hauka?
Informacje o trwaj±cych pracach ->

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #37 dnia: 11 PaĽdziernika 2010, 19:37:05 »

Internet Explorer works perfectly fine with me, and even Google Chrome. Will soon be talking to the fellows that you may rent a server for the site, to work according to their registration and access to foreign as well!


   « Dodano: 14 PaĽdziernika 2010, 11:41:16 »
It would be my question to those seen in the video controller to move Maszyna might do? Or not it is hopeful?

Bye Mrcell
« Ostatnia zmiana: 14 PaĽdziernika 2010, 11:41:16 wysłana przez Mrcell(HUN) »
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #38 dnia: 22 Grudnia 2010, 11:39:43 »

I did a tram maszyna and that would be my question to the electric brake that can be commissioned to be the driving positions of the menetkaron. So I would like to somehow combined menetkart commissioned a pre-march turn pushed forward, backward, pulled electrical braking starts. Maszyna it possible? The electric brake, I was able to operate under the pneumatic brakes, but I clean electric brake (dynamic brake) should be. Can you help me in this?

Bye: Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #39 dnia: 23 Stycznia 2011, 17:13:19 »

Taurus has just finished the Hungarian texture to it. Quickly and easily converted into an ÖBB 1216 locomotive, class type 4 locomotives which travel in Poland. My question would be whether the model is that you ask if I'm ready for a bogie, or will be doing yourself?

Bye Marcell
« Ostatnia zmiana: 23 Stycznia 2011, 17:17:47 wysłana przez REWIZOR »
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #40 dnia: 13 Lutego 2011, 15:35:38 »

I wish to inform you that appeared in the Hungarian State Railways diesel locomotive M41 Series V2.0 version of the installer, which should be given maszyna root directory. The installer will still be able to communicate in English alongside the Hungarian and Polish, of course, too! In addition, there have been updated and BHV BDt cars. The BDt 100 specialty that makes it suitable for travel on Hungary pushed the M41 locomotive. Unfortunately, this maszyna something wrong so I do not recommend running the operation. However, if someone could help me in that it is without error to work with I'd appreciate it.
The locomotives and wagons to the download links to the website of the Hungarian Community Maszyna "Letöltések" menu to find.
The installer may have to ask from you in Hungarian, the language, wish to install, Poland looks like described in Hungarian: Lengyelország

Bye: Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #41 dnia: 21 Marca 2011, 08:24:00 »

In the Hungarian board would ask for your help because szeretnénkek páláyához quest to do well both in the simulator has already found his own tracks. Can you help in how we do mission in a path?

Bye: Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Quark-t

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #42 dnia: 25 Marca 2011, 10:48:51 »
The easiest way to learn "how to do a mission", is to look into already done scenarios. In .scn files, You can find several entries called "event" - these are commands for the switches, lights, etc. Events for these elements You can find in their .inc files. All have been described in Scenery.doc file, which can be found here. The AI commands You can find here. Also, please have a look here (polish text).

Short example:
You want to switch a signal on the semaphore. The entry of it in the scenery (.scn) file is:
The bolded part is the semaphore "name". In the semaphore .inc file (here:, You can find several entries, like the one below:
event (p1)_s1 multiple 0 none (p1)_sem_ligh1 (p1)_sem_info_stop (p7)_os1 endevent
You are interested only in the name of the event (bolded), where (p1) is the pointer for the semaphore name. So, in .scn file, the event entry will be as here:
event Event_name multiple 0 none Own_semaphore_name_s1 endevent
When You place f.e. event0 in a track:
event0 Event_name
the loco, which will stop on this track, will launch the event, and the semaphore will turn to S1 signal (red).

It looks a little bit tricky, but as I wrote above - look into already done missions, find specified names in files and everything will be clear.
Pozdrawiam, dr inż. Quark-t

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #43 dnia: 01 Maja 2011, 08:47:28 »

The MÁV V43 Cab.

Bye: Marcell
« Ostatnia zmiana: 01 Maja 2011, 08:53:17 wysłana przez REWIZOR »
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Lorem

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #44 dnia: 01 Maja 2011, 12:01:21 »
I'd recommend making more textures from photos and abandon all tileable textures (the "looped" textures).
A może by tak własny pulpit...

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #45 dnia: 02 Maja 2011, 17:45:58 »

Much of it as a temporary texture of the photos are still being processed. But thank you for your vision.

Bye Marcell

   « Dodano: 07 Maja 2011, 10:50:46 »

Can you help me in that it is the operating principle of the locomotive ET22-2000 is that it can be done so that the shunt is not automatic but must be separately connected Get me?

By: Mrcell
« Ostatnia zmiana: 07 Maja 2011, 10:50:46 wysłana przez Mrcell(HUN) »
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #46 dnia: 23 Maja 2011, 13:48:14 »

I don't know how you are doing the light railway with a development maszynába, but I stood it for him a little bit now and I did a light railway engine engine produced in 1950 years on Hungary (C50). Is in a plan on that of the level Hungary Mk48 and the one with a Romanian product Mk45 (Polish: Lxd2) manufacturing him concerned person and burden the production of carriages. I found only an orbit currently under maszyna is you are more possibly is like that who develops it possibly or plans it did not make the development till now in the deficiency of vehicles only?

Bye: Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #47 dnia: 14 Lipca 2011, 14:44:44 »

Lefordítottam Magyarra a Maszyna logóját!

Üdv Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #48 dnia: 15 Lipca 2011, 14:12:26 »

Az lenne a kérdésem ,hogy a távvezérlést ,hogyan lehet úgy megcsinálni, hogy esetleg egy vezérlőkocsival a mozdony jól tudjon együtt működni?

Üdv Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #49 dnia: 15 Lipca 2011, 14:51:08 »
Sok meló van egy vezetőállással ,de megéri! Ezek most apróságok, de feldobják a játék élményt!

Üdv: Mrcell

Offline TZs

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #50 dnia: 18 Sierpnia 2011, 18:30:35 »

I'm "Zsolt", H-maszyna team's route developer, train physics-, and sounds author.
Days, we succeeded with the V43's very "individual" traction motor (in fact a transmission gear) noise.
We continued our work with the other voices, and have a little problem.
Polish locos is 3000V DC traction, and the "main switch" is a simple main operating switch (I think).
But, the 25KV AC-locos it is a main circuit breaker.
The difference in this case, the main breaker switched on much noise, and while active, looped transformer or  thyristor ventilation background noise is heard.
When turn the main switch in Maszyna, cannot be assigned to a looped sound (example: "et22-converter on mid off" in .MMD) - i tried this (Example .MMD: "main: mainbreaker-on.wav mainbreaker-mid.wav mainbreaker-off.wav 100").
We are in trouble, we can not solve the typical base sounds of Hungarian locomotives.

We know, simulator developers is currently working on the major improvements.

We would be, if the future of the simulator could play looped sounds, when we turn the main switch (and of course, many others).
Maszyna the best program, a realistic simulation of the Central and Eastern European railways!

Best regards!

Offline Winger

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #51 dnia: 18 Wrze¶nia 2011, 01:11:48 »
Hi Zsolt,

Apologies for late response to this.
Can you possibly provide a link to a Youtube video showing the actual sounds of the startup and running of the loco you've created, so that we can fully understand how the sounds should work ? It would also help if you could provide your model files (t3d, not the sources) including the wave files and the .mmd you came up with.


Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Üdv: Mrcell

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« OdpowiedĽ #53 dnia: 07 Listopada 2011, 11:12:26 »
Great model, were you able to make it work in Maszyna?

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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« OdpowiedĽ #54 dnia: 07 Listopada 2011, 11:27:43 »
I did not build up the model! The model together with a Russian and free downloadable leader position and utilizable. If you would love from him Polish version I send it in order for you to change it with pleasure then possibly (if you can to model) and I put it into the packet with pleasure then what prepares. The vehicle the present one M62 he is built up and not too I planned it very much to rewrite max I will modify his tractive power curve to more real one ,the braking system MÁV is I do not know yours unfortunately if for you possibly is you may make use of it for him calmly then.

Best regards: Mrcell

Subsequent document: A leader position is at the model's disposal!


A modellt nem én építettem! A modell orosz és ingyen letölthető vezetőállással együtt és felhasználható. Ha szeretnél belőle lengyel verziót esetleg akkor szívesen elküldöm ,hogy átalakítsd (ha tudsz modellezni) és akkor azt is szívesen beleteszem a csomagba ami készül. A jármű a jelenlegi M62 van építve és nem is nagyon terveztem átírni max a vonóerőgörbéjét fogom módosítani valóságosabbra ,a fékrendszert a MÁV meg van a tieteket sajnos nem ismerem ha neked esetleg meg van akkor nyugodtan felhasználhatod hozzá.

Üdvözlettel: Mrcell

Utó írat: A modell rendelkezik vezetőállással is!
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Üdv: Mrcell

Offline szogun

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #56 dnia: 07 Listopada 2011, 17:02:41 »
Great model, were you able to make it work in Maszyna?
Ogl±dałem t± kabinę pod maxem, trzeba ponakładać tekstury od nowa, wywalić elementy które były potrzebne w Trainzie no i nazewnictwo i pivoty.

I looked at this cab in the 3DS. It should assign materials again, remove the elements necessary in Trainz, set pivots and name elements.
Sorry for my bad English.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 07 Listopada 2011, 17:41:26 wysłana przez szogun »
Skoro kot robi MIAU czyli miauczy, to dlaczego pies szczeka a nie hauka?
Informacje o trwaj±cych pracach ->

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #57 dnia: 07 Listopada 2011, 17:48:33 »
I take it incompletely what you say! I speak badly English! There is not a problem with the sizes of the engine the poviotokat i already switched over into the Hungarian and in the Russian versions the leader position they function properly the basis operational organization!
Best regards: Mrcell


Nem teljesen értem amit mondasz! Én is rosszul beszélek angol! A mozdonynak a méreteivel nincsen probléma a poviotokat én már átállítgattam a magyarba és az orosz verziókban a vezetőállás is rendesen működnek az alap kezelő szerv!

Üdvözlettel: Mrcell
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #58 dnia: 16 Listopada 2011, 17:12:08 »

Az ET22-2000 vezérlési mechanizmusát ,hogy lehetne kevesebb fokozattal másik mozdonyon alkalmazni?

Üdv Mrcell


Hello everyone!
It ET22-2000 of his control mechanisms ,how it would be possible to apply it with fewer grades on an other engine?
Hi Mrcell
« Ostatnia zmiana: 18 Listopada 2011, 20:33:23 wysłana przez REWIZOR »
Üdv: Mrcell

Offline Mrcell(HUN)

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Odp: H-Maszyna Team (Hungarian team)
« OdpowiedĽ #59 dnia: 24 Listopada 2011, 21:19:49 »
Üdv: Mrcell