Hello. My name is Aleksey. Recently has downloaded ideal simulator EU07. I wish to tell many thanks to the Polish developers. I work as the machinist of the locomotive. I have the higher engineering educations. Your project not to be compared to one simulator. Other simulators have no such possibilities. Physical model, towing performances and steering of the locomotive top-level. Thanks you huge for your work and sleepless nights.
But I do not have any Russian rolling stock. The Russian developers have very much promoted in working out of additions for Microsoft Train Simulator. But MSTS it not a simulator, and an arcade. It is not interesting, as a simulator. At me is 3d locomotive TEM2 model. There is ready 3d a cabin for it and the present sounds. To convert model from 3dMax it is easy. We have knowledge, experience, the technical literature, drawings and access to any railway information. The help in technical adjustment of the locomotive in game is necessary for us. How to adjust in a simulator the locomotive. How to register technical and towing performances. It is necessary to realise ALSN (the automatic locomotive signalling). And many other technical moments.
Perhaps, among developers there are Russian or Russian-speaking citizens? Even if you do not know Russian, we can cope with a language barrier. Help, please. All who can. Together we can hoist EU07 to improbable heights of realism.
I wish you good Christmas. Many thanks for your work!