Starting MaSzyna rail vehicle simulator (release: EU07 (cmake), 00578a3 (committed at 2024-06-13 01:29:12 +0200)) For online documentation and additional files refer to: Authors: Marcin_EU, McZapkie, ABu, Winger, Tolaris, nbmx, OLO_EU, Bart, Quark-t, ShaXbee, Oli_EU, youBy, KURS90, Ra, hunter, szociu, Stele, Q, firleju and others // settings sceneryfile $calkowo_v2_zdawczyb_wil1.scn humanctrlvehicle m62-1242 fieldofview 45 width 1920 height 1080 targetfps 0 basedrawrange 2500 fullscreen yes fullscreenwindowed yes vsync no freefly no wireframe no debugmode no soundenabled yes sound.volume 1.5 0.6 sound.volume.vehicle 1 sound.volume.positional 1 sound.volume.ambient 1 physicslog no fullphysics yes debuglog 3 multiplelogs no logs.filter 0 mousescale 1.5 0.5 mousecontrol yes enabletraction no loadtraction yes friction 1 livetraction no skyenabled 1 defaultext .tga newaircouplers yes anisotropicfiltering 16 usevbo yes feedbackmode 0 feedbackport 888 multiplayer 0 isolatedtrainnumber no maxtexturesize 4096 maxcabtexturesize 4096 movelight 256 dynamiclights 7 scenario.time.offset 0 scenario.time.current no 15 ai.trainman yes scalespeculars yes gfxrenderer default shadows yes shadowtune 2048 0 150 0 30 gfx.smoke yes 1 smoothtraction yes splinefidelity 4 rendercab yes createswitchtrackbeds yes gfx.resource.sweep no gfx.resource.move no gfx.reflections.framerate 1 1 timespeed 1 multisampling 1 latitude 52 convertmodels 0 file.binary.terrain yes inactivepause no slowmotion -1 hideconsole no rollfix yes fpsaverage 0 fpsdeviation 5 calibrate5din 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5din 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5din 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5din 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5din 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5din 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrate5dout 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 calibrateoutmaxvalues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 calibrateoutdebuginfo -1 pwm 0 0 pwm 1 1 pwm 2 2 pwm 3 3 pwm 4 4 pwm 5 5 pwm 6 6 brakestep 1 joinduplicatedevents no hiddenevents 1 pause no lang pl python.updatetime 200 uitextcolor 255 255 255 0.65 input.gamepad yes uarttune 0 65535 0 65535 10 65535 10 65535 10 65535 10 10 100000 65535 10000 65535 150 65535 uarttachoscale 1 uartfeature local|main|scnd|train uartdebug no extcam.res 800 600 compresstex yes gfx.framebuffer.width -1 gfx.framebuffer.height -1 gfx.shadowmap.enabled yes randomseed 0 gfx.envmap.enabled yes gfx.postfx.motionblur.enabled no gfx.postfx.motionblur.shutter 0.01 gfx.postfx.chromaticaberration.enabled no gfx.skiprendering no gfx.skippipeline no gfx.extraeffects yes gfx.shadergamma no gfx.shadow.angle.min -0.2 gfx.shadow.rank.cutoff 3 python.enabled yes python.threadedupload yes python.uploadmain yes python.mipmaps yes // startup available monitors: LG_ULTRAFINE(HDMI):0,0 translation: 367 strings loaded MaSzyna OpenGL Renderer Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation GL version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 560.94 -------- Supported extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_locations GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_sparse_texture GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp GL_ARB_spirv_extensions GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_raster_multisample GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_win32 GL_NV_memory_object_sparse GL_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_win32 GL_NV_timeline_semaphore GL_KHR_shader_subgroup GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling GL_NV_command_list GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_conservative_raster GL_NV_conservative_raster_dilate GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles GL_NV_conservative_raster_underestimation GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_feature_query GL_NV_fence GL_NV_fill_rectangle GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_program_multiview GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_memory_attachment GL_NV_mesh_shader GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_primitive_shading_rate GL_NV_query_resource GL_NV_query_resource_tag GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_representative_fragment_test GL_NV_sample_locations GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage GL_NV_scissor_exclusive GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64 GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint GL_NV_shading_rate_image GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_dirty_tile_map GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_uniform_buffer_std430_layout GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NV_viewport_array2 GL_NV_viewport_swizzle GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast GL_NV_gpu_multicast GL_NVX_gpu_multicast2 GL_NVX_progress_fence GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_multigpu_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_NV_shader_thread_group GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control -------- ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic supported! ARB_multi_bind supported! ARB_direct_state_access supported! ARB_clip_control supported! warning: wide lines not supported -------- texture sizes capped at 4096p (4096p for cab textures) shadows map size capped at 2048p using multisampling x2 main window size: 3840x2160 preparing renderer.. Loading common gfx data... Created texture object for "textures/fx/lightglare" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/lightglare" Created texture object for "textures/fx/sun" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/sun" Created texture object for "textures/fx/moon" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/moon" Created texture object for "textures/fx/smoke" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/smoke" Created texture object for "textures/fx/headlights" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/headlights" ...gfx data pre-loading done init viewport: 3840 x 2160 shadows enabled envmap enabled picking objects created Gfx Renderer: setup complete available audio devices: OpenAL Soft Audio Renderer: OpenAL Soft OpenAL Version: 1.1 Supported extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFT_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFT_output_limiter ALC_SOFT_pause_device Python Interpreter: setup complete Created texture object for "textures/logo\logo62" Loading texture data from "textures/logo\logo62" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/logo\logo62" aren't powers of 2 Created texture object for "textures/logo" Loading texture data from "textures/logo" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/logo" aren't powers of 2 using simulation seed: 4025042988 using simulation starting timestamp: 1726160873 Loading scenario "$calkowo_v2_zdawczyb_wil1.scn"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_06.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_06" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_06" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/okno_maska" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/okno_maska" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_06.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_02" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_02" Created texture object for "textures/grass" Loading texture data from "textures/grass" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_07.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_07" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_07" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_07.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom13.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dp13" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dp13" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom13.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/tdom4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/tdom4" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/tdom4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/tdom4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiejski_sklep.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/karpiowka" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/karpiowka" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiejski_sklep" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiejski_sklep" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiejski_sklep.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/tdom1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/tdom1" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/tdom1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/tdom1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_a" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_a" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_normal" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_dachowka_czerwona" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_dachowka_czerwona" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_d" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_dachowka_czarna" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_dachowka_czarna" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla02.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_08.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_08" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_08" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_08.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_05_normal.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_05_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_05_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_05_normal.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_04.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_04" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_04" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_04.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_03" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_01" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_rozi_01.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_c" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_c" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_dach" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_dach" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domcegla01.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_green" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_green" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_11m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_dach" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_dach" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_11m.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_zolty" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_zolty" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_height+normal+refl" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_height+normal+refl" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_spec+gloss+met" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_spec+gloss+met" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom5_2b.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/papa" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/papa" Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/fences_atlas" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/fences_atlas" Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/fences_atlas_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/fences_atlas_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom5_2b.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_szary" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom5_szary" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom5_1b.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom5_1b.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_w_budowie.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_w_budowie" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_w_budowie" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_w_budowie.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/barak_ryszarda.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/barak_ryszarda" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/barak_ryszarda" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/barak_ryszarda.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/kiosk_rozi_macius9551.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/kiosk_rozi_macius9551" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/kiosk_rozi_macius9551" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/kiosk_rozi_macius9551.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/buda_sultan_kebab.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/buda_sultan_kebab" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/buda_sultan_kebab" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/buda_sultan_kebab.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/buda_piekarnia_hert.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/blacha" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/blacha" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/buda_piekarnia_hert" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/buda_piekarnia_hert" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/buda_piekarnia_hert.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_czarny" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_czarny" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_height+normal" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_height+normal" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_spec+gloss" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_spec+gloss" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/smietnik120l.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/smietnik120l.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_niebieski" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_niebieski" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_zielony" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/smietnik120l_zielony" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_pink" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_pink" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_19m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_19m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom9.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dp9" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dp9" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom9.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jan_gor_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jan_gor_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom12.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dp12" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dp12" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom12.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jan_gor_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jan_gor_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_c" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_c" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_b" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_b" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blokwl.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blokwl" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blokwl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blokwl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_zielony" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_zielony" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_lewy.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_lewy.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_srodek.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_srodek.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_prawy.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_prawy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_pomarancz" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_pomarancz" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_poj.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok1_poj.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex3" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienicapom.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienicapom.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex2" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_piast.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_piast" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_piast" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_piast.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/garaz1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/garaz1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/garaz1" Created texture object for "textures/roof/papactl" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/papactl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/garaz1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_02" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_kolejowy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_kolejowy" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_kolejowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_kolejowy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_white" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_white" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_38m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_38m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_02" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_02" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr2_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr2_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_niebieski" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_niebieski" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob_ziel.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_sob_ziel" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_sob_ziel" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob_ziel.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok2" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/4blok02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/blok4a" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/blok4a" Created texture object for "textures/mc/blok4w" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/blok4w" Created texture object for "textures/mc/blok4d" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/blok4d" Created texture object for "textures/mc/blok4p" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/blok4p" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/4blok02.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_czerwony" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_czerwony" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_yellow" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dom_sam_1p_yellow" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex1" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienicapom_tex1" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_zolty" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_zolty" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_fiolet" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_fiolet" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mlody/blokduzyhn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mlody/blok2a" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/blok2a" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "blok" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.76, 0.73, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/mlody/dworzec_dach" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/dworzec_dach" Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt3-filarbok" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt3-filarbok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mlody/blokduzyhn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/bank_bph_leszno.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/bank_bph_leszno" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/bank_bph_leszno" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/bank_bph_leszno.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_kr_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_kr_1" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_kr_1" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_kr_1_00" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_kr_1_00" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_kr_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rudera.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderaa" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderaa" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderad" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderad" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderab" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderab" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderac" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_ruderac" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rudera.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1" Created texture object for "textures/roof/papa_k" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/papa_k" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1dd" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1dd" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_praga1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_lodz1ps.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_lodz1" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_lodz1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_lodz1ps.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_02" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/bialykosciol.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/rooftilesmetal0012" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/rooftilesmetal0012" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/bialykosciol" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/bialykosciol" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/barierka" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/barierka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/bialykosciol.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/kaliska_dzwon.ogg EventLauncher at 7:30 (jan_gorny_kosciol_dzwony) EventLauncher at 11:30 (jan_gorny_kosciol_dzwony) EventLauncher at 16:30 (jan_gorny_kosciol_dzwony) Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_braz" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok1_braz" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_01" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_rozi_01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2b" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/kamienica_narozna2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-asphaltstrip-new1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-asphaltstrip-new1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/poroninstacja.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/poronin" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/poronin" Created texture object for "textures/bud/#poroninlights" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/#poroninlights" Created texture object for "textures/bud/poronindetal" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/poronindetal" Created texture object for "textures/bud/poronin_poswiata" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/poronin_poswiata" Created texture object for "textures/bud/wiata1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/wiata1" Created texture object for "textures/bud/wiata1light" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/wiata1light" Created texture object for "textures/bud/komin1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/komin1" Created texture object for "textures/bud/wiata1-wsporniki" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/wiata1-wsporniki" Created texture object for "textures/bud/daszekfalaczerw1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/daszekfalaczerw1" Created texture object for "textures/wall/wallstone_irregular1" Loading texture data from "textures/wall/wallstone_irregular1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/poroninstacja.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_papa" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla02_dach_papa" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_b" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_b" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_a" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domcegla01_a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domek01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/domek_weglowy" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/domek_weglowy" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged3" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/domek01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/lidl.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/lidl" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/lidl" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/lidl_rooftiles" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/lidl_rooftiles" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/lidl_spod_wejscia" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/lidl_spod_wejscia" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/lidl_spod_gzymsu" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/lidl_spod_gzymsu" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/lidl_gzyms" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/lidl_gzyms" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/lidl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wozek.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wozek" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wozek" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wozek.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/trakcja/podstacja_wroclaw_karwinska.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/trakcja/karwinska" Loading texture data from "textures/trakcja/karwinska" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/slup_szary" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/slup_szary" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/oprawa" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/oprawa" Created texture object for "textures/chainedwire" Loading texture data from "textures/chainedwire" Created texture object for "textures/droga_polna" Loading texture data from "textures/droga_polna" Created texture object for "textures/normals/droga_polna_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/droga_polna_normal" Created texture object for "textures/grass_autumn1" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_autumn1" Created texture object for "textures/normals/grass_autumn1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/grass_autumn1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/fx/t_detail_normal_3" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/t_detail_normal_3" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-old2" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-old2" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old2_normal" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old2_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old2_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/quark/podklad_betonowy1" Loading texture data from "textures/quark/podklad_betonowy1" Created texture object for "textures/tory/podsypka-5" Loading texture data from "textures/tory/podsypka-5" Created texture object for "textures/bok_skp" Loading texture data from "textures/bok_skp" Created texture object for "textures/normals/bok_skp_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/bok_skp_normal" Created texture object for "textures/metal/stal" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/stal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/trakcja/podstacja_wroclaw_karwinska.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/rozdzielnia_tauron_barak.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/rozdzielnia_tauron_barak" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/rozdzielnia_tauron_barak" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/rozdzielnia_tauron_barak.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/kopalnie/mieszalnik_centrum.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/gora2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/gora2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/gora1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/gora1" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/wierch" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/wierch" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/dol" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/dol" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/tex_gorna" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/tex_gorna" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/szambo" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/szambo" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/tex_glowna" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/kopalnie/tex_glowna" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/kopalnie/mieszalnik_centrum.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_hala1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/czarny" Loading texture data from "textures/czarny" Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_hala" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_hala" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_hala1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/#rurociag1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/#rurociag1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/zbiornik_1000l.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/zbiornik_1000l" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/zbiornik_1000l" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/zbiornik_1000l.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/zbiornik.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slup_rdza" Loading texture data from "textures/slup_rdza" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud2" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud2" Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/bud2_sciana" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/bud2_sciana" Created texture object for "textures/dol" Loading texture data from "textures/dol" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_rura.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/#est-bramkaszara-s770" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/#est-bramkaszara-s770" Created texture object for "textures/tr/est-bramkaszara-s770" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/est-bramkaszara-s770" Created texture object for "textures/tr/#poreczbr" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/#poreczbr" Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/bramka" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/bramka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_rura.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/ladownia.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/wiata3nczerwona" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/wiata3nczerwona" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_dirty" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_dirty" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/fabryka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/wall1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/wall1" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/papa" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/papa" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/wall2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/wall2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/komin1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/komin1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/fabryka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/koksownie/wieza_weglowa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/beton" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/beton" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/spod" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/spod" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/papa" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/papa" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar_jasny" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar_jasny" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/brud" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/brud" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/piec" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/piec" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wozek2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wozek2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wsad" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wsad" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar_ciemny" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar_ciemny" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wieza_cegla" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/wieza_cegla" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/koksownie/wieza_weglowa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/buda_bk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/buda_bk" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/buda_bk" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/buda_bk.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/dynow_wagonownia.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/dynow_wagonownia" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/dynow_wagonownia" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/dynow_wagonownia.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/garaz2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/garaz2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/tp.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/tp" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/tp" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.96) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/tp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/blok10.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/blok10" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/blok10" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/blok10.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_kopalnia" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_kopalnia" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_piaskowe_dawna_pk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_piaskowe_dawna_pk" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_piaskowe_dawna_pk" Created texture object for "textures/beton_leak" Loading texture data from "textures/beton_leak" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_pyskowice_piaskowe_dawna_pk.e3d" EventLauncher at 7:30 (orz2_kosciol_dzwony) EventLauncher at 11:30 (orz2_kosciol_dzwony) EventLauncher at 16:30 (orz2_kosciol_dzwony) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/wolafilip-szkola.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola1" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola1" Created texture object for "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola3" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola3" Created texture object for "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola4" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola4" Created texture object for "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola5" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola5" Created texture object for "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola2" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/wolafilip-szkola2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/wolafilip-szkola.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/monopolowy_toma.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/rooftiles-light" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/rooftiles-light" Created texture object for "textures/roof/rooftiles_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/rooftiles_normal" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/monopolowy_toma" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/monopolowy_toma" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/monopolowy_toma_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/monopolowy_toma_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/monopolowy_toma.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dp3" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dp3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/dp2" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/dp2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/dom2.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "orz2_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/stodola-wsk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/[stodola]" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/[stodola]" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/stodola-wsk.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/sklepspozywczak.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/sklepspozywczak" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/sklepspozywczak" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/sklepspozywczak.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/barak.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/barak" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/barak" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/barak.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/wiatasmietnikowa1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/wiatasmietnikowa1" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/wiatasmietnikowa1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/wiatasmietnikowa1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/dworzec_d4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/dworzec_d4" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/dworzec_d4" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.91, 1.03, 0.90) Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/dach_papa" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/dach_papa" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.94, 0.85) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.13, 1.49, 0.98) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.85, 0.99, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/dworzec_d4.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/koscierzyna_tablica_wilis" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/koscierzyna_tablica_wilis" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/koscierzyna_budynekstacyjny_magazyn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/koscierzyna_budynekstacyjny_magazyn" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/koscierzyna_budynekstacyjny_magazyn" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/cien" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/cien" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/koscierzyna_budynekstacyjny_magazyn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wall/wallgrey" Loading texture data from "textures/wall/wallgrey" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_normal" Created texture object for "textures/roof/blacha-dach-czarna" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/blacha-dach-czarna" Created texture object for "textures/tiles_yellow" Loading texture data from "textures/tiles_yellow" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_nazwa" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_nazwa" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_nazwa" aren't powers of 2 Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska_nazwa" aren't multiples of 4 Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/dworzec_jaworzyna_slaska.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "paszm_osiedle" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "paszm_osiedle" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "paszm_osiedle" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "paszm_osiedle" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Created texture object for "textures/stacje/jezewo_tablica_paszw" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/jezewo_tablica_paszw" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/jezewo_budynekstacyjny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/jezewo_budynekstacyjny" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/jezewo_budynekstacyjny" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/jezewo_night" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/jezewo_night" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/jezewo_budynekstacyjny.e3d" Bad file: failed to locate texture file "orz_dworzec" Bad file: failed to locate texture file "orz_dworzec" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/lniano_budynekstacyjny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/lniano_budynekstacyjny" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/lniano_budynekstacyjny" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/lniano_budynekstacyjny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/starejuchy_tablica_calkowo" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/starejuchy_tablica_calkowo" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/starejuchy_budynekstacyjny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/starejuchy_budynekstacyjny" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/starejuchy_budynekstacyjny" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/starejuchy_budynekstacyjny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_calkowo" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_calkowo" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/glass_black" Loading texture data from "textures/glass_black" Created texture object for "textures/glass_black_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/glass_black_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_bydgoszcz-emilianowo_be1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia_janiszew" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia_janiszew" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/zegar" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/zegar" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia" Created texture object for "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia_normal" Created texture object for "textures/roof/blacha-dach-brazowa" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/blacha-dach-brazowa" Created texture object for "textures/roof/blacha-dach-brazowa_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/blacha-dach-brazowa_normal" Created texture object for "textures/concrete-tiles" Loading texture data from "textures/concrete-tiles" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/dworzec_trzebinia.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek3k.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud2/domek2" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/domek2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek3k.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/stodoladrew03" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/stodoladrew03" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodgraybrown1_planks" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodgraybrown1_planks" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/0domdrewn01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/r-zaryte" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/r-zaryte" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodlightbrown2_planks" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodlightbrown2_planks" Created texture object for "textures/wall/wallbricksbrown_a" Loading texture data from "textures/wall/wallbricksbrown_a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/0domdrewn01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek1k.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud2/domek1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/domek1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek1k.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek2k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud2/domek2k.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/stodoladrew02" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/stodoladrew02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn02.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged2" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk01a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk01a" Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk01b" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk01b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/stodoladrew01" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/stodoladrew01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/stodoladrewn01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/dombale01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/dombale01a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/dombale01a" Created texture object for "textures/bud/dombale01b" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/dombale01b" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodredbrown2_agedplanks" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodredbrown2_agedplanks" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/dombale01.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roofthatch-old1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roofthatch-old1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/domcegla01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/domcegla02a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domcegla02a" Created texture object for "textures/bud/domcegla01a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domcegla01a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/domcegla01.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-asphaltstrip1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-asphaltstrip1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/szopastara1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/szopastara1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/szopastara1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/szopastara1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/szopastara2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/roof/roofthatch-old1_moosy" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roofthatch-old1_moosy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/szopastara2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged4" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roof-redtiles-aged4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk02a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk02a" Created texture object for "textures/wall/wallbrickdark_dirty1" Loading texture data from "textures/wall/wallbrickdark_dirty1" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodredbrown1_planks" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodredbrown1_planks" Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk02b" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk02b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk02.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokgreen" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokgreen" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/blok_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/balk" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/balk" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/blok_4.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blookrange" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blookrange" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blok" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blok" Created texture object for "textures/bud/bloknielpas" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/bloknielpas" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk03a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk03a" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalplatedirt1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalplatedirt1" Created texture object for "textures/bud/domtynk03b" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/domtynk03b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/domtynk03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/dom1tynk02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/dom1tynk02a" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/dom1tynk02a" Created texture object for "textures/bud/dom1tynk02b" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/dom1tynk02b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/dom1tynk02.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/zofia70-ts" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/zofia70-ts" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/dom1tynk01.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/dom1tynk01.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/zofia70-ceg" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/zofia70-ceg" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokpompas" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokpompas" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokczerpas" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokczerpas" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokzolpas" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokzolpas" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokniebpas" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokniebpas" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalsinedplate_rusted1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalsinedplate_rusted1" Created texture object for "textures/bud/garazx3-1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/garazx3-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/garaz3x-1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/garazbok-1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/garazbok-1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/garaz3x-1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/dom1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dom1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dom1" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec2d" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec2d" Created texture object for "textures/roof/dachow09" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/dachow09" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dom1b" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dom1b" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dom1a" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dom1a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/dom1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/zofia70-tsz" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/zofia70-tsz" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/tartak_bezbramy.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/cal2_d1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/cal2_d1" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1" Created texture object for "textures/normals/asphalt1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/asphalt1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/normals/asphalt1_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/asphalt1_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/fence-chainedwire1" Loading texture data from "textures/fence-chainedwire1" Created texture object for "textures/wood1" Loading texture data from "textures/wood1" Created texture object for "textures/wood2" Loading texture data from "textures/wood2" Created texture object for "textures/concrete1" Loading texture data from "textures/concrete1" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metaltrapezoidplatelightblue1_rusted" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metaltrapezoidplatelightblue1_rusted" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/balazolta" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/balazolta" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodbrown3_planks" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodbrown3_planks" Created texture object for "textures/detal/fencepost-metalpipe1" Loading texture data from "textures/detal/fencepost-metalpipe1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box25" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box24" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalprofilebrown1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalprofilebrown1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box23" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.20, 1.20) Created texture object for "textures/roof/roofmetalplate1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roofmetalplate1" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_window" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_window" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_door" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalsinedplatelightblue2_door" Created texture object for "textures/roof/roofthatch1" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/roofthatch1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/factory3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/will_brick2_bottom" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/will_brick2_bottom" Created texture object for "textures/bud/doorindustrialgray_aged1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/doorindustrialgray_aged1" Created texture object for "textures/bud/will_window_ghetto" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/will_window_ghetto" Created texture object for "textures/bud/will_brick2_base" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/will_brick2_base" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/factory3.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blokblue" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blokblue" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/nastawnia2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/nastawnia2" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/nastawnia2" Created texture object for "textures/roof/jelitkowo_dach" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/jelitkowo_dach" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/nastawnia2a" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/nastawnia2a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/nastawnia2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/magazyn1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/magazyn1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/magazyn1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "rectangle01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.60, 1.60, 1.60) Created texture object for "textures/slimson/magazyn1c" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/magazyn1c" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/magazyn1b" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/magazyn1b" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/magazyn1a" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/magazyn1a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/magazyn1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/emilianowo_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/emilianowo_val" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec2" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec2" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec2a" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec2a" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec2c" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec2c" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec2b" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec2b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/boldy_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/boldy_val" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/jarkawki_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/jarkawki_val" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/nastawnia1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/nastawnia1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/nastawnia1" Created texture object for "textures/roof/dach_czarny" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/dach_czarny" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/nastawnia1tyl" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/nastawnia1tyl" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/nastawnia1bok" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/nastawnia1bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/nastawnia1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana3" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana3" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana2" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana2" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1sciana" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1tylb" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1tylb" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1tyla" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1tyla" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1tyl" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1tyl" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dworzec1jad" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dworzec1jad" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/magazyn01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/magazyn01" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/magazyn01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/magazyn01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/magazyn5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/magazyn5" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/magazyn5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/magazyn5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/hala3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/hala3" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/hala3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/hala3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/hipermarket.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/hipermarket_bok" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/hipermarket_bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/hipermarket.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/lipie_hala.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/hala" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/hala" Created texture object for "textures/coalfine1" Loading texture data from "textures/coalfine1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/suwnica.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/suwnica1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/suwnica1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/suwnica.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/komin_30m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/bwyr" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/bwyr" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/komin_30m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakowt-magazyn1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1fasada2" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1fasada2" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1fasada1" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1fasada1" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1bok" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1bok" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1podst" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1podst" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/mc/kt-magazyn1podst" aren't powers of 2 Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakowt-magazyn1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/hala2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/hala2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/hala2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/hala2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/akademik1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/akademik1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/akademik1" Created texture object for "textures/pm/akademik1bok" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/akademik1bok" Created texture object for "textures/pm/akademik1we" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/akademik1we" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/akademik1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/blok3" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/blok3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_piast2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_piast2" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_piast2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_piast2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_sob" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_sob" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakowt-skladowafabr1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1b" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1b" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1e" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1e" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1d" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1d" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1c" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1c" Created texture object for "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1a" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/kt-skladowafabr1a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakowt-skladowafabr1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/myd.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/budka02" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budka02" Created texture object for "textures/roof/dach_mydlniki" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/dach_mydlniki" Created texture object for "textures/pm/domek9" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/domek9" Created texture object for "textures/pm/domek8" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/domek8" Created texture object for "textures/pm/poddasze" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/poddasze" Created texture object for "textures/pm/chodnik" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/chodnik" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/myd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/blok4" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/blok4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom1_d" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom1_d" Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom1" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom2" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom2" Created texture object for "textures/tomi/cegla" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/cegla" Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom2_d" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom2_d" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienice2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica1u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica1u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/komin_red" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/komin_red" Created texture object for "textures/pm/komin_brick" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/komin_brick" Created texture object for "textures/pm/komin_gray" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/komin_gray" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica3s" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica3s" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica4u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica4u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica2u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica2u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica3d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica3d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica4d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica4d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica5d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica5d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica2d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica2d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica5u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica5u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica3u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica3u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica1d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica1d" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienice2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica6.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica6au" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica6au" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica6bd" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica6bd" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica6ad" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica6ad" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica6bu" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica6bu" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica6.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-bosacka-ceg-p.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-fasada" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-fasada" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-bok" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-bok" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-klatka" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-bosacka-cegl-klatka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-bosacka-ceg-p.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-bosacka-ceg-l.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-bosacka-ceg-l.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-katowa1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-katowa1" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-katowa1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-katowa1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-wjazd7.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-wjazd7" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-wjazd7" Created texture object for "textures/bud/2bok-cegla1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/2bok-cegla1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-wjazd7.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-katowa3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-katowa3" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-katowa3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-katowa3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica10.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica10u2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica10u2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica10d1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica10d1" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica10u1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica10u1" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica10d2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica10d2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica10.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica11.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica11" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica11" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica11b" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica11b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica11.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica7.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica7s" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica7s" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica7u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica7u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica7d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica7d" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica7.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/blok12.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/blok12" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/blok12" Created texture object for "textures/pm/blok12dach" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/blok12dach" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/blok12.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/budynek1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/budynek1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budynek1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/budynek1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/dombale03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/0dombale03" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/0dombale03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/dombale03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/chrosciele" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/chrosciele" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/dworzec3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/nastawnia_opuszczona.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/nastawnia_opuszczona" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/nastawnia_opuszczona" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/nastawnia_opuszczona.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/domek3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/domek3" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/domek3" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/drzwi1" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/drzwi1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/domek3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/mydlniki-pgr.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/mydlniki-pgr" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/mydlniki-pgr" Created texture object for "textures/mc/mydlniki-pgrb" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/mydlniki-pgrb" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/mydlniki-pgr.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/dombale02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/0dombale02" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/0dombale02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/dombale02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom3a.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom3" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom3" Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom3_d" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom3_d" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom3a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom3b.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/dom3b" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/dom3b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/dom3b.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/apart1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart1" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart1u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart1u" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart1murek" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart1murek" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart1g" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart1g" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart1bok" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart1bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/apart1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/apart2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart2lights" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart2lights" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart2bok" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart2bok" Created texture object for "textures/wall/wallstone_irregular3" Loading texture data from "textures/wall/wallstone_irregular3" Created texture object for "textures/roof/rooftiles-orange2" Loading texture data from "textures/roof/rooftiles-orange2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/apart2balk" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/apart2balk" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/apart2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec_bok" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec_bok" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/kontener_biurowiec.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/wychodek_3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/wychodek_3" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/wychodek_3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/wychodek_3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/przemysl/wiezowiec_silosy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/wiezowiec_silosy" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/wiezowiec_silosy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/przemysl/wiezowiec_silosy.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec5" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slawkow/droznik01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/droznik01" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/droznik01" Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/beton_gray" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/beton_gray" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slawkow/droznik01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nastawnia_n3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/nastawnia_n3" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/nastawnia_n3" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.80, 1.67, 1.21) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nastawnia_n3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nastawnia_n4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/nastawnia_n4" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/nastawnia_n4" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.09, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.91, 1.00, 1.23) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nastawnia_n4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tomi/kam1" Loading texture data from "textures/tomi/kam1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tomi/blok2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_rozi_darek71wrc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_rozi_darek71wrc" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_rozi_darek71wrc" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_rozi_darek71wrc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_07.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_07" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_07" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr7_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr7_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_07.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_04.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_04" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_04" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr4_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr4_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_04.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_03" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_03" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr3_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr3_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_06.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_06" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_06" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr6_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr6_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_06.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_01" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_01" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr1_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr1_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_05.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_05" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_05" Created texture object for "textures/mieszkalne/bmr5_sw" Loading texture data from "textures/mieszkalne/bmr5_sw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mieszkalne/blok_mieszkalny_rozi_05.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/budowa1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/budowa03" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budowa03" Created texture object for "textures/bud/blachaogr01" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/blachaogr01" Created texture object for "textures/pm/budowa02" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budowa02" Created texture object for "textures/pm/budowa01" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budowa01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/budowa1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec2p" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec2p" Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec2b" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec2b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec3p" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec3p" Created texture object for "textures/pm/biurowiec3b" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/biurowiec3b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/biurowiec3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/espefa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/espefa" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/espefa" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/espefa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/zuraw_30m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/zuraw_30m_kab" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/zuraw_30m_kab" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 0.82) Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/krat" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/krat" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object32" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object28" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object23" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.89, 1.00, 0.89) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object21" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.89, 1.00, 0.89) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object19" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.89, 1.00, 0.89) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object17" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.89, 1.00, 0.89) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 1.00, 0.65) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/zuraw_30m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/akademik2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/akademik2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/akademik2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/akademik2bok" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/akademik2bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/akademik2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-kurniki6.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6bok" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6bok" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22bok" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22bok" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6elew1" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6elew1" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-pawia24b" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-pawia24b" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-pawia24a" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-pawia24a" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22b" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22b" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22a" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-pawia22a" Created texture object for "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6elew2" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/krakow-kurniki6elew2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-kurniki6.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-pawia22.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/krakow-pawia22.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica8.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica8d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica8d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica8u" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica8u" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica8.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica9.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica9b2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica9b2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica9d" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica9d" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica9d2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica9d2" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica9b1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica9b1" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kamienica9w" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kamienica9w" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/kamienica9.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/budynek2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/budynek2" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/budynek2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/budynek2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob_nieb.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/blok_sob_nieb" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/blok_sob_nieb" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/blok_sob_nieb.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_3" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/tp_bok.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.96) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.90, 0.83) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/tp_bok.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/st_bp.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/st_bp" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/st_bp" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.66, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/beon" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/beon" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box20" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.78, 1.00, 1.21) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box17" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.78, 1.00, 1.21) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box16" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.78, 1.00, 1.21) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.78, 1.00, 1.21) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.87, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/st_bp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/garaz_drezyn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/garaz_drezyn" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/garaz_drezyn" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/garaz_drezyn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/przemysl/elektrocieplownia.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/elektrownia" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/elektrownia" Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/komin" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/przemysl/komin" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/przemysl/elektrocieplownia.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/elektrownia2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/asphaltgray1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltgray1" Created texture object for "textures/normals/asphaltgray1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/asphaltgray1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/bud/windowindustrial1" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/windowindustrial1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/elektrownia2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slawkow/zdroje_se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/nast_se" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/nast_se" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slawkow/zdroje_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/hala1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/hala1" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/hala1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/hala1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/edobre/magazyn6.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/edobre/magazyn6.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nrdowiec.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/nrdowiec-przod" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/nrdowiec-przod" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/nrdowiec-bok" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/nrdowiec-bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/nrdowiec.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud2/biurowiec02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud2/biurowiec02" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/biurowiec02" Created texture object for "textures/bud2/biurowiec02-lightmap" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/biurowiec02-lightmap" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud2/biurowiec02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/sam_tankowanie.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/sam_tankowanie" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/sam_tankowanie" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/sam_tankowanie.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/segment1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/segment1a" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/segment1a" Created texture object for "textures/pm/segment1b" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/segment1b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/segment1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/poczta_polska_spedycja.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/poczta_polska_spedycja" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/poczta_polska_spedycja" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/poczta_polska_spedycja.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/budynki/trafostacja.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/budynki/trafostacja" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/budynki/trafostacja" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/budynki/trafostacja.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/rozdzielnia_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/maszt_gsmr.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/maszt_gsmr" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/maszt_gsmr" Created texture object for "textures/plot_prety" Loading texture data from "textures/plot_prety" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/maszt_gsmr.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_gazu.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_glowna" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_glowna" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/barierka" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/barierka" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/dach_05" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/dach_05" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/blacha4" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/blacha4" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/filar1" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_gora" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_gora" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/koksownie/zbiornik_gazu.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/buda_starosielce.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/buda_starosielce" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/buda_starosielce" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/buda_starosielce.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/biedronka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/biedronka" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/biedronka" Created texture object for "textures/kostka_szara" Loading texture data from "textures/kostka_szara" Created texture object for "textures/beton4" Loading texture data from "textures/beton4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/biedronka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/candcpartners.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/candcpartners" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/candcpartners" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/candcpartners.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "chr_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "chr_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "chr_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "chr_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "chr_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "cal_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "cal_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "cal_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "cal_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "cal_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/eet_magazyn_teplice_n_metuji.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/eet_magazyn_teplice_n_metuji" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/eet_magazyn_teplice_n_metuji" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/eet_magazyn_teplice_n_metuji.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "zle_chata" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "zle_chata" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "klewki_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "klewki_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "klewki_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/hunter/mb-blok_010405.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/hunter/mb-detale" Loading texture data from "textures/hunter/mb-detale" Created texture object for "textures/hunter/mb-blok_010405" Loading texture data from "textures/hunter/mb-blok_010405" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "main" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.88, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/hunter/mb-szyba" Loading texture data from "textures/hunter/mb-szyba" Created texture object for "textures/hunter/mb-balkon1" Loading texture data from "textures/hunter/mb-balkon1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/hunter/mb-blok_010405.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/stacje/wieza_wodna_sierpc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stacje/wieza_wodna_sierpc" Loading texture data from "textures/stacje/wieza_wodna_sierpc" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/stacje/wieza_wodna_sierpc.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/fabryka1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_chimney" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_chimney" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_part2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_part2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_papa" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_papa" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_wall1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabryka1_wall1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/fabryka1.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domeczek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/eet_rampa_18x50m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/eet_rampa_18x50m" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/eet_rampa_18x50m" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/eet_rampa_18x50m.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_chata" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "wil_chata" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "emi_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "emi_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "emi_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "emi_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/biuro_placowe01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/biuro_placowe_chs" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/biuro_placowe_chs" Created texture object for "textures/bruchniewo/papa" Loading texture data from "textures/bruchniewo/papa" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/biuro_placowe01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/komin_luban6x40.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/gora4" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/gora4" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/dol5" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/dol5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/komin_luban6x40.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/lj/szopa01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud2/lokkrpl-scianawew" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/lokkrpl-scianawew" Created texture object for "textures/bud2/lokkrpl-scianazew" Loading texture data from "textures/bud2/lokkrpl-scianazew" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/lj/szopa01.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "pom_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "pom_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_michal_mi2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_michal_mi2" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_michal_mi2" Created texture object for "textures/beton001_mossy" Loading texture data from "textures/beton001_mossy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_michal_mi2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1_wl" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1_wl" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metal1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metal1" Created texture object for "textures/tory/podklad" Loading texture data from "textures/tory/podklad" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss-1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nast_cw1_wilis" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nast_cw1_wilis" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nast_cw1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nast_cw1" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nast_cw1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nast_cw1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss_mc" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss_mc" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss_mc1" Loading texture data from "textures/nastawnie/nastawnia_satopy-samulewo_ss_mc1" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 8) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "bol_dom" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jar_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jar_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "jar_domek" defined in file "scenery/mieszkalne/" (line 6) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fos_blok_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_blok_1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_blok_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fos_blok_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc2" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc2" Created texture object for "textures/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc1" Loading texture data from "textures/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mc/mydlniki-kabsekc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_magazyn1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/magazyn_pludry" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/magazyn_pludry" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_magazyn1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_magazyn2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/magazyn_pludry2" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/magazyn_pludry2" Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/drzwi" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/drzwi" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_magazyn2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_magazyn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_magazyn" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_magazyn" Created texture object for "textures/beton001" Loading texture data from "textures/beton001" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_magazyn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/rurociag_lbc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wm15_yellow" Loading texture data from "textures/wm15_yellow" Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalfrictionpattern1" Created texture object for "textures/#wiaduktbarierki-nb" Loading texture data from "textures/#wiaduktbarierki-nb" Created texture object for "textures/tr/est-bramkaszara-pg1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/est-bramkaszara-pg1m" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/rurociag_lbc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mlody/magazyn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/materials/stonesfinedarkgray1" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/stonesfinedarkgray1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "magazyn" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.84, 0.84, 0.84) Created texture object for "textures/mlody/drzwi" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/drzwi" Created texture object for "textures/fence" Loading texture data from "textures/fence" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "dacd" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.18, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "textures/mlody/chodnik-6k-1x2m" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/chodnik-6k-1x2m" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "rampa" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.18, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "textures/mlody/wiata3nczerwona" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/wiata3nczerwona" Created texture object for "textures/podklad1" Loading texture data from "textures/podklad1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mlody/magazyn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/magazyny_bl1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/magazyny_bl1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/magazyny_bl1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/magazyny_bl1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/katedra.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/kosciola" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/kosciola" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/kosciolb" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/kosciolb" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/dachowka" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/dachowka" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/wiezak" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/wiezak" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/katedra.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_bud1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/fos_bud1" Created texture object for "textures/stonesfinedarkgray1" Loading texture data from "textures/stonesfinedarkgray1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_nfz.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/isdr/lbc_nfz" Loading texture data from "textures/isdr/lbc_nfz" Created texture object for "textures/bruchniewo/#dach" Loading texture data from "textures/bruchniewo/#dach" Created texture object for "textures/bruchniewo/bud_waga" Loading texture data from "textures/bruchniewo/bud_waga" Created texture object for "textures/bruchniewo/bud_waga_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/bruchniewo/bud_waga_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_nfz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_bud1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/paw_bud1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/paw_bud1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pawonkow_bud1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/mir.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/mir_a" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/mir_a" Created texture object for "textures/pm/#mir_n" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/#mir_n" Created texture object for "textures/pm/mir_c" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/mir_c" Created texture object for "textures/pm/mir_b" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/mir_b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/mir.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mlody/blokmalyhn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mlody/blok1" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/blok1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "blok1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.45, 1.05, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mlody/blokmalyhn.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia144/dom1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/l144/cegla1" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/cegla1" Created texture object for "textures/l144/drzwi3" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/drzwi3" Created texture object for "textures/l144/okno2" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/okno2" Created texture object for "textures/ironrust" Loading texture data from "textures/ironrust" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia144/dom1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/wloclawek/wwek_przychodniak.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/earth" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/earth" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p9" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p9" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p0" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p0" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_papa" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_papa" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p1" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p1" Created texture object for "textures/ip/hmp55-0" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/hmp55-0" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p8" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p8" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p7" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p7" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p6" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p6" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p5" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p5" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p4" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p4" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p3" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p3" Created texture object for "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p2" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/wwek_przychodniak_p2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/wloclawek/wwek_przychodniak.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia144/dom2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/l144/cegla3" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/cegla3" Created texture object for "textures/l144/drzwi2" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/drzwi2" Created texture object for "textures/l144/okno4" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/okno4" Created texture object for "textures/l144/dach1" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/dach1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia144/dom2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/kosciol.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/kosciol_hs" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/kosciol_hs" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.38, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/kosciol.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia144/ozimek_transformator.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/l144/ozimek_transformator" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/ozimek_transformator" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia144/ozimek_transformator.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_bud2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/isdr/bud1_przod" Loading texture data from "textures/isdr/bud1_przod" Created texture object for "textures/3bok-staraceglatynk1" Loading texture data from "textures/3bok-staraceglatynk1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_bud2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/silosy_lbc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/beton_white" Loading texture data from "textures/beton_white" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cylinder07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.48, 0.48, 0.48) Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltdark1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/silosy_lbc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/wiezacisnien.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/wiezacisnien" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/wiezacisnien" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/green" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/green" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/red" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/red" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/wiezacisnien.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/hs_nd1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/hs_nd1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/hs_nd1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/hs_nd1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia144/ozimek_huta_m_panew.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/l144/ozimek_mala_panew1" Loading texture data from "textures/l144/ozimek_mala_panew1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia144/ozimek_huta_m_panew.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/magazyny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/stefmex" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/stefmex" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "magazyn" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.71) Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/ogrodzeniestarybeton1" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/ogrodzeniestarybeton1" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/hala" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/hala" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/magazyny" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/magazyny" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.42) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pologi" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.39, 0.62, 0.62) Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/dachsrebrnablacha" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/dachsrebrnablacha" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/wiaduktzyrardowska" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/wiaduktzyrardowska" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.45, 1.60, 2.43) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.45, 1.60, 2.43) Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/lampydworzec" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/lampydworzec" Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/siatka" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/siatka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/magazyny.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/ruina1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/ruina2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/ruina2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/komin3" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/komin3" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/ruina1" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/ruina1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud2" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/fosowskie_bud2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/hala01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/indu01" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/indu01" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/indu02" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/indu02" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/indu03" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/indu03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/hala01.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/fabryka2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabrykaa" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabrykaa" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/komin2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/komin2" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabrykab" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabrykab" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/dach3" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/dach3" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/betona" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/betona" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabrykad" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabrykad" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/dach" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/dach" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabrykaf" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabrykaf" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/dach4" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/dach4" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/mial" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/mial" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/fabrykac" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/fabrykac" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/metala" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/metala" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/betonl" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/betonl" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/metalb" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/metalb" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/wooda" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/wooda" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/murc" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/murc" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/asphaltgray2" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/asphaltgray2" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/will_brick2_base" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/will_brick2_base" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/spd2" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/spd2" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szopa1a" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szopa1a" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/dach" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/dach" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/inne" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/inne" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/bramy" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/bramy" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szopa2a" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szopa2a" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/urzadzenia" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/urzadzenia" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/pradnicaga" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/pradnicaga" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pradnicag" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/rdz" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/rdz" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/deski-dach" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/deski-dach" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/et21-422_1" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/et21-422_1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzkokr" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/klocki" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/klocki" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wyciagarka" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/zbiornik" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/zbiornik" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zbiornik" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzkokr01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "tulejeA" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wozek_et21" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wozek_et21" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "tlumikguma" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "sprzegi" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szafka1" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szafka1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "szafka-1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szafka2" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/szafka2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "szafka" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/trakcyjny" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/trakcyjny" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "silnikitrkc02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/przedzialmeu07" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/przedzialmeu07" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Przetwornica02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "SprezarkaP" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "resor" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "resorsr" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "SprezarkaG01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/pojwg" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/pojwg" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "knst02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTOP03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/lampakub" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/lampakub" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampakub" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak-suw02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.01, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogranicznik" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "kubel" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "klocki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "klocki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "klocki02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTOP01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTOP02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "dzwig-maly" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "dzwig-maly01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pomosty-inspkc" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large 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too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: too large triangle ignored in: "pomosty-inspkc" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampakub" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "baza" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/6d-284" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/6d-284" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ostoja" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/blacha" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/blacha" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podloga" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "barierki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wozek-sm42-1" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wozek-sm42-1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/kolo_sprychy" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/kolo_sprychy" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek02_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/6d-podwozie" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/6d-podwozie" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podwozie_el" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.05, 0.01, 0.10) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.05, 0.01, 0.10) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "szafa_elektryczna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "budka_maszynisty" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.02) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/#sprzeg2" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/#sprzeg2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/coupler" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/coupler" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler1_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler2_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak022" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "stopnie" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_boczne" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_czolownica" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "antena02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/went" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/went" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentylator" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.06, 0.06, 0.13) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.05) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.05) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wycieraczka04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wycieraczka03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wycieraczka02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wycieraczka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_kabina" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek01_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.05, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.04, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_gora02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_gora01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_dol03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_dol04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_dol01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lampa_dol02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy_dachu" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.07, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "p-maszynowy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp11_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp21_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentbok" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.06, 0.06, 0.13) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "MAIN" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzak_prawy05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Plane03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.01, 0.01, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object35" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object36" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zb-WN01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "con_podst" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "con_2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "con_03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTOP04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTMECH02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieDolne1_Pant02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieGorne1_Pant02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieDolne2_Pant02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieGorne2_Pant02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object14" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ChamferBox02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzak_prawy06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder47" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler1_Off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object15" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object16" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box14" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box15" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object18" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box19" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box20" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box21" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder49" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object17" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box22" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box23" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box24" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder50" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object42" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box16" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object19" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box18" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object20" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder51" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder52" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Loft03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box25" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box27" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder53" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object43" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object44" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box28" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box29" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box30" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box31" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object45" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object46" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object47" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object48" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box32" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder54" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box33" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder55" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTOP05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "PANTMECH03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieDolne1_Pant03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieGorne1_Pant03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Slizg_Pant08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieDolne2_Pant03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "RamieGorne2_Pant03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object49" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object50" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object21" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object22" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.01, 0.01, 0.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object23" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.01, 0.01, 0.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.04, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Line01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object24" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.04, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object25" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Plane04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzak_prawy07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzak_prawy08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object27" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Plane01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Plane02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Loft01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object51" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box17" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ET21" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box14" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box16" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder18" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder20" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ET01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/kolo_et21" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/kolo_et21" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box34" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box35" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder56" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box36" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box37" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box38" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object52" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object53" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder57" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder58" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder59" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder60" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder61" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder62" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder63" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder64" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder65" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder66" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder67" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box39" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box40" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box41" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler1_Off01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder69" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/interior" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/interior" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "interior" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/top" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/top" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "top" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/window_int" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/window_int" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "windows-int" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/window_ext" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/window_ext" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "windows-ext" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/front" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/front" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "front" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/side" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/side" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "sides" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/throttle" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/throttle" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "throttle" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/console" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/console" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "console" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/bogey" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/bogey" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/5328343-7" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/lokom_m_pr/5328343-7" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object30" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object29" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_bud4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/isdr/lbc_bud4" Loading texture data from "textures/isdr/lbc_bud4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_bud4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_peron.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/isdr/lbc_bud_isdr_peron" Loading texture data from "textures/isdr/lbc_bud_isdr_peron" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_peron.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/magazyn1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pd-kamien" Loading texture data from "textures/pd-kamien" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/magazyn-s" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/magazyn-s" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/mur" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/mur" Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/drzwi" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/drzwi" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/magazyn1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/gnaszyn_nd2_wsch.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/gnaszyn_ns1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/gnaszyn_ns1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.90, 0.90, 0.90) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/gnaszyn_nd2_wsch.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/blok_fabryczna.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sochaczew/blokfabryczna" Loading texture data from "textures/sochaczew/blokfabryczna" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sochaczew/blok_fabryczna.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bud/kosciolmloszowa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bud/#kosciolmloszowa" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/#kosciolmloszowa" Created texture object for "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-tyl" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-tyl" Created texture object for "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-okno" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-okno" Created texture object for "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-sciana" Loading texture data from "textures/bud/kosciolmloszowa-sciana" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bud/kosciolmloszowa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slawkow/nastgryfbet.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/nastgryfbet01" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/nastgryfbet01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slawkow/nastgryfbet.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/wall_wc" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/wall_wc" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/details_wc" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/details_wc" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/papa_wc" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/papa_wc" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/barak-wsk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/[barak]" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/[barak]" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/barak-wsk.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/plu_bud1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/plu_bud1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/pludry_bud1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/grass_autumn3" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_autumn3" Created texture object for "textures/normals/grass_autumn3_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/grass_autumn3_normal" Created texture object for "textures/chodnik1" Loading texture data from "textures/chodnik1" Created texture object for "textures/normals/chodnik1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/chodnik1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/beton2" Loading texture data from "textures/beton2" Created texture object for "textures/grassdarkgreen3" Loading texture data from "textures/grassdarkgreen3" Created texture object for "textures/stone1_" Loading texture data from "textures/stone1_" Created texture object for "textures/peronyl61_mossy" Loading texture data from "textures/peronyl61_mossy" Created texture object for "textures/plateplatform1_side_2" Loading texture data from "textures/plateplatform1_side_2" Created texture object for "textures/chodnik-ra" Loading texture data from "textures/chodnik-ra" Created texture object for "textures/plateplatform_grass" Loading texture data from "textures/plateplatform_grass" Created texture object for "textures/normals/plateplatform_grass_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/plateplatform_grass_normal" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/1k_asfalt1_cal" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/1k_asfalt1_cal" Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1_side1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltdark1_side1" Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1_dashedwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltdark1_dashedwhite" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_side2" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_side2" Created texture object for "textures/asphaltdark1_solidwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/asphaltdark1_solidwhite" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_solidwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_solidwhite" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_side1" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_side1" Created texture object for "textures/ground-yellowbrown" Loading texture data from "textures/ground-yellowbrown" Created texture object for "textures/normals/ground-yellowbrown_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/ground-yellowbrown_normal" Created texture object for "textures/road-side1" Loading texture data from "textures/road-side1" Created texture object for "textures/117_peron" Loading texture data from "textures/117_peron" Created texture object for "textures/roadcobblestonegray1" Loading texture data from "textures/roadcobblestonegray1" Created texture object for "textures/normals/roadcobblestonegray1-normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/roadcobblestonegray1-normal" Created texture object for "textures/peronyl61" Loading texture data from "textures/peronyl61" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_nolines" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_nolines" Created texture object for "textures/asphalt1_dashedwhite" Loading texture data from "textures/asphalt1_dashedwhite" Created texture object for "textures/kostka" Loading texture data from "textures/kostka" Created texture object for "textures/chodnik-1x2m" Loading texture data from "textures/chodnik-1x2m" Created texture object for "textures/normals/chodnik-1x2m_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/chodnik-1x2m_normal" Created texture object for "textures/sm/peron_pogodno" Loading texture data from "textures/sm/peron_pogodno" Created texture object for "textures/plateplatform1_side_2-90" Loading texture data from "textures/plateplatform1_side_2-90" Created texture object for "textures/roadstonewhite1" Loading texture data from "textures/roadstonewhite1" Created texture object for "textures/most1-jezdniablach" Loading texture data from "textures/most1-jezdniablach" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most2-2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiadukt-beton1-filarprzod" Loading texture data from "textures/wiadukt-beton1-filarprzod" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most1-bok" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most1-bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most2-2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/mostdrogceg_32.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/szlakowe/mostdrogceg_32" Loading texture data from "textures/szlakowe/mostdrogceg_32" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/mostdrogceg_32.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/plateplatform_grass_mossy" Loading texture data from "textures/plateplatform_grass_mossy" Created texture object for "textures/per4plyty" Loading texture data from "textures/per4plyty" Created texture object for "textures/rivermnt1" Loading texture data from "textures/rivermnt1" Created texture object for "textures/rivermnt1bank" Loading texture data from "textures/rivermnt1bank" Created texture object for "textures/perony_bok_l61_a" Loading texture data from "textures/perony_bok_l61_a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt3-2t.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt3-bok" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt3-bok" Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt3-spod" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt3-spod" Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt3-filar" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt3-filar" Created texture object for "textures/eng/#barierka2" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/#barierka2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt3-2t.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odsunacsie.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odsunacsie_zyczymy.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_ekspresb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_ekspresb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobter_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobter_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobter_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0445.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0545.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0645.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0745.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0845.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0945.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1045.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1145.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1345.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1545.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1645.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1745.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1845.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1945.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2045.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2145.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2245.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_ekspresa_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_ekspresa_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobwaw_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobwaw_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osobwaw_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0419.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0449.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0519.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0549.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0619.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0649.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0719.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0749.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0819.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0849.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0919.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0949.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1049.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1149.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1249.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1349.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1449.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1519.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1549.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1619.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1649.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1719.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1749.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1819.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1849.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1919.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1949.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2049.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2149.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2249.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwaw_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwaw_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwaw_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0634.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0834.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1034.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1234.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1434.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1634.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1834.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2034.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwila_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwila_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0909.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwilb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_pospwilb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-jar_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-wil_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_posp_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-jar_podst.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-wil_podst.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-jar_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-wil_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-jar_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_osob-wil_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0439.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0639.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0839.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1039.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1239.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1439.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1639.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1839.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2039.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2239.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_posp_podst.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_posp_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_jan_posp_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0539.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0739.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0939.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1139.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1339.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1539.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1939.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj2139.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osoba_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobwila_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osoba_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobwila_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospwila_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospwila_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospa_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospa_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobwilb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_osobwilb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospwilb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_mac_pospwilb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_przelot_t1p2.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_przelot_t2p2.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwila_wj5.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwilb_stoi5.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1210.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwilb_odj5.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_pospwila_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_pospwilb_stoi.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj0738.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_pospwilb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osoba_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwila_wj2.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osoba_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobb_wj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwilb_stoi2.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_odj1410.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobb_odj.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/zapowiedzi/calkowo_v2/zap_wil_osobwilb_odj2.wav sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/cal_zatrzymajradio.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_moznaradio.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_5591gotowi.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_dyzurnywyjazd.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_objazdyjada.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_5591gotowpoprobie.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_bezwjazdu.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_5592gotow.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_calwjedzietowarowy.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_calinfo.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilwyjazdwojsko.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilwyjazdmagazyn.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_rozkazik.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wjezdzaj.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilpytanie.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wiltor4.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wiltor6.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wiltorobok.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wildobrzezachwile.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilwyjazdpodany.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilwjazdojar.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wilrobisie.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_semaforekpodany.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_gotowina5tym.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wildobra.wav sound: loading file: sounds/cal_wildobradzieki.wav sound: loading file: sounds/kaliska_stacja3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/gf.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/kaliska_skowronek1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/kaliska_skowronek2.ogg Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kwietnik.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/grassdead5" Loading texture data from "textures/grassdead5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kwietnik.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_kwietnik.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/grass_autumn4" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_autumn4" Created texture object for "textures/normals/grass_autumn4_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/grass_autumn4_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_kwietnik.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/mlody/koszlawka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/mlody/siodlo" Loading texture data from "textures/mlody/siodlo" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/mlody/koszlawka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/zegar.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/zegar.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/iz_tg_kosz.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/iz_tg_kosz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/model1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/grasbrown2_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/grasbrown2_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/normals/grasbrown2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/grasbrown2_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/model1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/dodatki_stacyjne/zuraw_wodny.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/dodatki_stacyjne/zuraw_wodny.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pm/m121mb.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pm/m121_kr" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/m121_kr" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kolo_silver_tyl" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kolo_silver_tyl" Created texture object for "textures/pm/kolo_silver_przod" Loading texture data from "textures/pm/kolo_silver_przod" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pm/m121mb.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/podklady.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slawkow/zdunowo_wiata01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_dach01" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_dach01" Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_belka01" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_belka01" Created texture object for "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_belka02" Loading texture data from "textures/slawkow/zdunowo_belka02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slawkow/zdunowo_wiata01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_siatka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/oslonatrakcji" Loading texture data from "textures/oslonatrakcji" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/isdr/lbc_siatka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/lipie_przystanek.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/lipie_przystanek" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/lipie_przystanek" Created texture object for "textures/linia61/isdr/blacha1" Loading texture data from "textures/linia61/isdr/blacha1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia61/isdr/lipie_przystanek.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/zuraw_niebieski.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/zuraw_niebieski" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/zuraw_niebieski" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zuraw_niebieski_ramie" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.63, 1.39, 0.12) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/ekranakustyczny_20m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/szlakowe/ekranakustyczny" Loading texture data from "textures/szlakowe/ekranakustyczny" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/ekranakustyczny_20m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/lj/drewno.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/lj/drewno" Loading texture data from "textures/lj/drewno" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/lj/drewno.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/peron2_stojacy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablice_nr_peronu" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablice_nr_peronu" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/peron2_stojacy.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/peron1_stojacy.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/peron1_stojacy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/wood/woodbrown3" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/woodbrown3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/detal/lawka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/lawka02" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/lawka02" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/detal/lawka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/studnia.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/dekiel" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/dekiel" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/studnia.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/wejtun.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/wejtun.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_siatka_lewa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_siatka" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_siatka" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_siatka_prawa.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/krzyz.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slimson/drewnobraz" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/drewnobraz" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/beton" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/beton" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/krzyz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/slupnapis.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/slupnapis.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/pomianki_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/pomianki_val" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/peron1_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/peron1_val" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/slupnapismaly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/slupnapismaly.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/slimson/peron2_val" Loading texture data from "textures/slimson/peron2_val" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/baledrewna.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/materials/#wood" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/#wood" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "dluznica" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.11, 1.00, 1.14) Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_elektrownia-mac.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/plot_beton2" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/plot_beton2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "plotek109" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.33, 1.33, 1.33) Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_blacha_lewa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_blacha" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_blacha" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_blacha_prawa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/plot_beton1" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/plot_beton1" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_100m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_200m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_slupek.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_60m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_50m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_25m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_pzo" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_pzo" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/tablicas_1x1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/metalplatedirt1" Loading texture data from "textures/metalplatedirt1" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_zakaz01" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_zakaz01" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/tablicaw_1x1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x3_zakaz01" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x3_zakaz01" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/tablicas_1x3.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x2_zakaz01" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x2_zakaz01" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/tablicas_1x2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_strzezsie" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x1_strzezsie" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x2_zakaz04" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_1x2_zakaz04" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/wiata1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/wiata" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/wiata" Created texture object for "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/lampa_poswiata" Loading texture data from "textures/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/lampa_poswiata" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/otoczenie/obiekty_stacyjne/wiata1.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_13m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_metal_lewa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_metal" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_metal" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_metal_prawa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/tablica_3x1_terenwojskowy" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/tablica_3x1_terenwojskowy" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/tablicaw_3x1.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafazasil3.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafazasil3" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafazasil3" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/plotek.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/plotek" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/plotek" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka02.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kwietnik_hexagon.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/kwietnik_hexagon" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/kwietnik_hexagon" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kwietnik_hexagon.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_metal2_lewa.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_metal2_prawa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontener04" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontener04" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/kontener.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/20kontener02" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/20kontener02" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/20kontener03" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/20kontener03" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontener01" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontener01" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontener02" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontener02" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/20kontener01" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/20kontener01" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/20kontener04" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/20kontener04" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontener03" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontener03" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot_170m.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_duza_02.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_duza_2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_duza_2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_duza_02.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafasbl.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafasbl" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafasbl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafasbl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/ambona.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wiejskie/ambona" Loading texture data from "textures/wiejskie/ambona" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wiejskie/ambona.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/6h40m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/balustrada_2" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/balustrada_2" Created texture object for "textures/ip/lgtrust1" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/lgtrust1" Created texture object for "textures/ip/door1" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/door1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pmppw/6h40m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_mostek.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przemysl/rurociag2" Loading texture data from "textures/przemysl/rurociag2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_mostek.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_zejscie.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_zejscie.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_kolano.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag2_kolano.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/bochnia/bochnia_przejscie.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/bochnia/do_miasta" Loading texture data from "textures/bochnia/do_miasta" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/bochnia/bochnia_przejscie.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/lawka03" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/lawka03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_duza_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_duza_1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_duza_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_duza_01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_11.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_11" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_11" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_11.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_7.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_7" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_7" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_7.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_5" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_3" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafazasilajaca.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafazasilajaca" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafazasilajaca" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafazasilajaca.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_8.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_8" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_8" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_8.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_10.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_10" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_10" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_10.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_4" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_mala_01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/szafa_mala_1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/szafa_mala_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/szafa_mala_01.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatka_9m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/metal/metalbase003" Loading texture data from "textures/metal/metalbase003" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_prety_lewa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_prety" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_prety" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_prety_prawa.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatka_slupek.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatka_90m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatka_30m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatka_3m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_prety_prawa2.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotwojsko_3m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotwojsko_slupek.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotwojsko_90m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotwojsko_30m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotwojsko_9m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko_lewa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko" Loading texture data from "textures/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko_prawa.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko2_lewa.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama_wojsko2_prawa.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/pendolino" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/pendolino" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/billboard_504x238_2x_stroer.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/billboard_504x238_stroer" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/billboard_504x238_stroer" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/billboard_504x238_2x_stroer.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/raj" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/raj" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/slogi" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/slogi" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/smiec" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/smiec" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/tata" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/tata" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/tr_1" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/tr_1" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/pendolino2" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/pendolino2" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_4" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_4" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_1" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiata_blaszana.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatawall" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatawall" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatacien" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatacien" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiata1" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiata1" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiata2" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiata2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiata_blaszana.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_pomaranczowy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/kosz_pomaranczowy" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/kosz_pomaranczowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_pomaranczowy.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/telefon.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/szlakowe/telefon" Loading texture data from "textures/szlakowe/telefon" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/szlakowe/telefon.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wiata_na_wskazniki.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/old_wood" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/old_wood" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wiata_na_wskazniki.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/rj_wlkp_puszczykowo" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/rj_wlkp_puszczykowo" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/rozklad_jazdy_wlkp.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_zielony.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/kosz_zielony" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/kosz_zielony" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_zielony.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_szary.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/kosz_szary" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/kosz_szary" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kosz_szary.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/slup_przej_60cm.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/slup_przej_60cm" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/slup_przej_60cm" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slupek_niski_60cm.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slupek_niski_60cm" Loading texture data from "textures/slupek_niski_60cm" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slupek_niski_60cm.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_2" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/reklama_duza/krew_2" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/skrzynki.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/skrzynka" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/skrzynka" Bad model: parent for sub-model "Object_8" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/szyny_stos.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/tor" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/tor" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatkastara_90m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatkastara_30m.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kamera_cctv.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/cctv" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/cctv" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/kamera_cctv.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/skrzynka_cctv.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/skrzynka_cctv.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/lawka01" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/lawka01" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/lawka01.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatkastara_9m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatkastara_3m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plotsiatkastara_slupek.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/40_42" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/40_42" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/wsk_nr_tor.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/wsk_nr_tor" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/wsk_nr_tor" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/wsk_nr_tor.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/42_44" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/42_44" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/44_46" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/44_46" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/46_48" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/46_48" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/50_52" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/50_52" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/52_54" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/52_54" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/56_58" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/56_58" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/nr_toru/54_56" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/nr_toru/54_56" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/uwaga_poligonwojskowy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/uwaga_poligonwojskowy" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/uwaga_poligonwojskowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/uwaga_poligonwojskowy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_jan" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_jan" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor11_peron4_tor13" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor11_peron4_tor13" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tor_peron_pomodernizacji.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tor_peron_pomodernizacji.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor7_peron3_tor9" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor7_peron3_tor9" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor1_peron2_tor3" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor1_peron2_tor3" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor4_peron1_tor2" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor4_peron1_tor2" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_janzach" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_janzach" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_roz" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_roz" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_orz" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_orz" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor1_peron1_tor3" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor1_peron1_tor3" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor2_peron2_tor4" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor2_peron2_tor4" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_gor" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_gor" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_mac" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_mac" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor3_peron1_tor5" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor3_peron1_tor5" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tor2_peron2_tor1" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tor2_peron2_tor1" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_macos" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_macos" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_chr" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_chr" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_paszm" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_paszm" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_paszw" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_paszw" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_mil" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_mil" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_cal" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_cal" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_dru" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_dru" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_zle" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_zle" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_wil" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_wil" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/gablotki_informacja_stare.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotki_informacja_stare" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotki_informacja_stare" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/gablotki_informacja_stare.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_jan" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_jan" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_janzach" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_janzach" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_orz" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_orz" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_mac" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_mac" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_jar" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_konotopie_jar" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/schody_wp2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/schody_wp2" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/schody_wp2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/schody_wp2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/biletomat.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/biletomat" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/biletomat" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/biletomat_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/biletomat_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/biletomat.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/slup_pti.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/pti-rama" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/pti-rama" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/slup_pti.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=1" aren't multiples of 4 Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/pti-tft38.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/pti-tft38.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=2" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=2" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=4&tor=13" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=4&tor=13" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=4&tor=11" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=4&tor=11" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=3&tor=9" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=3&tor=9" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=3&tor=7" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=3&tor=7" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=3" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=3" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=1" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=4" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=1&tor=4" aren't multiples of 4 Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tabliczka_niedotykactrakcji.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tabliczki_nrtoru" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tabliczki_nrtoru" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tabliczka_niedotykactrakcji.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_roz" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_roz" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_laziskasrednie_pus" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_laziskasrednie_pus" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_laziskasrednie.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_laziskasrednie.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_gor" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_gor" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_now" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_now" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_now" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_now" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag1_zejscie.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przemysl/rurociag1_zejscie.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_jangor" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/gablotka_nazwastacji_nowe_jangor" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_jangor" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/tablica_miejscowosc_oswiecim_jangor" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/wiata_jaktorow.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/wiata_jaktorow" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/wiata_jaktorow" Created texture object for "textures/peronowe/szyby_wiata_jaktorow" Loading texture data from "textures/peronowe/szyby_wiata_jaktorow" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/wiata_jaktorow.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=2" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_pti?peron=2&tor=2" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_kierunek?kierunek_lewy=Macierzewo&kierunek_prawy=Janiszew" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_kierunek?kierunek_lewy=Macierzewo&kierunek_prawy=Janiszew" aren't multiples of 4 Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_kierunek.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/peronowe/tablica_kierunek.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/tablica_kierunek?kierunek_lewy=Janiszew&kierunek_prawy=Macierzewo" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/tablica_kierunek?kierunek_lewy=Janiszew&kierunek_prawy=Macierzewo" aren't multiples of 4 Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiata_szyby.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatadol" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatadol" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatadach" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatadach" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatadol2a" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatadol2a" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatarozklad" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatarozklad" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatasufit" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatasufit" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatadeska" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatadeska" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiataslupek2" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiataslupek2" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiataslupek" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiataslupek" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatalawka" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatalawka" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/wiatagora1" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/wiatagora1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/wiata_szyby.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost" Created texture object for "textures/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost_p" Loading texture data from "textures/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost_p" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/miejskie/paczkomat_inpost.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/forest/logs_podporka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/logs" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/logs" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/forest/logs_podporka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/forest/logs.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/forest/logs.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/etcs_balisa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/etcs_balisa" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/etcs_balisa" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/etcs_balisa.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_p" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_p" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/etcs_wskaznik.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/etcs_wskaznik" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/etcs_wskaznik" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/etcs_wskaznik.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_k" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_k" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_z" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/etcs_l1_z" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: pogoda_wybor_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan-boczn_przebieg_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: poczatek_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_stary.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_stary" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_stary" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_stary.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/4" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_x_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_x_1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/0" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/0" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_cyfra_hektometr.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_cyfra_hektometr.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/3" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/3" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/8" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/8" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/6" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/6" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_zgnity.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_zgnity" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_zgnity" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_zgnity.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/5" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/5" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/1" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/9" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/9" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/7" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry_stare/7" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_nowy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_nowy" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_nowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_hekto_nowy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/3" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/3" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/5" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/5" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/4" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/4" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/2" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/1" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/0" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/0" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/9" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/9" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/8" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/8" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/7" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/7" Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/6" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/hekto_cyfry/6" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xx_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xx_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xx_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xx_2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/slupek_xxx_3.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/light1" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/light1" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01_kloszoff" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01_kloszoff" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01_kloszon" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01_kloszon" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/lampa_parkowa01.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_lbc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/slup_beton" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/slup_beton" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/klosz" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/klosz" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/zarowka_on" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/zarowka_on" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/zarowka" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/zarowka" Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/poswiata" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/poswiata" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_lbc.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/smuga2hps.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/light2" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/light2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/smuga2hps.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_eoc10_5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/osw_eoc" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/osw_eoc" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_eoc10_5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wysy_plk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/wys_plk" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/wys_plk" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wysy_plk.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/opr_sgp340.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/oprawa_selenium" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/oprawa_selenium" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/opr_sgp340.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/smuga1hps.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/smuga1hps.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wysl_plk.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wysl_plk.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_eoc9.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_eoc9.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarniay_betdziur.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/beton" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/beton" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarniay_betdziur.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_betdziur.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_betdziur.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_hexbet12.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/osw_hexbet" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/osw_hexbet" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/osw_hexbet12.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_hs.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/klosz1" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/klosz1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_hs.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarniay_hs.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarniay_hs.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_str.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/slup_zielony" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/slup_zielony" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/latarnial_str.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wieza_hs.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/#izol-sekcja" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/#izol-sekcja" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos102" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos101" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos100" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos99" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos98" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos97" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos96" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos95" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos94" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos93" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos92" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos91" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos90" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos89" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos88" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos87" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos86" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos85" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos84" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos83" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos82" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos81" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos80" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos79" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos78" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos77" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos76" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos75" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos74" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos73" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos72" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos71" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos70" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos69" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos68" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos67" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos66" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos65" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos64" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos63" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos62" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos61" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos60" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos59" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos58" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos57" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos56" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos55" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos54" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos53" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos52" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos51" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos50" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos49" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos48" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos47" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos46" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos45" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos44" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos43" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos42" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos41" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos40" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos39" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos38" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos37" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos36" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos35" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos34" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos33" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos22" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pos11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.68, 1.24, 1.51) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/wieza_hs.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-i-d.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia053/wwek_peron2" Loading texture data from "textures/linia053/wwek_peron2" Created texture object for "textures/linia053/light" Loading texture data from "textures/linia053/light" Created texture object for "textures/linia053/light-hg" Loading texture data from "textures/linia053/light-hg" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-i-d.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-y.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/linia053/light-na" Loading texture data from "textures/linia053/light-na" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-y.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-5.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/linia053/lamp-5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-tymczasowy_940cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-tymczasowy_940cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/panel-ogrodzeniowy-vera-ocnyk-wisniowski_1024cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/panel-ogrodzeniowy-vera-ocnyk-wisniowski_1024cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-kreta-400cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-kreta-400cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-panelowa-vera-wisniowski-100cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-panelowa-vera-wisniowski-100cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-szczelny-z-dekorem-drewniany-parma-werth-holz_940cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-szczelny-z-dekorem-drewniany-parma-werth-holz_940cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-panelowa-stark-polbram-100cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-panelowa-stark-polbram-100cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-milos-polbram-czarne_1100cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-milos-polbram-czarne_1100cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-palermo-90cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-palermo-90cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-stark-400cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-stark-400cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-szczelny-z-kratka-drewniany-nive-naterial_940cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-szczelny-z-kratka-drewniany-nive-naterial_940cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-kreta-90cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-kreta-90cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-nerosystem-400cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-nerosystem-400cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-eliza-iii-polargos_1100cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-eliza-iii-polargos_1100cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-lila-90cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/furtka-ogrodzeniowa-lila-90cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-deskowy-drewniany-mniszek-stelmet_940cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-deskowy-drewniany-mniszek-stelmet_940cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-lila-polargos_1100cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/przeslo-ogrodzeniowe-lila-polargos_1100cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/siatka-heksagonalna-0-5-x-5-m-ocynk_1024cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/siatka-heksagonalna-0-5-x-5-m-ocynk_1024cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-eliza-350cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/brama-dwuskrzydlowa-eliza-350cm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-sztachetowy-drewniany-nive-naterial_940cm.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/plot-sztachetowy-drewniany-nive-naterial_940cm.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ogrodzenia/cementownia_plot.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual05_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual05_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual05_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual05_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0004-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0004" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0004" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0004-st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual10_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual10_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual10_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual10_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual28_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/atlas_posers" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/atlas_posers" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual28_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business06_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business06_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual03_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual03_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual03_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual03_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0006-wa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0006" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0006" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0006-wa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business01_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business01_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business07_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/business07_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/business07_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business07_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business04_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/business04_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/business04_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business04_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas11_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual16_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual16_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual16_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual16_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business03_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/business03_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/business03_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business03_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0001-se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0001" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0001" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0001-se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female5_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female5_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business02_se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/business02_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/business02_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business02_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual19_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual19_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual19_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual19_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual02_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual02_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual02_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual02_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual06_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual06_m_25_hair" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual06_m_25_hair" Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual06_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual06_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual06_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual12_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual12_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual12_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual12_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual22_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual22_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual22_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual22_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business02_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business02_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business06_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business06_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female2_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female2_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0007-se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0007" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0007" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0007-se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual11_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual11_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual11_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual11_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual22_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual22_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female8_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female8_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual08_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual08_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual08_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual08_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas31_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female4_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female4_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual30_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual30_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual15_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual15_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual15_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual15_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas08_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual29_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual29_m_70" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual29_m_70" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual29_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual09_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual09_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual09_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual09_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female1_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female1_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female9_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female9_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female3_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female3_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual18_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual18_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual18_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual18_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0002-wa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0002" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0002" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0002-wa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual13_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual13_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual08_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual08_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual17_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual17_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female3_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female3_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual02_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual02_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0004-se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0004-se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business04_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business04_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female7_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female7_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport11_se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/sportive11_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/sportive11_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport11_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual20_se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual20_m_20" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual20_m_20" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual20_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual18_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual18_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female1_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female1_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas31_onstart Created texture object for "textures/posers/czarne" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/czarne" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female18-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/female18_1" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/female18_1" Created texture object for "textures/posers/face" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/face" Created texture object for "textures/posers/eye" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/eye" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female18-st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual14_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual14_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual14_m_30" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual14_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0001-st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0001-st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0005-wa.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0005" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0005" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0005-wa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female8_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female8_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport9_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/sportive09_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/sportive09_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport9_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual30_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual30_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female2_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female2_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female6_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female6_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport10_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/sportive10_m_20" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/sportive10_m_20" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport10_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas24_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0007-wa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0007-wa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0009-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0009" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0009" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0009-st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0003-se.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/cman0003" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cman0003" Created texture object for "textures/posers/folder0001" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/folder0001" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0003-se.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/blond" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/blond" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas08_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport4_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/sportive04_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/sportive04_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport4_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female5_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female5_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female4_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female4_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female6_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female6_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport7_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/sportive07_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/sportive07_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport7_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual24_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual24_m_40" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual24_m_40" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual24_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual27_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual27_m_70" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual27_m_70" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual27_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport11_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport11_st.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/orzech" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/orzech" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female7-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/female7_3" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/female7_3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female7-st.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/rude" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/rude" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female12-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/female12_3" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/female12_3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female12-st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas31_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas32_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business07_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business07_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual25_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual25_m_40" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual25_m_40" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual25_st.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/ciemny_blond" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/ciemny_blond" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female2-st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/female2_1" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/female2_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female2-st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas12_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual32_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual32_m_25" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual32_m_25" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual32_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual20_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual20_st.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/kasztan" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/kasztan" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual01_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual01_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual01_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual01_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas22_onstart Created texture object for "textures/posers/braz" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/braz" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas17_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual23_st.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual23_m_40" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual23_m_40" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual23_st.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business03_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business03_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0002-se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0002-se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas05_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female9_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female9_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/female7_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/female7_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas10_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual14_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual14_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas08_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual19_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual19_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas25_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual01_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual01_se.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/posers/blond_tleniony" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/blond_tleniony" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas21_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual10_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual10_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas04_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual16_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual16_se.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual26_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual26_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_l_pas07_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual05_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual05_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas31_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas32_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas33_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas34_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas35_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas36_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas37_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas38_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas39_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron1_pas40_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: maca_peron2_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas31_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas32_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas33_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macb_pas34_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosa_pas14_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual15_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual15_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: macosb_pas12_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual09_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual09_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chra_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: chrb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszma_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszmb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwa_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas29_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: paszwb_pas30_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: mila_pas12_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/casual26_st.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/casual26_st.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: milb_pas10_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/sport9_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/sport9_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: cala_pas26_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0005-se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/cman0005-se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas25_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas26_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas27_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: calb_pas28_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drua_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: drub_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zlea_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zleb_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas24_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wila_peron2_pas25_onstart Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/posers/business01_se.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/posers/business01_se.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas13_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas14_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas15_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas16_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas17_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas18_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas19_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas20_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas21_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas22_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron2_pas23_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas01_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas02_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas03_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas04_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas05_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas06_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas07_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas08_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas09_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas10_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas11_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas12_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilb_peron1_pas13_onstart Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty5_kpl.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/beton-przejazd" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/beton-przejazd" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty3_kpl.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty_rn.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty3_l.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty3_s.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty3_r.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty2_l.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty2_s.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty2_r.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty2_kpl.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty_pr.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty1_kpl.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty4_kpl.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty4_l.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty4_s.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty4_r.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty5_l.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty5_s.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty5_r.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty1_l.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty1_s.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/plyty1_r.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/g3_1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g3_1" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g3_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/krzyz_andrzej_nw.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/krzyz_andrzej_nw" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/krzyz_andrzej_nw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/krzyz_andrzej_nw.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/szlab_d_60.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#szlab_tex" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#szlab_tex" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.00, 2.00, 2.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ramie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.50, 0.50, 0.50) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/szlab_d_60.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/1sp2ccxx.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/przejazd_1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/przejazd_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/1sp2ccxx.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/slupek4m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g-3" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g-3" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_g-4.t3d"... sound: loading file: sounds/crossingbell1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/crossingbell2.ogg Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/szlab_d_45.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.00, 2.00, 2.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ramie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.50, 0.50, 0.50) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/szlab_d_45.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_g-3.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-20" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-20" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_b-20.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/back_b20" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/back_b20" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_b-20.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/g4_1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g4_1" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g4_1" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-20_2" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-20_2" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_b-20_2.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/g4_b20.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g4_b20" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g4_b20" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_xx_d_bombardier.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_przejazd" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_przejazd" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/_s2z_xx_d_bombardier.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/crossingbell1_bombardier.ogg Loading text format 3d model data from "models/znaki/g4_odbl.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g4_odbl" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g4_odbl" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/455" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/455" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/top.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/top" Loading texture data from "textures/top" Created texture object for "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.04, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 0.96, 0.96) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 1.06) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 0.95, 0.95) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/top.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/455n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/455n" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/topn.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.04, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 1.06) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 0.96, 0.96) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 0.95, 0.95) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/topn.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/377n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/377n" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/377" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/377" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/rogatki-wsk.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/[rogatki-wiocha]" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/[rogatki-wiocha]" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/eon.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/eon" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/eon" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/eon.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator_old.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/rezonator_old" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/rezonator_old" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/rezonator_old.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=45,515" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=45,515" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_white" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_white" Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/bombardier_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/buda_bombardier.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przejazdy/buda_bombardier.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=37,690" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=37,690" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w11osp" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w11osp" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w11osp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w11osp.e3d" Created texture object for "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=9,260" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/bombardier_ssp?typ=ssp&km=9,260" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "textures/tabl/925" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/925" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/925n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/925n" EventLauncher at 4:02 (osoba_jedz0410i) EventLauncher at 4:29 (osoba_jedz0439i) EventLauncher at 6:29 (osoba_jedz0639i) EventLauncher at 8:29 (osoba_jedz0839i) EventLauncher at 10:29 (osoba_jedz1039i) EventLauncher at 12:29 (osoba_jedz1239i) EventLauncher at 14:29 (osoba_jedz1439i) EventLauncher at 16:29 (osoba_jedz1639i) EventLauncher at 18:29 (osoba_jedz1839i) EventLauncher at 20:29 (osoba_jedz2039i) EventLauncher at 22:29 (osoba_jedz2239i) EventLauncher at 4:09 (osobb_jedz0410i) EventLauncher at 5:23 (osobb_jedz0524i) EventLauncher at 7:23 (osobb_jedz0724i) EventLauncher at 9:23 (osobb_jedz0924i) EventLauncher at 12:06 (osobb_jedz1210i) EventLauncher at 14:06 (osobb_jedz1410i) EventLauncher at 15:23 (osobb_jedz1524i) EventLauncher at 17:23 (osobb_jedz1724i) EventLauncher at 19:23 (osobb_jedz1924i) EventLauncher at 21:23 (osobb_jedz2124i) EventLauncher at 23:23 (osobb_jedz2324i) EventLauncher at 5:20 (jan_osob_tor37_start) EventLauncher at 5:29 (pospa_jedz0529i) EventLauncher at 7:29 (pospa_jedz0729i) EventLauncher at 9:29 (pospa_jedz0929i) EventLauncher at 11:29 (pospa_jedz1129i) EventLauncher at 13:29 (pospa_jedz1329i) EventLauncher at 15:29 (pospa_jedz1529i) EventLauncher at 17:29 (pospa_jedz1729i) EventLauncher at 19:29 (pospa_jedz1929i) EventLauncher at 21:29 (pospa_jedz2129i) EventLauncher at 5:51 (pospb_jedz0552i) EventLauncher at 7:51 (pospb_jedz0752i) EventLauncher at 9:51 (pospb_jedz0952i) EventLauncher at 11:51 (pospb_jedz1152i) EventLauncher at 13:51 (pospb_jedz1352i) EventLauncher at 15:51 (pospb_jedz1552i) EventLauncher at 17:51 (pospb_jedz1752i) EventLauncher at 19:51 (pospb_jedz1952i) EventLauncher at 21:51 (pospb_jedz2152i) EventLauncher at 4:58 (ekspresa_jedz0459i) EventLauncher at 5:58 (ekspresa_jedz0559i) EventLauncher at 6:58 (ekspresa_jedz0659i) EventLauncher at 7:58 (ekspresa_jedz0759i) EventLauncher at 9:58 (ekspresa_jedz0959i) EventLauncher at 11:58 (ekspresa_jedz1159i) EventLauncher at 13:58 (ekspresa_jedz1359i) EventLauncher at 15:58 (ekspresa_jedz1559i) EventLauncher at 16:58 (ekspresa_jedz1659i) EventLauncher at 17:58 (ekspresa_jedz1759i) EventLauncher at 19:58 (ekspresa_jedz1959i) EventLauncher at 21:58 (ekspresa_jedz2159i) EventLauncher at 5:09 (ekspresb_jedz0510i) EventLauncher at 6:09 (ekspresb_jedz0610i) EventLauncher at 7:09 (ekspresb_jedz0710i) EventLauncher at 8:09 (ekspresb_jedz0810i) EventLauncher at 10:09 (ekspresb_jedz1010i) EventLauncher at 12:09 (ekspresb_jedz1210i) EventLauncher at 14:09 (ekspresb_jedz1410i) EventLauncher at 16:09 (ekspresb_jedz1610i) EventLauncher at 17:09 (ekspresb_jedz1710i) EventLauncher at 18:09 (ekspresb_jedz1810i) EventLauncher at 20:09 (ekspresb_jedz2010i) EventLauncher at 22:09 (ekspresb_jedz2210i) EventLauncher at 4:04 (osobwawa_jedz0419i) EventLauncher at 4:34 (osobwawa_jedz0449i) EventLauncher at 5:04 (osobwawa_jedz0519i) EventLauncher at 5:34 (osobwawa_jedz0549i) EventLauncher at 6:04 (osobwawa_jedz0619i) EventLauncher at 6:34 (osobwawa_jedz0649i) EventLauncher at 7:04 (osobwawa_jedz0719i) EventLauncher at 7:34 (osobwawa_jedz0749i) EventLauncher at 8:04 (osobwawa_jedz0819i) EventLauncher at 8:34 (osobwawa_jedz0849i) EventLauncher at 9:04 (osobwawa_jedz0919i) EventLauncher at 9:34 (osobwawa_jedz0949i) EventLauncher at 10:34 (osobwawa_jedz1049i) EventLauncher at 11:34 (osobwawa_jedz1149i) EventLauncher at 12:34 (osobwawa_jedz1249i) EventLauncher at 13:34 (osobwawa_jedz1349i) EventLauncher at 14:34 (osobwawa_jedz1449i) EventLauncher at 15:04 (osobwawa_jedz1519i) EventLauncher at 15:34 (osobwawa_jedz1549i) EventLauncher at 16:04 (osobwawa_jedz1619i) EventLauncher at 16:34 (osobwawa_jedz1649i) EventLauncher at 17:04 (osobwawa_jedz1719i) EventLauncher at 17:34 (osobwawa_jedz1749i) EventLauncher at 18:04 (osobwawa_jedz1819i) EventLauncher at 18:34 (osobwawa_jedz1849i) EventLauncher at 19:04 (osobwawa_jedz1919i) EventLauncher at 19:34 (osobwawa_jedz1949i) EventLauncher at 20:34 (osobwawa_jedz2049i) EventLauncher at 21:34 (osobwawa_jedz2149i) EventLauncher at 22:34 (osobwawa_jedz2249i) EventLauncher at 23:10 (osobwawa_engineoff) EventLauncher at 4:23 (osobwawb_jedz0424i) EventLauncher at 4:53 (osobwawb_jedz0454i) EventLauncher at 5:23 (osobwawb_jedz0524i) EventLauncher at 5:53 (osobwawb_jedz0554i) EventLauncher at 6:23 (osobwawb_jedz0624i) EventLauncher at 6:53 (osobwawb_jedz0654i) EventLauncher at 7:23 (osobwawb_jedz0724i) EventLauncher at 7:53 (osobwawb_jedz0754i) EventLauncher at 8:23 (osobwawb_jedz0824i) EventLauncher at 8:53 (osobwawb_jedz0854i) EventLauncher at 9:23 (osobwawb_jedz0924i) EventLauncher at 9:53 (osobwawb_jedz0954i) EventLauncher at 10:53 (osobwawb_jedz1054i) EventLauncher at 11:53 (osobwawb_jedz1154i) EventLauncher at 12:53 (osobwawb_jedz1254i) EventLauncher at 13:53 (osobwawb_jedz1354i) EventLauncher at 14:53 (osobwawb_jedz1454i) EventLauncher at 15:23 (osobwawb_jedz1524i) EventLauncher at 15:53 (osobwawb_jedz1554i) EventLauncher at 16:23 (osobwawb_jedz1624i) EventLauncher at 16:53 (osobwawb_jedz1654i) EventLauncher at 17:23 (osobwawb_jedz1724i) EventLauncher at 17:53 (osobwawb_jedz1754i) EventLauncher at 18:23 (osobwawb_jedz1824i) EventLauncher at 18:53 (osobwawb_jedz1854i) EventLauncher at 19:23 (osobwawb_jedz1924i) EventLauncher at 19:53 (osobwawb_jedz1954i) EventLauncher at 20:53 (osobwawb_jedz2054i) EventLauncher at 21:53 (osobwawb_jedz2154i) EventLauncher at 22:53 (osobwawb_jedz2254i) EventLauncher at 23:10 (osobwawb_engineoff) EventLauncher at 6:24 (pospwawa_jedz0634i) EventLauncher at 8:24 (pospwawa_jedz0834i) EventLauncher at 10:24 (pospwawa_jedz1034i) EventLauncher at 12:24 (pospwawa_jedz1234i) EventLauncher at 14:24 (pospwawa_jedz1434i) EventLauncher at 16:24 (pospwawa_jedz1634i) EventLauncher at 18:24 (pospwawa_jedz1834i) EventLauncher at 20:24 (pospwawa_jedz2034i) EventLauncher at 5:39 (pospwawb_jedz0540i) EventLauncher at 7:39 (pospwawb_jedz0740i) EventLauncher at 9:39 (pospwawb_jedz0940i) EventLauncher at 11:39 (pospwawb_jedz1140i) EventLauncher at 13:39 (pospwawb_jedz1340i) EventLauncher at 15:39 (pospwawb_jedz1540i) EventLauncher at 17:39 (pospwawb_jedz1740i) EventLauncher at 19:39 (pospwawb_jedz1940i) EventLauncher at 5:11 (osobtera_jedz0511i) EventLauncher at 6:11 (osobtera_jedz0611i) EventLauncher at 7:11 (osobtera_jedz0711i) EventLauncher at 8:11 (osobtera_jedz0811i) EventLauncher at 9:11 (osobtera_jedz0911i) EventLauncher at 10:11 (osobtera_jedz1011i) EventLauncher at 11:11 (osobtera_jedz1111i) EventLauncher at 13:11 (osobtera_jedz1311i) EventLauncher at 14:11 (osobtera_jedz1411i) EventLauncher at 15:11 (osobtera_jedz1511i) EventLauncher at 16:11 (osobtera_jedz1611i) EventLauncher at 17:11 (osobtera_jedz1711i) EventLauncher at 18:11 (osobtera_jedz1811i) EventLauncher at 19:11 (osobtera_jedz1911i) EventLauncher at 20:11 (osobtera_jedz2011i) EventLauncher at 21:11 (osobtera_jedz2111i) EventLauncher at 22:11 (osobtera_jedz2211i) EventLauncher at 23:11 (osobtera_jedz2311i) EventLauncher at 4:35 (osobterb_jedz0445i) EventLauncher at 5:35 (osobterb_jedz0545i) EventLauncher at 6:35 (osobterb_jedz0645i) EventLauncher at 7:35 (osobterb_jedz0745i) EventLauncher at 8:35 (osobterb_jedz0845i) EventLauncher at 9:35 (osobterb_jedz0945i) EventLauncher at 10:35 (osobterb_jedz1045i) EventLauncher at 11:35 (osobterb_jedz1145i) EventLauncher at 13:35 (osobterb_jedz1345i) EventLauncher at 14:35 (osobterb_jedz1445i) EventLauncher at 15:35 (osobterb_jedz1545i) EventLauncher at 16:35 (osobterb_jedz1645i) EventLauncher at 17:35 (osobterb_jedz1745i) EventLauncher at 18:35 (osobterb_jedz1845i) EventLauncher at 19:35 (osobterb_jedz1945i) EventLauncher at 20:35 (osobterb_jedz2045i) EventLauncher at 21:35 (osobterb_jedz2145i) EventLauncher at 22:35 (osobterb_jedz2245i) EventLauncher at 23:30 (osobterb_engineoff) EventLauncher at 5:56 (skoma_jedz0556i) EventLauncher at 7:56 (skoma_jedz0756i) EventLauncher at 9:56 (skoma_jedz0956i) EventLauncher at 11:56 (skoma_jedz1156i) EventLauncher at 13:56 (skoma_jedz1356i) EventLauncher at 15:56 (skoma_jedz1556i) EventLauncher at 17:56 (skoma_jedz1756i) EventLauncher at 19:56 (skoma_jedz1956i) EventLauncher at 21:56 (skoma_jedz2156i) EventLauncher at 6:20 (skomb_jedz0620i) EventLauncher at 8:20 (skomb_jedz0820i) EventLauncher at 10:20 (skomb_jedz1020i) EventLauncher at 12:20 (skomb_jedz1220i) EventLauncher at 14:20 (skomb_jedz1420i) EventLauncher at 16:20 (skomb_jedz1620i) EventLauncher at 18:20 (skomb_jedz1820i) EventLauncher at 20:20 (skomb_jedz2020i) EventLauncher at 22:20 (skomb_jedz2220i) Created texture object for "textures/tra/betonrelief1" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/betonrelief1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/stb.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tra/elementy01" Loading texture data from "textures/tra/elementy01" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3d.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tra/-3k.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/-kotwa-napr14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/odciag1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/odciag1" Created texture object for "textures/tr/kotwa_teownikrurowe" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/kotwa_teownikrurowe" Created texture object for "textures/tr/lod" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/lod" Created texture object for "textures/tr/ciezarbeton3" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/ciezarbeton3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/-kotwa-napr14.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tr/metale1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/metale1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/+zwis1d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/+zwis1d.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tr/wys-ni-d" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/wys-ni-d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/-3d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/-3d.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/naciag" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/naciag" Created texture object for "textures/tr/slup_beton1" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/slup_beton1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1-kotwa-napr14.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/est-s770.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/est-s770.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/izosekc17.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/izosekc17.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/+zwis1k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/+zwis1k.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tr/wys-ni-k" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/wys-ni-k" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/-3k.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/-3k.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/est-polbramka-2t-770.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/est-polbramkaszara-s770" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/est-polbramkaszara-s770" Created texture object for "textures/tr/est-polbramkaszara-p" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/est-polbramkaszara-p" Created texture object for "textures/tr/#est-polbramkaszara-psegm" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/#est-polbramkaszara-psegm" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/est-polbramka-2t-770.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/stb1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tr/wys-ni-d-n" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/wys-ni-d-n" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/tr/-3dn.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/tr/-3dn.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/tr/-kotwa-napr14_bezodciagu.t3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cylinder06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.43, 0.43, 0.43) Bad model: parent for sub-model "cylinder06" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data Bad model: parent for sub-model "Plane01" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data Bad model: parent for sub-model "cylinder04" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_przelot.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/slupdrew" Loading texture data from "textures/slupdrew" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_przelot.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_odp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_odp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_przelot2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slup_drew_tele_przelot2.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/sn_slup.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/elektryczne/slupnn" Loading texture data from "textures/elektryczne/slupnn" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/elektryczne/transformator.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabl/w3" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/w3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/sz_1_p_b_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/tm_1_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/tm_1_l_y_p_03" Created texture object for "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses_v2" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/#pkplight_lenses_v2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/sz_1_p_b_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/tmk_4m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/to" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/to" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/tm" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/tm" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/rgbw" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/rgbw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/tmk_4m.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/zwr_naped-1.ogg Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm6" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm6" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/karzelki/ktmnb.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/glowice" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/glowice" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.09, 1.09, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.09, 1.09, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.92, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.92, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.92, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.92, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/karzelki/ktmnb.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/sem/slupy" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/slupy" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/pod_betonowa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/pod_betonowa.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm5" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm5" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm9" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm9" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm8" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm8" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/zs_2_p_cb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/ps_2_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/ps_2_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/zs_2_p_cb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/d" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm4" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm3" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1l.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1l.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_kopalniazjazd_zamknij_onstart Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/d0.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/d0-1" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/d0-1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/d0.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_3_p_pcb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/ps_3_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/ps_3_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_3_p_pcb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/tm_2_p_nb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/pow_2_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/pow_2_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/tm_2_p_nb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toz" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toz" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/to_1_p_p_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/to_1_p_p_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w1new_d.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/z-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/z-2m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_p_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/ps_4_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/ps_4_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_p_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "orz_z_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_z_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_z_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_z_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_z_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_z_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm12" Created texture object for "textures/stonesmediumlightbrown1" Loading texture data from "textures/stonesmediumlightbrown1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1l_nl_ll.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/naped_wyk_el" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/naped_wyk_el" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/zw_wyk" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/zw_wyk" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1" Created texture object for "textures/tory/napedy/zarowka" Loading texture data from "textures/tory/napedy/zarowka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1l_nl_ll.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/24150]wykolejnica_otwarcie_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150]wykolejnica_zamkniecie_1.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_janwag_zamknij_onstart Created texture object for "textures/tabl/x" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/x" Multi-event "waw_x_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_x_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_x_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_x_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_x_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_x_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/z" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/z" Multi-event "waw_z_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_z_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_z_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_z_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_z_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_z_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spe" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spe" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/pow_2_p_pb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/pow_2_p_pb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/isp.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_sem_ksztalt.ogg Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1p.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_tymcz_1p.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1p_np_lp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/wyk_elektr_1p_np_lp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm19" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm19" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm18" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm18" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/zajetoscm.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/zajetoscm" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/zajetoscm" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/zajetoscm.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/zajetosc.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/zajetosc" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/zajetosc" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/zajetosc.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spc" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spc" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/pow_3_p_pzb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/pow_3_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/pow_3_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/pow_3_p_pzb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iisp.e3d" Multi-event "lacz_spc_ii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spc_ii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spc_ii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spc_ii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_spc_i_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spc_i_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spc_i_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spc_i_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/j-2m" Multi-event "lacz_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m-12m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_p_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/ps_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/ps_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_p_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "lacz_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_m_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_m_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_m_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spb" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spb" Multi-event "lacz_spb_ii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spb_ii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spb_ii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spb_ii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spa" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spa" Multi-event "lacz_spa_ii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spa_ii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spa_ii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spa_ii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_spb_i_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spb_i_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spb_i_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spb_i_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_spa_i_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_spa_i_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_spa_i_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "lacz_spa_i_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tob" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tob" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/to_2_p_zp_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/to_2_p_zp_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "mac_a_spii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_a_spii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_a_spii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_a_spii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_a_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_a_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_a_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_a_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm22" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm22" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm23" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm23" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm24" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm24" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm25" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm25" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm14" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm14" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm15" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm15" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm13" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm13" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/ton" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/ton" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tom" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tom" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/szn" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/szn" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m-12" Multi-event "pus_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_m_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_m_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_m_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/k-12m" Multi-event "pus_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/l-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/l-1m" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_3_p_zcb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_3_p_zcb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_p_pcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_p_pcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "pus_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_j_s12" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "pus_j_s13" ignored link to event "none_os3" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/h-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/h-2m" Multi-event "pus_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_h_s12" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "pus_h_s13" ignored link to event "none_os3" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/i-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/i-2m" Multi-event "pus_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_i_s12" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "pus_i_s13" ignored link to event "none_os3" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-2m" Multi-event "pus_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e-2m" Multi-event "pus_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_e_s12" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "pus_e_s13" ignored link to event "none_os3" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/d-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/d-2m" Multi-event "pus_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_d_s12" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "pus_d_s13" ignored link to event "none_os3" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g-1m" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f-12m" Multi-event "pus_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_f_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_f_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_f_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toa" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toa" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/szb" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/szb" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/a-12" Multi-event "pus_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "pus_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "pus_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_a_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_a_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "pus_a_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_bazapaliwowa_zamknij_onstart Multi-event "orz_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm21" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm21" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm11" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm11" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm26" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm26" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm16" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm16" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/h" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/h" Multi-event "ter_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/i" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/i" Multi-event "ter_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/j" Multi-event "ter_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/k" Multi-event "ter_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/l" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/l" Multi-event "ter_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m" Multi-event "ter_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/n" Multi-event "ter_n_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_n_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_n_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_n_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_n_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_n_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_y_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_y_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "ter_b_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_b_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_b_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_b_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_b_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_b_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_b_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_b_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_b_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_l_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_5_l_zpcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "ter_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "ter_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "ter_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_a_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_a_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "ter_a_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/eon1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/eon1" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/eon1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/eon1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tod" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tod" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/sbl_3_l_zcp_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/sbl_3_l_y_p_03" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/sbl_3_l_y_p_03" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/sbl_3_l_zcp_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "sbl_07_a002_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_07_a002_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/sbl_3_y_zcp_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/sbl_3_y_zcp_ks_ds_03.e3d" Multi-event "sbl_07_c002_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_07_c002_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w18.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w18" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w18" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w18.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/169" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/169" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_a001_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/169n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/169n" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_07_c001_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/170" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/170" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/170n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/170n" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/dlawik2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/dlawik2" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/dlawik2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/dlawik2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/dlawikl.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/dlawikl" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/dlawikl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/dlawikl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/163" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/163" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/164" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/164" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/163n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/163n" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowa2_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/164n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/164n" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_janosob-jantowb2_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/160n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/160n" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/160" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/160" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/159n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/159n" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_3_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/159" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/159" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/asdek_budka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/asdek_budka" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/asdek_budka" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/asdek_budka.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/asdek_czujniki.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przytorowe/asdek_czujniki" Loading texture data from "textures/przytorowe/asdek_czujniki" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/przytorowe/asdek_czujniki.e3d" Multi-event "waw_n_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_n_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_n_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_n_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_n_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_n_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_b_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_b_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_b_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_b_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_b_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_b_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_b_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_b_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_b_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "waw_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "waw_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "waw_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spd" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spd" Multi-event "most_d_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_d_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_d_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_d_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "most_d_spii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_d_spii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_d_spii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_d_spii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/iiisp.e3d" Multi-event "most_d_spiii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_d_spiii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_d_spiii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_d_spiii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_n_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_n_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_n_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_n_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_n_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_n_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/rg_8m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/sr_ramiona" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/sr_ramiona" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/rg_8m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/rd_8m.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/orange" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/orange" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/rd_8m.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_2r.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/slup" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/slup" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/pas_czb" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/pas_czb" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/mechanizm" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/mechanizm" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_2r.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_2r_lod.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_2r_lod.e3d" Multi-event "jar_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jar_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "willas_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_d_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_d_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_d_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toc" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toc" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm10" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm10" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm7" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm7" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toe" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toe" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/to_2_p_pz_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/to_2_p_pz_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tou" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tou" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g-12" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_g_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f-12" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_f_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/a-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/a-2m" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b-2m" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_b_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-12m" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/d-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/d-12m" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_wsch_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/y-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/y-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_y_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/x-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/x-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_x_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/z-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/z-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z2_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_z_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/o-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/o-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_o_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/p-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/p-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_p_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/q-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/q-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_q_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/r-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/r-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_r_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/s-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/s-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_s_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/t-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/t-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_t_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/u-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/u-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_u_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/w-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/w-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_w_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_a_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_b_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/d-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/d-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e-12" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_e_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/l-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/l-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w24v1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sem/w_lens" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/w_lens" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w24v1.e3d" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/h-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/h-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g-12m" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/tm_2_l_nb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/tm_2_l_nb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm33" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm33" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm32" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm32" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm31" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm31" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm30" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm30" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f-2m" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_osob_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm27" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm27" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm28" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm28" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm29" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm29" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm20" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm20" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tm17" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tm17" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/u-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/u-12" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_l_pcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_l_pcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_y_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_y_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_l_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/ps_4_l_zcpb_ks_ds_03.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m-1m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m-1m" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/n-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/n-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_n_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_o_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/p-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/p-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_p_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_r_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_s_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/t-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/t-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_t_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/l-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/l-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/k-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g-2m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g-2m" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jan_tow_c_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/161n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/161n" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa2_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/161" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/161" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawa_2_ctrlprev" ignored link to event "none_sbls10" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/162n" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/162n" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_s1" ignored link to event "none_s5" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_os1" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_os2" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_os3" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_os4" ignored link to event "none_s2" Multi-event "sbl_jan-wawb2_1_uszk" ignored link to event "none_s1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/162" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/162" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ylzpcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s5ylzpcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ylmg.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s5ylmg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d5yl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w24v2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/wskazniki/w24v2.e3d" Multi-event "most_c_spiii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_c_spiii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_c_spiii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_c_spiii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "most_c_spii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_c_spii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_c_spii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_c_spii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "most_c_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "most_c_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "most_c_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "most_c_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e-2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s4izcpb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s4ibl.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "drabinka" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.73) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/drabinki/d4i.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/pasy/pp.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on00" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.15, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.11, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.11, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.11, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/sem/pomaranczowy" Loading texture data from "textures/sem/pomaranczowy" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "light_on05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.38, 2.38, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/pasy/pp.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3izcb_dd.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/glowice/s3izcb_dd.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sem/slupy/s3ibg.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/too" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/too" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/top" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/top" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spo" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spo" Multi-event "mac_o_spii_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_o_spii_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_spii_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_o_spii_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_o_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_o_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_o_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_n_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_n_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_n_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_n_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_n_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_n_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/szp" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/szp" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/o-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/o-12" Multi-event "orz_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_jarcementownia_zamknij_onstart Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/tk1old.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/maszt_tarcza" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/maszt_tarcza" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/do-001" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/do-001" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/tok" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/tok" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/sem_kolowrot" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/sem_kolowrot" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/przeslona_pom_ziel" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/przeslona_pom_ziel" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#sem_latarnia-przedniaszybka" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#sem_latarnia-przedniaszybka" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/sem_latarnia-tylnaszybka" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/sem_latarnia-tylnaszybka" Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w1-2" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w1-2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1n.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/wskazniki2" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/wskazniki2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w1n.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/sk-un.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#sk_slup_krata" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#sk_slup_krata" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/bial-czerw-pas" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/bial-czerw-pas" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/przeslona_czer_ziel" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/przeslona_czer_ziel" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#ramiedlugie1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#ramiedlugie1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/sk-un.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/tok2_4m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/tok2_4m.e3d" Multi-event "lacz_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_f_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_f_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_f_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/g-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/g-2" Multi-event "lacz_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_a_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_a_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_a_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/d-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/d-2" Multi-event "lacz_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spk" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spk" Multi-event "mac_k_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_k_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_k_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_k_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/spj" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/spj" Multi-event "mac_j_spi_os1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_j_spi_os2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_j_spi_os3" ignored link to event "none_os3" Multi-event "mac_j_spi_os4" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "dab_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "dab_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "dab_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_c_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "willas_c_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_c_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_c_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_c_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_c_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_b_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "willas_b_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_b_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_b_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_b_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_b_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "willas_a_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "willas_a_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_a_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_a_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_a_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "willas_a_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jar_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jar_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "jar_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "jar_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "jar_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "orz_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "orz_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "orz_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/ksztaltowe/szo" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/ksztaltowe/szo" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/head1-w.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/pkplight_manpost" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/pkplight_manpost" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#pkplight_board" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#pkplight_board" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#pkplight_lenses" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#pkplight_lenses" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/head1-w.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/ksztaltowe/szn" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/ksztaltowe/szn" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/n-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/n-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/m-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/m-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/l-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/l-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/k-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/k-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/j-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/i-12" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/i-12" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/h-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/h-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e-1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_lod.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/krat8_lod.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/c-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/c-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toj" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toj" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/f-1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/f-1" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/b-1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/b-1" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_pomplac_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilis8_b_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wilis8_a_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_wilismag_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_wojsko_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_paszrampa_zamknij_onstart EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: wk_postojowy_zamknij_onstart Created texture object for "textures/tabl/tof" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/tof" Multi-event "lacz_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/i-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/i-12m" Multi-event "lacz_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_i_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_i_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_i_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "lacz_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "lacz_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_l_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_l_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "lacz_l_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/toh" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/toh" Multi-event "mac_h_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_h_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_h_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_h_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_h_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_h_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_g_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_g_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_g_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_g_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_g_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_g_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_f_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_f_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_f_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_f_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_f_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_f_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/e-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/e-12m" Multi-event "mac_e_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_e_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_e_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_e_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_e_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_e_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_d_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_d_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_d_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_d_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_d_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_d_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_o_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_o_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_o_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_o_s11" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_o_s12" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_o_s13" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_m_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_m_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_m_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_m_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_m_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_m_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_l_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_l_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_l_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_l_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_l_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_l_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_k_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_k_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_k_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_k_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_k_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_k_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/tabl/j-12m" Loading texture data from "textures/tabl/j-12m" Multi-event "mac_j_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_j_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_j_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_j_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_j_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_j_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Multi-event "mac_i_s1" ignored link to event "none_os1" Multi-event "mac_i_s2" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_i_s3" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_i_s4" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_i_s5" ignored link to event "none_os2" Multi-event "mac_i_s10" ignored link to event "none_os4" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old2_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old2_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone2-new_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone2-new_normal" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-used" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-used" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-used_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-used_normal" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-used_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-used_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-oil" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-oil" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpbps-new2" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpbps-new2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpbps-new2_normal" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-old" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/rail-screw-old" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old_normal" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/rail-screw-old_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone2-old_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone2-old_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-used_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-used_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone1-used" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone1-used" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-oil_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-oil_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-thick" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-thick" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_p1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/wz1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/wz1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_p1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-used" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-used" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/naped_jea29_1" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/naped_jea29_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/jea29.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/jea29.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/jea29_1.ogg Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old3_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone4-old3_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/103" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/103" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzll2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/zwrr2" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/zwrr2" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/zwrl" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/zwrl" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/107" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/107" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrl2.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_l2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_l2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_p2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_p2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_l1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/wz_l1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wzll.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wzl" Loading texture data from "textures/wzl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wzll.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wzk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wzk" Loading texture data from "textures/wzk" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wzk.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/most_rozi_tekatka1.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_rozi_tekatka" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_rozi_tekatka" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/most152.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/most1-jezdniablach" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most1-jezdniablach" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most1-spod" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most1-spod" Created texture object for "textures/eng/srmostyctl" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/srmostyctl" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/most152.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/koziolbeton.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/beton3" Loading texture data from "textures/beton3" Created texture object for "textures/kolejowe/kozioloporowy" Loading texture data from "textures/kolejowe/kozioloporowy" Created texture object for "textures/wzw" Loading texture data from "textures/wzw" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/koziolbeton.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/36" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/36" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrl.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/zwrr" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/zwrr" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrl.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/33" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/33" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzll.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzll.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/32" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/32" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrr.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrr.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/37" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/37" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/35" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/35" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/34" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/34" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/7" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/7" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/3" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/3" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/31" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/31" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone4-old2_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone4-old2_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone4-old2_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone4-old2_normal" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/2" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/2" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone1-new" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone1-new" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone1-new_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone1-new_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt_rozi_01" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt_rozi_01" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt_rozi_01a.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/104" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/104" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-new" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpd-stone3-new" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone3-new_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpd-stone3-new_normal" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/1" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/1" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/5" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/5" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/11" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/11" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/6" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/6" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/8" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/8" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/9" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/9" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/10" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/10" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/12" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/12" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/13" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/13" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzrr2.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostd1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/filara" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/filara" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mostya" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mostya" Created texture object for "textures/eng/stalr" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/stalr" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostd1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzlr.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzlr.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/4" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/4" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pmppw/wzlr2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/zwrl2" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/zwrl2" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/16" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/16" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/20" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/20" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/19" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/19" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/17" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/17" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/21" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/21" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/22" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/22" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/14" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/14" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/101" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/101" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/102" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/102" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/105" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/105" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/106" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/106" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/most1pp.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/most1-front" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most1-front" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/most1pp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/most1s.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/most1s.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/most1sp.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/most1sp.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most1-2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most1-2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/jea29a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/jea29a.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-4m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/przejazdy/[beton]" Loading texture data from "textures/przejazdy/[beton]" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most2-2mid.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/filar-most2-2mid.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/tory/1435/tpd-455-5" Loading texture data from "textures/tory/1435/tpd-455-5" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/slimson/most445.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/stonesconstruction_rectanglegray2" Loading texture data from "textures/stonesconstruction_rectanglegray2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/slimson/most445.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eea5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/prety" Loading texture data from "textures/prety" Created texture object for "textures/eea5" Loading texture data from "textures/eea5" Created texture object for "textures/concrete_zwr" Loading texture data from "textures/concrete_zwr" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eea5.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eea5_puszka.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/zwr_pack1" Loading texture data from "textures/zwr_pack1" Created texture object for "textures/bok" Loading texture data from "textures/bok" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eea5_puszka.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/zwr_naped-2.ogg Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/77" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/77" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/74" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/74" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/83" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/83" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/82" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/82" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/84" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/84" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/61" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/61" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/62" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/62" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/63" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/63" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/85" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/85" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/89" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/89" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/86" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/86" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/87" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/87" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/88" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/88" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/91" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/91" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/90" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/90" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/79" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/79" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/80" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/80" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/81" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/81" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/92" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/92" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wasyl/wiadukt-2t_luk.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wasyl/most1-bok" Loading texture data from "textures/wasyl/most1-bok" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.81, 1.00, 2.46) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box45" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.00, 0.41) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box47" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.00, 0.41) Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wasyl/wiadukt-2t_luk.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-10m.t3d"... Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-34m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/108" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/108" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/111" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/111" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/110" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/110" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/109" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/109" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/112" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/112" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/113" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/113" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/116" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/116" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/117" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/117" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/118" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/118" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/119" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/119" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/120" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/120" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/122" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/122" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/121" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/121" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/71" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/71" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/131" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/131" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-21m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/132" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/132" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/130" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/130" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-17-8m.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/wzp" Loading texture data from "textures/wzp" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/wza.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone4-old_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone4-old_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone4-old_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone4-old_normal" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/23" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/23" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/24" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/24" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/25" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/25" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/27" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/27" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/29" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/29" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/30" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/30" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/26" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/26" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/28" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/28" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/kozioloporowy.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone2-oil_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/tpb-stone2-oil_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone2-oil_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/1435mm/normals/tpb-stone2-oil_normal" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/15" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/15" Created texture object for "textures/eng/filare1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/filare1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-55_a_60p_m1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/#barierka3" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/#barierka3" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-55_a_60p_m1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-55_b_14m1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-55_b_14m1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/most1-bok-rd1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/most1-bok-rd1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-27_bdpc3_mz2d_m2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/deski7_chodnikstary1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/deski7_chodnikstary1" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/most_jezdn_m1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/most_jezdn_m1" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/#wspornik_m2-rd1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/#wspornik_m2-rd1" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/most1-g_rd1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/most1-g_rd1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-27_bdpc3_mz2d_m2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/szyna_3rdj" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/szyna_3rdj" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p27m_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p27m_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_dz_d10.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_dz_d10.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/eng/filard" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/filard" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-52z_a_68p_m1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-52z_a_68p_m1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-52z_b_065m1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/przycz1-52z_b_065m1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-16_zbz_p_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/wiadukt_spod_belki2" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/wiadukt_spod_belki2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-16_zbz_p_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-14_zbz_p_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-14_zbz_p_1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/eng/filarb" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/filarb" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-12_zbz_p_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-12_zbz_p_1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/most_rdza2" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/most_rdza2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-32_kotdw4_mw_d2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/mw/krata_pr1" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/mw/krata_pr1" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-32_kotdw4_mw_d2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p32m_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p32m_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/filar1-55_komb_s_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/filar1-55_komb_s_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-32_kotdw4_mwd_e1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-32_kotdw4_mwd_e1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-23_bdp_mwd_m3a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/most_1-23_bdp_mwd_m3a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p23m_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/mostymw/odbojnice_p23m_1.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt-10m-2t.t3d"... Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt_nieborowice_glowna.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/wiadukt_nieborowice_glowna" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/wiadukt_nieborowice_glowna" Created texture object for "textures/eng/nieborowice_kratownica" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/nieborowice_kratownica" Created texture object for "textures/wood/planks-light" Loading texture data from "textures/wood/planks-light" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/wiadukt_nieborowice_glowna.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/201" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/201" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/202" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/202" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/203" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/203" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/204" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/204" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/205" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/205" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/207" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/207" Created texture object for "textures/pmppw/206" Loading texture data from "textures/pmppw/206" Bad file: failed to locate texture file "none" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_kuc_bet_old" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_kuc_bet_old" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_bet_old_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_bet_old_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_bet_old_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_bet_old_specgloss" Bad file: failed to locate texture file "none" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/eng/most_kuc_huta.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_kuc_wsporniki" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_kuc_wsporniki" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_wsporniki_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_wsporniki_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_wsporniki_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_wsporniki_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_kuc_barierki" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_kuc_barierki" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_barierki_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_barierki_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_barierki_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_barierki_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_kuc_spod" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_kuc_spod" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_spod_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_spod_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_spod_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_spod_specgloss" Created texture object for "textures/tory/podklad-smar" Loading texture data from "textures/tory/podklad-smar" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most2-jezdniadrewn" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most2-jezdniadrewn" Created texture object for "textures/eng/most_kuc_huta" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/most_kuc_huta" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_huta_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_huta_normal" Created texture object for "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_huta_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/eng/normals/most_kuc_huta_specgloss" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/eng/most_kuc_huta.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w5" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w5.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_10" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_10" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_normal_wymienny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6_normal" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_normal_wymienny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_03" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_03" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_04" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_04" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/w17" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/w17" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_02" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_02" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/d1_stojaca.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/d1_przenosna" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/d1_przenosna" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/d1_stojaca.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/z1_old_4.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_4" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/z1_old_5.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_5" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/z1_old_2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_2" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_2" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/z1_old_6.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_6" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_6" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17_dwuteo.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17_dwuteo.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w13_pojedynczy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w13" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w13" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w13_pojedynczy.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w13_podwojny.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w13_podwojny.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w4" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w12.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w12" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w12" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w12.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_3" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w8.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w8.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w9.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w9" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w9" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w9.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_4" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_4" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_5" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_07" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_07" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_nowy_wymienny.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_nowe" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_nowe" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_nowy_wymienny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_06" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_06" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6_03" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6_03" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17_new.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17_new.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w17_old.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w17_old" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w17_old" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/pochylenie_s.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/pochylenie" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/pochylenie" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/pochylenie_s.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/pochylenie_w.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/pochylenie_w.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w11a" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w11a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_3.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_05" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_05" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_stary_wymienny.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6_stary_wymienny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_11" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_11" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_09" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_09" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_5" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_5" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w14" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w14" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w14.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_2" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_2" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w6a_08" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w6a_08" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_3" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_3" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_0" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_0" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_9" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_9" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_7" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_7" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_3_a" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_3_a" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/pkp/z1_old_3.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w28-r3" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w28-r3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w28.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w28_back" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w28_back" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w28.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w28-r6" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w28-r6" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4a.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tr/we4a" Loading texture data from "textures/tr/we4a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4b.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/tor" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/tor" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4b.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6a_normal.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6a_normal.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w15" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w15" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w15_l.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w15_l.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_10" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_10" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we9b.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/we9" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/we9" Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/l" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/l" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we9b.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we8a.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/we8" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/we8" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we8a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4c.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/tol" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/tol" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/we4c.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w11_1.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/dozwolona_predkosc_jazdy_5km_h.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/dozwolona_predkosc_jazdy_5km_h" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/dozwolona_predkosc_jazdy_5km_h" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/dozwolona_predkosc_jazdy_5km_h.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_8" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_8" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_12" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_12" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/w27a_nowy" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/w27a_nowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a_1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_8" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_8" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27a_2.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-3" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-3" Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-2" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-2" Created texture object for "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-1" Loading texture data from "textures/ip/pkp/2006/w11b-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6b_nowy_wymienny.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6b_nowy_wymienny.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w16" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w16" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w16.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_6" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_6" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_16" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_16" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_6" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/d6_6" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_10" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_10" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6a_nowy.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6a_nowy.e3d" Loading text format 3d model data from "models/kolejowe/podklady2.t3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_6" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_6" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/z1_old_3_b" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/z1_old_3_b" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_7" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_7" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/punkt_zdawczo_odbiorczy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/punkt_zdawczo_odbiorczy" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/punkt_zdawczo_odbiorczy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/punkt_zdawczo_odbiorczy.e3d" Bad scenario: duplicate 3d model instance name "z1_pom_z1" defined in file "scenery/pkp/" (line 14) Bad scenario: duplicate event name "z1_pom_sem_info" Bad scenario: duplicate memory cell name "z1_pom_sem_mem" defined in file "scenery/pkp/" (line 25) Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni2" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni2" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni2.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/tabliczka_brak_skrajni.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "slupek" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.70, 0.70, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/pkp/transparent" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/transparent" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/ip/pkp/w27.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_2" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w8_v2/w8_2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6b_normal_wymienny.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w6b_normal_wymienny.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4_nowy.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w4_nowy" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w4_nowy" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w4_nowy.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/sign/punktkontrolny" Loading texture data from "textures/sign/punktkontrolny" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/sign/tab100_040.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/sign/tab100_040.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w32_100" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w32_100" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/pkp/w32.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/pkp/w32.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w32_200" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w32_200" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w32_150" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w32_150" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/w27a_3" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/w27a_3" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-7" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-7" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_a-7.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/slup-01" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/slup-01" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/back_a" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/back_a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_a-7.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-1" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/back_d" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/back_d" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-1.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g-1a" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g-1a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_g.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/tablica_g.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-9" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-9" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_a.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g-1b" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g-1b" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_g.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_g.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/g-1c" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/g-1c" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-10" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-10" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-6b" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-6b" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-6c" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-6c" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-33_50" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-33_50" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-600.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/back_b" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/back_b" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-600.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-1" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-1" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-2" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-2" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-2" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-2" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_boldy" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_boldy" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-1200x530.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-1200x530.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_boldy" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_boldy" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-43" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-43" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-42" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-42" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/slupek_pikietazowy_u1a.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/znaki/slupek_pikietazowy_u1a" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/slupek_pikietazowy_u1a" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/slupek_pikietazowy_u1a.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/c-2" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/c-2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-800.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-800.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-4" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-4" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-33_40" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-33_40" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-33_30" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-33_30" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-3" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-3" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-42" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-42" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/b-36" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/b-36" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-6" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-6" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-600x600.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_d-600x600.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/d-18" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/d-18" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_janiszew" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_janiszew" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_janiszew" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_janiszew" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_wilis" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_wilis" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_wilis" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_wilis" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_zlepieniec" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_zlepieniec" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_zlepieniec" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_zlepieniec" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_calkowo" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_calkowo" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_calkowo" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_calkowo" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_milewice" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_milewice" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_milewice" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_milewice" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_paszkiwlk" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_paszkiwlk" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_paszkiwlk" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_paszkiwlk" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-18a_macierzewo" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-18a_macierzewo" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/e-17a_macierzewo" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/e-17a_macierzewo" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-11" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-11" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-22" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-22" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-23" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-23" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-6a" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-6a" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-20.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/znaki/znak_b-20.e3d" Created texture object for "textures/znaki/a-12a" Loading texture data from "textures/znaki/a-12a" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: zaczynamy_onstart EventLauncher at 12:13 (pospb_jedz1213i) EventLauncher at 12:20 (lotosa_jedz1220i) EventLauncher at 13:18 (jar_tor1_cementb) EventLauncher at 13:30 (orlena_jedz1330i) EventLauncher at 14:00 (jan_tor26_towara) EventLauncher at 14:34 (towarprzelota_jedz1434i) Created texture object for "textures/forest06_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/forest06_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/forest02-top" Loading texture data from "textures/forest02-top" Created texture object for "textures/@water06" Loading texture data from "textures/@water06" Created texture object for "textures/normals/@water06_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/@water06_normal" Created texture object for "textures/fx/waterdudv" Loading texture data from "textures/fx/waterdudv" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/poplar_b_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/poplar_b_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/round_cross_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/round_cross_normal" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/maple_b_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/maple_b_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/tree_b_05_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/tree_b_05_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/blackthorn_m_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/blackthorn_m_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/beech_b_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/beech_b_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/beech_b_03_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/beech_b_03_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/poplar_b_02_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/poplar_b_02_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/birch_b_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/birch_b_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/tree_b_03_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/tree_b_03_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/oak_b_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/oak_b_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/19" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/19" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko1" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko1" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/9" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/9" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/17" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/17" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/20" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/20" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko2" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko2" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/1" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/1" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/21" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/21" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/24" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/24" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/16" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/16" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/11" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/11" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/15" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/15" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/22" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/22" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/23" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/23" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/8" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/8" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/10" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/10" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko3" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/trawsko3" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/18" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/18" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/nawloc2_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/nawloc2_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/zielsko1_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/zielsko1_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/nawloc3_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/nawloc3_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/3" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/3" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/zielsko2_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/zielsko2_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/field_plowed_01" Loading texture data from "textures/field_plowed_01" Created texture object for "textures/normals/field_plowed_01_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/field_plowed_01_normal" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024l" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024l" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512k" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512k" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512l" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512l" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512i" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512i" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/rose_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/rose_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/rozi_krzew_3_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/rozi_krzew_3_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/krzak512a_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/krzak512a_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/trees/autumn/tree_m_01_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/trees/autumn/tree_m_01_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/parksite" Loading texture data from "textures/parksite" Created texture object for "textures/chodnik-6k-1x2m" Loading texture data from "textures/chodnik-6k-1x2m" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/rozi_krzew_1_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/rozi_krzew_1_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/plants/autumn/krzak512b_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/plants/autumn/krzak512b_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/materials/stones1" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/stones1" Created texture object for "textures/grass_l61/autumn/13" Loading texture data from "textures/grass_l61/autumn/13" Created texture object for "textures/materials/zwir" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/zwir" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024j" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024j" Created texture object for "textures/pkp/#w31" Loading texture data from "textures/pkp/#w31" Created texture object for "textures/materials/piasek" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/piasek" Created texture object for "textures/normals/piach_plaza_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/piach_plaza_normal" Created texture object for "textures/kostka_hex" Loading texture data from "textures/kostka_hex" Created texture object for "textures/normals/kostka_hex_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/normals/kostka_hex_normal" Created texture object for "textures/materials/calcium" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/calcium" Created texture object for "textures/materials/sand2" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/sand2" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512q" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512q" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512f" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512f" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024w" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024w" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024p" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024p" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512d" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo512d" Created texture object for "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024n" Loading texture data from "textures/l61_plants/drzewo1024n" Created texture object for "textures/materials/scrap2" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/scrap2" Created texture object for "textures/materials/scrap" Loading texture data from "textures/materials/scrap" Created texture object for "textures/forest_b8_autumn" Loading texture data from "textures/forest_b8_autumn" Created texture object for "textures/forest02" Loading texture data from "textures/forest02" Created texture object for "textures/brick-gray" Loading texture data from "textures/brick-gray" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_ligh3" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_distinfo_v100" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_ligh4" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_distinfo_v40" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_ligh5" Bad event: "jan_osob_i_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_i_sem_distinfo_stop" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_ligh3" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_distinfo_v100" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_ligh4" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_distinfo_v40" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_ligh5" Bad event: "jan_osob_h_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_h_sem_distinfo_stop" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_ligh3" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_distinfo_v100" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_ligh4" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_distinfo_v40" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_ligh5" Bad event: "jan_osob_g_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_g_sem_distinfo_stop" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_ligh3" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s3" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_distinfo_v100" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_ligh4" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s4" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_distinfo_v40" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_ligh5" Bad event: "jan_osob_f_s5" (type: multiple) can't find event "jan_osob_f_sem_distinfo_stop" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for m62-1242, [m62-1242] LOAD FIZ FROM m62-1242.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked New order for [m62-1242]: OrdersClear Loading text format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/main/m62-1242.t3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/mash" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/mash" Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/12xx/12xx_wycieraczki" Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/12xx/12xx_wycieraczki" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/aircoupler1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler1_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/aircoupler1_normal" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/sprzeg" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/sprzeg" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/skp" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/skp" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/reflektor_zez" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/reflektor_zez" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/reflektor_zez_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/reflektor_zez_normal" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 0.65, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.66, 0.66, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.35, 2.35, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.11, 1.11, 0.99) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.26, 2.26, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.51, 2.51, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/cienm62" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/cienm62" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/m62-1242" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/m62-1242" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/normals/st44-358_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/normals/st44-358_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/wozek_358" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/wozek_358" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_1242" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_1242" Loading text format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/cab_12xx/lowpoly_cargo.t3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_12xx" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_12xx" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni29" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni29" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_curve.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/silence1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-stukot1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-stukot2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_pompa_oleju-start.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_pompa_oleju-trwa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_pompa_oleju-stop.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_pompa_paliwa-start.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_pompa_paliwa-trwa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_sprezarka-start.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_sprezarka-trwa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_sprezarka-stop.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_gaszenie_z_pompa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_jalowe_v2.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_1.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_2.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_3.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_4.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_5.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_6.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_7.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_8.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_9.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_silnik_10.wav sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-motor-10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-motor-20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-motor-30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-motor-45.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_brake_v1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_brake_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-15.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-25.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-50.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-60.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-80.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake-130.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/derail.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_low-start.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_low-trwa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_low-stop.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_high-start.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_high-trwa.wav sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_horn_high-stop.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sand_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sand_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sand_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/releaser_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/runningnoise.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]estluz.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_emergency_brake_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pss.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_m62odluzniacz.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerattach_default.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerdetach_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brakehoseattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/mainhosedetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/mainhoseattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/controlattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/controldetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/gangwaydetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/heatingattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/heatingdetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44-12xx_rozruch_silnika.wav sound: loading file: sounds/brake-slipp.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wejscie_na_bezoporow.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wescie_na_drugi_uklad.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerstretch_default.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/bufferclamp_default.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/lomotpodkucia.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by m62-1242: wil_tor7:busy EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by m62-1242: wil_wyjazdb_tor7 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 6dg-101, [6dgb] LOAD FIZ FROM 6dgb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dgb.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/cien6dg" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/cien6dg" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dgb_podloga" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dgb_podloga" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/wozek_lod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/wozek_lod" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/coupler" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/coupler" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/aircoupler" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/wozek-sm42" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/wozek-sm42" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/kolo_sprychy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/kolo_sprychy" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/harting" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/harting" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/harting_specgloss" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/harting_specgloss" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dgb.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/skins/6dg-101" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/skins/6dg-101" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/normals/6dg-101_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/normals/6dg-101_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/lowpoly.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni27" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni27" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/lowpoly" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/lowpoly" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_curve-mix.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-13.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-9.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-14.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_6dg_stukot-12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-idle-600.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-idle-1080.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-idle-1440.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-idle-1800.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-motor.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42_brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/turbo-m.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pneumaticrelay.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerdetach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_6dg-start-v2.ogg New timetable for m62-1242: none New order for [m62-1242]: OrdersClear New order for [m62-1242]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [m62-1242]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [m62-1242]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for su45-225, [301d] LOAD FIZ FROM 301d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BP New order for [su45-225]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/#sprzeg2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/#sprzeg2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/antena" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/antena" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/dach_pomost" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/dach_pomost" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/cien301d" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/cien301d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d_wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d_wozek" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.00, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/kolo_sprychy" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/kolo_sprychy" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/wozek_detal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/wozek_detal" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek02_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.59, 0.59, 1.45) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/went" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/went" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek01_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.59, 0.59, 1.45) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/wycieraczka" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-225" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-225" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d_lowpoly.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/su45_lowpoly" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/su45_lowpoly" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_stary14" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_stary14" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/wheel-heavy.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-oilpump_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-fuelpomp.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-idle0.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-idle2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-idle3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-idle4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-idle5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_brake-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_brake-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-turbo.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn3a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn3b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn3c.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn2a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn2b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn2c.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_sm42_klakson_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_sm42_klakson_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_sm42_klakson_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-converter-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-converter-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-converter-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/relay.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pneumaticrelay_18x.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerattach.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-start.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by su45-225: wil_tor5:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob2_pasazerski-01, [bdhpumn_tapicerka_1] LOAD FIZ FROM bdhpumn_tapicerka_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/main/bdhpumn.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/skplamp" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/skplamp" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/main/bdhpumn.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/bmnopux_50512608067-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/bmnopux_50512608067-8" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/normals/bdhpumn_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/normals/bdhpumn_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/wozek_gorlitz_vi-s_4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/wozek_gorlitz_vi-s_4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_fabryczne_nowa_tapicerka_1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_fabryczne_nowa_tapicerka_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_fabryczne.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_dodatki" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_dodatki" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_fabryczne.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_curve_111a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/cisza.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-17_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-23.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-35_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-63_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-80.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1xxa-120.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_kolo_bautzen_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_kolo_bautzen_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_kolo_bautzen_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_kolo_bautzen_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_brake_bmnopux.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]est_bac.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_door_open_bmnopux_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[20786_door_close_automatic_bmnopux_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/passengers_loading_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/passengers_loading_1.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/nowhere" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob2_pasazerski-02, [bdhpumn_ng_1] LOAD FIZ FROM bdhpumn_ng_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/main/bdhpumn_ng_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/main/bdhpumn_ng_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/bmnopux_50512608144-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/skins/bmnopux_50512608144-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/normals/bdhpumn_ng_1_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/normals/bdhpumn_ng_1_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_ng" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_ng" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_ng_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_dodatki_ng" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_dodatki_ng" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/lowpoly/int_bdhpumn_ng_1.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/couplerdetach_default.ogg New timetable for su45-225: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropr55312 sound: loading file: sounds/sip/wilis.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/zlepieniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/druzgot.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/calkowo.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/milewice.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/paszki_wielkie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/paszki_male.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/chrosciele.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/macierzewo_osiedle.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/macierzewo.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/gorki.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/orzechowo.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/nowiny.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/rozany.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/janiszew_gorny.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/janiszew_zachodni.wav sound: loading file: sounds/sip/janiszew.wav sound: loading file: scenery/calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropr55312radio.wav Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/ropr55312" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bdhpumn_v3/ropr55312" New order for [su45-225]: OrdersClear New order for [su45-225]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-225]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-225]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-225]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-225]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for su45-201, [301d] LOAD FIZ FROM 301d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [su45-201]: OrdersClear Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-201" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-201" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by su45-201: wil_wjazda_wruchu ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob3_pasazerski-01, [112ae] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/112ae.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wheel" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wheel" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/112ae.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1908087-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1908087-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1908087-5_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1908087-5_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_red" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_red" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ae_niski.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ae_niski.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/112ae_niski_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/business01_m_60" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/business01_m_60" Created texture object for "textures/posers/walizka_niebieska" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/walizka_niebieska" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/112ae_niski_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]wheel_111a_v2_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]brake_111a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_50.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_brake_111a_100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brakeacc_est3f.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_111a_brakecylinder1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]doors_open_111a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786]doors_close_111a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/couplerattach_v2.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/nowhere" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob3_pasazerski-02, [111ac] LOAD FIZ FROM 111ac.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111ac.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111ac.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10_2008357-9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10_2008357-9" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10_2008357-9-normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10_2008357-9-normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ac" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ac" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ae_ic.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ae_ic.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111ac_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual30_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual30_m_30" Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual28_m_70" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual28_m_70" Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual26_m_40" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual26_m_40" Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual13_m_30" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual13_m_30" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "walizka.001" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.25, 0.18, 0.09) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111ac_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob3_pasazerski-03, [120a_ns_row_k] LOAD FIZ FROM 120a_ns_row_k.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/main/120a_k.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/skp_blacha" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/skp_blacha" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/main/120a_k.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/skins/b9pv_8418005-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/skins/b9pv_8418005-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/normals/120a_windows" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/normals/120a_windows" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/normals/120a_windows_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/normals/120a_windows_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/lowpoly/int_120a_ns_row.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/lowpoly/int_120a_ns_row" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/lowpoly/int_120a_ns_row" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/lowpoly/int_120a_ns_row.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/loads/120a_row_2_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/rower" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/rower" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/loads/120a_row_2_passengers.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/nowhere" New timetable for su45-201: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropr55311 sound: loading file: scenery/calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropr55311radio.wav Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/ropr55311" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/ropr55311" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/ropr55311" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/120a_v1/ropr55311" New order for [su45-201]: OrdersClear New order for [su45-201]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: OrderPush: [Disconnect] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-201]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for su45-187, [301d] LOAD FIZ FROM 301d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [su45-187]: OrdersClear Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-187" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su45_v2/301d-187" sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn4a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn4b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn4c.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by su45-187: jan_osob_tor37:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob1_pasazerski-01, [bhp-a] LOAD FIZ FROM bhp-a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-a.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "_elementy_t01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek1_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 23.04, 23.04, 56.29) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.48, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 41.72, 41.72, 41.72) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek2_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 23.04, 23.04, 56.29) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19515-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19515-3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19515-3_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19515-3_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp_lowpoly-green" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp_lowpoly-green" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-a_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-a_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_bhp_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_bhp_2.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/nowhere" sound: loading file: sounds/curve.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob1_pasazerski-02, [bhp-cd] LOAD FIZ FROM bhp-cd.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-cd.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek2_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 23.04, 23.04, 56.29) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-cd.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19516-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19516-1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19516-1_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19516-1_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-cd_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-cd_lowpoly.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob1_pasazerski-03, [bhp-cd] LOAD FIZ FROM bhp-cd.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19517-9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19517-9" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for osob1_pasazerski-04, [bhp-b] LOAD FIZ FROM bhp-b.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-b.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak01a" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 41.72, 41.72, 41.72) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek1_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 23.04, 23.04, 56.29) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.03, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.48, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 41.72, 41.72, 41.72) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "_elementy_t02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "hak2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/main/bhp-b.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19518-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/skins/505126-19518-7" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19518-7_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/normals/505126-19518-7_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-b_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/bhp_v1/low_poly_int/bhp-b_lowpoly.e3d" New timetable for su45-187: none New order for [su45-187]: OrdersClear New order for [su45-187]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-187]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-187]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su45-187]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for su46-039, [303d] LOAD FIZ FROM 303d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [su46-039]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ostoja" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 0.94, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/zaluzja" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/zaluzja" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/su46-wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/su46-wozek" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/blacha_siatka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/blacha_siatka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/went" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/went" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/kratkacz" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/kratkacz" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/wentylatory_obudowa" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/wentylatory_obudowa" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 1.07, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/skins/303d-039" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/skins/303d-039" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/normals/303d-039_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/normals/303d-039_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/su46_lowpoly" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/su46_lowpoly" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d-podwozie" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d-podwozie" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d_lowpoly.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni9" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni9" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/303d_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn1a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn1b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su45-horn1c.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-klakson-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-klakson-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-klakson-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-compresor-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-compresor-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-compresor-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-converter-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-converter-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-converter-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/fan_su46_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/fan_su46.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/fan_su46_end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_su46-relay.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by su46-039: orz_tor2:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp1_pasazerski-01, [112ag_ir_blue] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ag_ir_blue.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ouy_1908171-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ouy_1908171-7" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ouy_1908171-7_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ouy_1908171-7_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_blue.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_blue" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_blue" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_ir_blue.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp1_pasazerski-02, [112ae] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ouy_1910117-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ouy_1910117-6" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ouy_1910117-6_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ouy_1910117-6_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp1_pasazerski-03, [112ag_ir_blue] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ag_ir_blue.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1900275-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1900275-4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1900275-4_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1900275-4_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp1_pasazerski-04, [112ae_niski] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae_niski.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/112ae_niski.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/112ae_niski.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1970293-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1970293-2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1970293-2-normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1970293-2-normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ae_niski" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ae_niski" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp1_pasazerski-05, [112ae] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1900258-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9oy_1900258-0" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1900258-0_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9oy_1900258-0_normal" New timetable for su46-039: calkowo_v2/rozklady_posp/mpei15108 Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/mpei15108" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/mpei15108" New order for [su46-039]: OrdersClear New order for [su46-039]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-039]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-039]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-039]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Shunt 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-039]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for su46-025, [303d2] LOAD FIZ FROM 303d2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [su46-025]: OrdersClear Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/skins/303d-025" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/skins/303d-025" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/normals/303d-025_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/su46_v2/normals/303d-025_normal" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by su46-025: orz_tor1:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp2_pasazerski-01, [111ac] LOAD FIZ FROM 111ac.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp2_pasazerski-02, [111an_braz] LOAD FIZ FROM 111an_braz.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/11xan.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/11xan.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10nou_2000364-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10nou_2000364-3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10nou_2000364-3_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10nou_2000364-3_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111an_braz" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111an_braz" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111an_braz.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111an_braz.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111an_braz_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111an_braz_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp2_pasazerski-03, [111ac] LOAD FIZ FROM 111ac.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp2_pasazerski-04, [112ae_okr] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae_okr.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9o_1988140-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9o_1988140-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9o_1988140-5_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9o_1988140-5_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_pkppr_okr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_pkppr_okr" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_el.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_112ag_el.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for posp2_pasazerski-05, [112ae_okr] LOAD FIZ FROM 112ae_okr.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ou_1970002-6'14" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/a9ou_1970002-6'14" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ou_1970002-6'14_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/a9ou_1970002-6'14_normal" New timetable for su46-025: calkowo_v2/rozklady_posp/mpei51109 Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/mpei51109" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/mpei51109" New order for [su46-025]: OrdersClear New order for [su46-025]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: OrderPush: [Disconnect] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [su46-025]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ep09-011, [104e_7] LOAD FIZ FROM 104e_7.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [ep09-011]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_7.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e-wozek" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/pantograf" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/pantograf" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/panto-a" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/panto-a" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje_nowe" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje_nowe" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/koloalst" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/koloalst" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/radiator" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/radiator" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/metalfrictionpattern1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "_drabinki_" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.66, 0.66, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.51, 2.51, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.35, 2.35, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.25, 2.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lamp11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.67, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 0.65, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lamp26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.67, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.26, 2.26, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/cien104e" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/cien104e" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_7.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/skins/104e-011" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/skins/104e-011" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/normals/104e-011_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/normals/104e-011_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]klima.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]klima" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]klima" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]elektro" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]elektro" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/drzwiwn" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/drzwiwn" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_siwy_koszula" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_siwy_koszula" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/eu07sufit" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/eu07sufit" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/podsufitowka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/podsufitowka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/szyba_masz" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/szyba_masz" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/siatkawn" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/siatkawn" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/sprezarka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/sprezarka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/uwaga" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/uwaga" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/przetwornica" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/przetwornica" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/tablicann" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/tablicann" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/wyl_szyb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/wyl_szyb" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]klima.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-1-20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-1-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-2-20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-2-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-3-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-4-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_104e_curve_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_mix_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]curve.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep09_transmission1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep09_transmission2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep09_transmission3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep09_transmission4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_ep09-rvent.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]break_scr.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn1-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn1-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn2-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]horn2-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/09]compressor-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/09]compressor.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/09]compressor-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_small_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]przetwornica_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]przetwornica.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]przetwornica_koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pantup1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pantdown.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_releaser_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_releaser_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_releaser_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_relay_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]odluzniacz.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by ep09-011: ter_tor1:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-01, [b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps] LOAD FIZ FROM b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/main/b91_1kl_z2amg-fps.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/main/b91_1kl_z2amg-fps.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/a9emnouz_61511970214-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/a9emnouz_61511970214-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/normals/b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/normals/b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/wozek_gp200_2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/wozek_gp200_2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg-fps_o" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg-fps_o" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps_o" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps_o" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/loads/b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/loads/b91_1kl_z2abcmg-fps_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_10_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_20_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_30_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_40_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_50_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_70_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_100_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_10_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_20_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_30_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_40_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_70_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_100_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_40_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_50_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_z1_40_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/174a_curve.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_part_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_part_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_part_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_part_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_part_1_100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/door_open_170a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/door_close_170a_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v1_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v1_work.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v1_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57-przetw_statyczna.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/174a_coupler_stretch.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_111arow?dummy=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_111arow?dummy=1" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-02, [140a_etap_i_bg] LOAD FIZ FROM 140a_etap_i_bg.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/140a_etap_i_bg.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/y_wheel_920" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/y_wheel_920" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/bogie_lod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/bogie_lod" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/140a_etap_i_bg.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/a9nouz_1970702-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/a9nouz_1970702-2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/a9nouz_1970702-2_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/a9nouz_1970702-2_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg_korytarz_uchylane" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg_korytarz_uchylane" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_140a_etap_i_bg.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/140a_etap_i_bg_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/140a_etap_i_bg_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_open_pesa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_close_pesa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v2_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v2_work.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/klima_v2_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_statyk_7.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-03, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/174a.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/25an_174a" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/25an_174a" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/174a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078778-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078778-1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078778-1_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078778-1_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a_2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a_2" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_174a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/141a_etap_i_fps_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/141a_etap_i_fps_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/174a_wheel_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/174a_wheel_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/174a_wheel_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/174a_wheel_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/door_open_174a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/door_close_174a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/static_converter_2.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?dummy=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?dummy=1" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-04, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078804-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078804-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078804-5_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078804-5_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-05, [168ar] LOAD FIZ FROM 168ar.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/main/168ar.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/main/168ar.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7nopuvz_8478074-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7nopuvz_8478074-8" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7nopuvz_8478074-8_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7nopuvz_8478074-8_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168ar.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168ar" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168ar" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168ar.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/168ar_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/168ar_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_open_168a.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_close_168a.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?dummy=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?dummy=1" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-06, [141a_newag] LOAD FIZ FROM 141a_newag.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/141a_newag.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/main/141a_newag.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/b10nouz_2078669-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/b10nouz_2078669-5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/b10nouz_2078669-5_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/b10nouz_2078669-5_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_141a_newag.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_141a_newag" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_141a_newag" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/ewakuacyjne_141a_newag" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/ewakuacyjne_141a_newag" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/low_poly_int/int_141a_newag.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/141a_newag_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/141a_newag_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-07, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078814-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078814-4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078814-4_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078814-4_normal" sound: loading file: sounds/static_converter_1.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres1_pasazerski-08, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078811-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078811-0" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078811-0_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078811-0_normal" New timetable for ep09-011: calkowo_v2/rozklady_posp/mpei_ter-waw1159 Created texture object for "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-02&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-02&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-03&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-03&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-04&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-04&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-05&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-05&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-06&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-06&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-07&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-07&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-08&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-011&_id1=MPEi_ter-waw1159&_id2=ekspres1_pasazerski-08&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [ep09-011]: OrdersClear New order for [ep09-011]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: OrderPush: [Disconnect] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-011]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ep09-009, [104e_5] LOAD FIZ FROM 104e_5.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart New order for [ep09-009]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_3.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto12" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podst_izolatorow_panto13" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.73, 0.73, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "element_zderzak04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.97, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bufor_element04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.03, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ogrzewanie02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.58, 2.39, 2.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.97, 1.18, 1.18) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/zaluzje" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "_drabinki_" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 1.18) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "owiewka02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.17, 0.49, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.66, 0.66, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.51, 2.51, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.64, 0.64, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.35, 2.35, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.25, 2.02) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lamp11" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.67, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.65, 0.65, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.14, 2.14, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lamp26" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.67, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Fspot03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.26, 2.26, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/104e_3.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/skins/104e-009" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/skins/104e-009" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/normals/104e-009_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/normals/104e-009_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/literki3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]elektro.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/ep09_v1/low_poly_int/lowpoly]elektro.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]rvent.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]sprezarka_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]sprezarka.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/104e_3]sprezarka_koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_relay_3.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by ep09-009: waw_tor2:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-01, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078768-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078768-2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078768-2_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078768-2_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-02, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-03, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078807-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078807-8" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078807-8_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078807-8_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-04, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-05, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078813-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078813-6" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078813-6_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078813-6_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-06, [174a] LOAD FIZ FROM 174a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078783-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/skins/174a/b10nouz_2078783-1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078783-1_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/14xa_v1/normals/174a/b10nouz_2078783-1_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-07, [113aa_etap_ii] LOAD FIZ FROM 113aa_etap_ii.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/main/113aa_etap_ii.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/main/113aa_etap_ii.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/skins/wrnouz_8870207-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/skins/wrnouz_8870207-8" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/normals/wrnouz_8870207-8_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/normals/wrnouz_8870207-8_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa_etap_ii" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa_etap_ii" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/loads/113aa_etap_i_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa_etap_i" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/lowpoly/int_113aa_etap_i" Created texture object for "textures/posers/cook" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/cook" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/wars" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/wars" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/113aa_v1/loads/113aa_etap_i_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-08, [b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps] LOAD FIZ FROM b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/main/b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/main/b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/a9mnouz_61511970235-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/a9mnouz_61511970235-0" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/wozek_gp200_1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/skins/wozek_gp200_1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/lowpoly/int_b91_1kl_z2amg34-fps.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/loads/b91_1kl_fps_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/z2_v1/loads/b91_1kl_fps_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_v2_part4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_v2_part3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_v2_part2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brake_gp200_v2_part1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/open_doors_z1_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/close_doors_z1_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_statyk_1.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-09, [168ar] LOAD FIZ FROM 168ar.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-10, [168ar] LOAD FIZ FROM 168ar.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7nopuvz_8478071-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7nopuvz_8478071-4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7nopuvz_8478071-4_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7nopuvz_8478071-4_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-11, [168a] LOAD FIZ FROM 168a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/main/168a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/main/168a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7bnopuz_2870021-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7bnopuz_2870021-6" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7bnopuz_2870021-6_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7bnopuz_2870021-6_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168a" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/lowpoly/int_168a.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/168a_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/168a_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for ekspres2_pasazerski-12, [168a] LOAD FIZ FROM 168a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7bnopuz_2870022-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/skins/b7bnopuz_2870022-4" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7bnopuz_2870022-4_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/168a_v1/normals/b7bnopuz_2870022-4_normal" New timetable for ep09-009: calkowo_v2/rozklady_posp/mpei_waw-ter1210 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-01&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-01&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-02&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-02&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-03&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-03&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-04&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-04&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-05&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-05&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-06&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_174a?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-06&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-07&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-07&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-08&kod_e=eic&kod_p=ic&kod_o=tlk" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_111arow?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-08&kod_e=eic&kod_p=ic&kod_o=tlk" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-09&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-09&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-10&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-10&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-11&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-11&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-12&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_168ar?$timetable=ep09-009&_id1=MPEi_waw-ter1210&_id2=ekspres2_pasazerski-12&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [ep09-009]: OrdersClear New order for [ep09-009]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: OrderPush: [Disconnect] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [ep09-009]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eu07-133, [4e_grey] LOAD FIZ FROM 4e_grey.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart Wpis hamulca: BR New order for [eu07-133]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e/base.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e/base.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/skins/4e-133_tsopole" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/skins/4e-133_tsopole" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e-tv/4e_5]int_grey.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/components/przedzialmeu07" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/components/przedzialmeu07" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e-tv/4e_5]int_grey" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e-tv/4e_5]int_grey" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni4" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni4" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/4e-tv/4e_5]int_grey.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-11-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-12-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-10-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-9.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07-stukot-9-100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_225x3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_390x3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_160.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_200.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_240.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_ee541_eu_455.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-100b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-140b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-200b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-270b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-342b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-435b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/eu07-went-865b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_brake_eu07_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_brake_eu07_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07_brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_119_horn_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-compressor-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-compressor-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-compressor-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_malasprezarka_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_malasprezarka_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_malasprezarka_stop.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/07]przetw_3-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]przetw_3-mid.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]przetw_3-end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_eu07_pantograf_dosieci.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/07]patyk_dol.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_eu07-pss-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_4e_stycznik_0.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik01.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik02.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik04.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik06.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik07.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik08.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik09.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik13.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik14.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik15.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik16.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik17.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik18.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik19.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik21.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik22.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik23.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik24.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik25.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik26.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik27.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik28.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik29.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik31.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik32.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik33.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik34.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik35.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik36.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik37.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik38.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik39.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik41.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik42.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik43.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik_b1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik_b2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik_b3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik_b4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_4e_stycznik_b5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_4e_drugi_uklad.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_303e_ws_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_303e_ws_of.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/bufferclamp2.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/4e_v1/nowhere" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by eu07-133: jan_osob_tor7:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-01, [163a] LOAD FIZ FROM 163a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/163a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/163a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/ab8nopuz_3871003-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/ab8nopuz_3871003-2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/normals/162a_refl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/normals/162a_refl" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/163a_int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/16xa_int" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/16xa_int" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_163a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_163a" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/163a_int.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/163a_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/163a_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_statyk_5.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_140a?dummy=1" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_140a?dummy=1" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-02, [161a] LOAD FIZ FROM 161a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/161a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/161a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/b6bnopuvz_8471005-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/b6bnopuvz_8471005-0" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/normals/161a_refl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/normals/161a_refl" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/161a_int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_161a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_161a" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/161a_int.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/161a_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/161a_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-03, [162a] LOAD FIZ FROM 162a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/162a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/main/162a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/b9nopuz_2971005-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/skins/b9nopuz_2971005-8" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/162a_int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_162a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/podloga_162a" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/lowpoly/162a_int.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/162a_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/loads/162a_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_statyk_6.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-04, [161a] LOAD FIZ FROM 161a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-05, [161a] LOAD FIZ FROM 161a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for regioekspres_pasazerski-06, [162a] LOAD FIZ FROM 162a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for eu07-133: calkowo_v2/rozklady_posp/mper51008 Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/warszawa_zachodnia" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/16xa_v1/warszawa_zachodnia" New order for [eu07-133]: OrdersClear New order for [eu07-133]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: OrderPush: [Disconnect] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Disconnect 4: Shunt 5: Shunt 6: Wait_for_orders New order for [eu07-133]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1623ra, [6baiii_led_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6baiii_led_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baii_led.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/ezt_wozek_lod" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/ezt_wozek_lod" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.81, 1.00) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wozek_ezt" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wozek_ezt" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/kolo_ezt" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/kolo_ezt" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/cien6ba" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/cien6ba" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/szarfen" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/szarfen" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wycieraczka2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wycieraczka2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wozek-en57-s" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wozek-en57-s" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57drzwip" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57drzwip" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baii_led.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12ra" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12ra" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12ra_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12ra_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57iii_lowpoly-km-spot" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57iii_lowpoly-km-spot" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni5" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni5" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-skrzypi.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/curve_en57-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/curve_en57.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_15a_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_30_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_90c.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_15b_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_30_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_90b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_pisk_koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_pisk.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_10_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_30_40_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_60_70.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sn_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sn_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sn_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sw_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sw_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/27673_en71_sw_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_a50-110b-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_a50-110b-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_a50-110b-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_signal_1_en71-016.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_signal_2_en71-026.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_signal_3_en71-026.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_open_en71-026.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_door_close_en71-026.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_blokada_drzwi_zamk.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_blokada_drzwi_otw.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_outernoise_35.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_outernoise_80.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_en57_pasazery.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-brakecyl-begin.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-brakecyl-low.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-brakecyl-high.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-luz-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-luz-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-luz-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_ham-0.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_hiss.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_en57_scharfenberg_zapiecie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_pg_otwarcie_kurka.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_bufferclamp.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_szarpniecie-2.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_2?dummy=1&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_2?dummy=1&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" aren't multiples of 4 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by en57-1623ra: jan_osob_tor3:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1623s, [6bsiii_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bsiii_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsii.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/cien6bs" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/cien6bs" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsii.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12s" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12s" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12s_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12s_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/szafann" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/szafann" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_30_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_stukot_30_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_70.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_160.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_300.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_465.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_600.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_motor_52b.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_30_40_v3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/s-compressor-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-przetwornica-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-przetwornica-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-przetwornica-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/pantup.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20439_653-signal_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20439_653-signal_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20439_653-signal_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_door-open2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_door_close2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-stycznik_lin-wyl.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-stycznik_lin-zal.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-wal_poz-np.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/2193_en57-wal_poz-p.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_hak_zakladanie.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_tarcie_gum.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_startjoint_928.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/nowhere" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1623rb, [6bbiii_led_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bbiii_led_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbii_led.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.81, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbii_led.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12rb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1623'12rb" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12rb_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1623'12rb_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiii_lowpoly-spot.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en57_brake_30_40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_nisk-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_nisk-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_nisk-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_wys-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_wys-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57_wys-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_door_open3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_door_close3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_startjoint_891.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1627ra, [6baiii_led_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6baiii_led_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12ra" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12ra" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12ra_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12ra_normal" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57-986_buczek-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57-986_buczek-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57-986_buczek-stop.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1627s, [6bsiii_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bsiii_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12s" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12s" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12s_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12s_normal" sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_905_signal_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_905_signal.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_905_signal_stop.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-1627rb, [6bbiii_led_spot] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bbiii_led_spot.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12rb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-1627'12rb" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12rb_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-1627'12rb_normal" sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-nisk-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-nisk-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-nisk-6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-wys-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-wys-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en71_syrena-wys-6.ogg New timetable for en57-1623ra: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/rojkm51629 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1623ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1623ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1623rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1623rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1627ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1627ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1627rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_2?$timetable=en57-1623ra&_id1=ROJkm51629&_id2=en57-1627rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-5&margin2y=10" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrdersClear New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrderPush: [Change_direction] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-1623ra]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-1623ra]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en76-018a, [22wee-a] LOAD FIZ FROM 22wee-a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart New order for [en76-018a]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szklo" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szklo" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex17" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex17" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/okno_wc" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/okno_wc" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/okno_wc_spec+gloss" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/okno_wc_spec+gloss" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szklo2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szklo2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex14" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex14" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wycieraczki_bombardier" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wycieraczki_bombardier" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex9" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex8" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_przod-tyl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_przod-tyl" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pantograf" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/pantograf" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/klawiaturka" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/klawiaturka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex4" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu_normal" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/oslona_sprzegu_specgloss" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lampy_wycier" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lampy_wycier" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szyba_refl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/szyba_refl" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_srodek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/wozek_srodek" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_a,3" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22we-a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/int_kab" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/int_kab" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni52" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni52" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/podloga" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/podloga" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/sr_a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/sr_a" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/korytarz" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/korytarz" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex7" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex4_km" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex4_km" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22we-a.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/elf_1f_625.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_2f_850.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_2f_1000.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_3f_750.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_3f_1406.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_3f_1700.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_3f_2315.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/elf_3f_3000.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]elf_engine.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_brake-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_brake-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_brake-10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_brake-30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_unbrake-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_unbrake-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_unbrake-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_postojowy_braking.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_postojowy_relay.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_panto_down.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/c_189_1pantho_hs.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_low_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_horn_high_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_whistle_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_converter_start_v2_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_converter_trwa_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_converter_stop_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_wentylator_zewnatrz-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_wentylator_zewnatrz-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_wentylator_zewnatrz-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_battery_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_battery_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en76_battery_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_small_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_door_open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_door_close.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en76_stopien.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pop_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pop_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pop_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pop_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_pop_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_1step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_2step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_3step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_4step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_5step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_6step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_elf_luzowanie_ep_7step.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_elf_sand_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_nagle-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_nagle-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_nagle-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/stacja.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/nastepna_stacja.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_ep_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_22wed_sprzeg_mechaniczny.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_flirt_rozpiecie_sprzegu.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_scharfenberg_klawiatury_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_22wed_pneumatyka.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_flirt_rozpiecie_klawiatur.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_en62_ws_on.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?dummy=1&margin1=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?dummy=1&margin1=5" aren't multiples of 4 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by en76-018a: waw_tor8:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en76-018b, [22wee-b] LOAD FIZ FROM 22wee-b.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-b.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex3bc" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex3bc" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-b.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_b,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_b,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_b,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_b,2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22wee-b.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex13" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/tex13" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22wee-b.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_eu44_pneumatic_relay.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?dummy=1&margin1=15" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?dummy=1&margin1=15" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en76-018c, [22wee-c] LOAD FIZ FROM 22wee-c.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-c.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-c.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_c,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_c,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_c,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_c,2" sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel_elf_v3_4.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en76-018d, [22wee-d] LOAD FIZ FROM 22wee-d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/main/22wee-d.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/skins/en76/en76-018_d,3" Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/22wee-d.mmd - missed submodel ramiedolne1_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/22wee-d.mmd - missed submodel ramiegorne1_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/22wee-d.mmd - missed submodel ramiedolne2_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/22wee-d.mmd - missed submodel ramiegorne2_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/22wee-d.mmd - missed submodel slizg_pant01 Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22we-d.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/elf_v1/lowpoly/int_22we-d.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_whistle-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_whistle-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_elf_whistle-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en76_vent_external-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en76_vent_external-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/1007_en76_vent_external-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_22wed_sprzeg_mechaniczny_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_scharfenberg_klawiatury.ogg New timetable for en76-018a: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropj_waw-jan1254 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018a&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018a&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=5" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018b&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=15" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018b&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=15" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018c&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=15" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018c&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=15" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018d&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_10?$timetable=en76-018a&_id1=ROPJ_waw-jan1254&_id2=en76-018d&kod_e=&kod_p=&kod_o=&margin1=5" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [en76-018a]: OrdersClear New order for [en76-018a]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [en76-018a]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [en76-018a]: OrderPush: [Change_direction] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [en76-018a]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en76-018a]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en76-018a]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-608ra, [6baiv_led] LOAD FIZ FROM 6baiv_led.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart New order for [en57-608ra]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiv.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.81, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiv.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12ra" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12ra" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12ra_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12ra_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57iv_lowpoly-grey" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57iv_lowpoly-grey" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiv_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baiv_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-door-signal-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-door-signal-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57-door-signal-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57-door-open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/23756_en57-door-close.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_12?dummy=1&margin1=10&margin2y=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_12?dummy=1&margin1=10&margin2y=5" aren't multiples of 4 EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by en57-608ra: ter_tor5:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-608s, [6bsiv_led] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bsiv_led.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiv.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiv.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12s" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12s" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12s_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12s_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiv_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsiv_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1805_signal_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1805_signal.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1805_signal_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57-door-open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57-door-close.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/en57_tarcie_gum_2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-608rb, [6bbiv_led] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bbiv_led.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiv.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.81, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiv.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12rb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-608'12rb" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12rb_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-608'12rb_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiv_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbiv_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1039_signal_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1039_signal.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/4625_en57_1039_signal_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_szarpniecie.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-837ra, [6baii_led] LOAD FIZ FROM 6baii_led.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837ra" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837ra" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-837ra_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-837ra_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57ii_lowpoly-green" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/en57ii_lowpoly-green" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baii_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6baii_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_cm-38-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_cm-38-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_en57_compressor_cm-38-stop.ogg Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_15?dummy=1&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_15?dummy=1&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" aren't multiples of 4 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-837s, [6bsii] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bsii.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837s" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837s" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-837s_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/normals/en57-837s_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsii_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bsii_lowpoly.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for en57-837rb, [6bbii_led] LOAD FIZ FROM 6bbii_led.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EP2 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837rb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/skins/en57-837rb" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbii_lowpoly.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/en57_v1/6bbii_lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_door_buczek_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_door_buczek_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_door_buczek_end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_en57_szarpniecie-4.ogg New timetable for en57-608ra: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropj_ter-jan1311 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608s&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608s&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_12?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-608rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1=10&margin2y=5" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_15?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-837ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_15?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-837ra&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "scripts/led_en57_n_15?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-837rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" Warning: dimensions of texture "scripts/led_en57_n_15?$timetable=en57-608ra&_id1=ROPJ_ter-jan1311&_id2=en57-837rb&kod_e=ic&kod_p=tlk&kod_o=r&margin1x=15&margin1y=-10" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [en57-608ra]: OrdersClear New order for [en57-608ra]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-608ra]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-608ra]: OrderPush: [Change_direction] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-608ra]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-608ra]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [en57-608ra]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for m62-2984, [st44-o] LOAD FIZ FROM st44-o.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart New order for [m62-2984]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/st44-o.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/cienm62" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/cienm62" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/telezka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/telezka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/klocekham" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/klocekham" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/kolopeln" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/kolopeln" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/st44-o.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/m62-2984" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v1/m62-2984" sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-oilpump-v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-idle-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-idle-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-idle-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-idle-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_m62gwizdstart.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_m62gwizdtrwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_m62gwizdstop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44_horn_low-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44_horn_low-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_st44_horn_low-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st44-start.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by m62-2984: orz_baza_tor1:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-01, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/main/452r_gatx_3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/main/452r_gatx_3.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852893-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852893-1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty3" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852893-1,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852893-1,3" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_5km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_17km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_30km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_50km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_80km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_cysterna_100km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_zaes_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_zaes_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_zaes_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_zaes_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]pisk_406r416.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[1007]_eaos_brake.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/curve_2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-02, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/main/452r_gatx_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/main/452r_gatx_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852113-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852113-4" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty5" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty5" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852113-4,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/452r_v1/skins/33517852113-4,3" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-03, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-04, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-05, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-06, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-07, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-08, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-09, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-10, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-11, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-12, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-13, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-14, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-15, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-16, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-17, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-18, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-19, [452r_gatx_3] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orlena_zaes-20, [452r_gatx_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 452r_gatx_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for m62-2984: none New order for [m62-2984]: OrdersClear New order for [m62-2984]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [m62-2984]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [m62-2984]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [m62-2984]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for st43-195, [060da] LOAD FIZ FROM 060da.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart New order for [st43-195]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/main/060da.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/cien060da" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/cien060da" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/main/060da.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/skins/st43-195" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/skins/st43-195" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/aaakabinast43-a.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/alpha" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/alpha" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_przedzialtek2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_przedzialtek2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/kabinalow" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/kabinalow" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_szafael" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_szafael" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/pomocniczy_gora" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/pomocniczy_gora" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_szafael3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_szafael3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/drzwiczki2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/drzwiczki2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_sprezarka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_sprezarka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/szybka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/szybka" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/blat" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/blat" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/12lda28tyl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/12lda28tyl" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/sufit" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/sufit" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/12lda28bok" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/12lda28bok" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/foliaaluminiowa" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/foliaaluminiowa" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_stary11" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_stary11" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/mano3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/podlogaprzedzial" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/podlogaprzedzial" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_przedzialtek1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/060da_przedzialtek1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/sufit1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/sufit1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/knorrd2_07" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/knorrd2_07" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/szybaczolo" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/szybaczolo" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/aaakabinast43-a.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-oilpump.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-idle-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-idle-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-idle-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-idle-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43_ham.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43_compressor1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43_compressor2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43_compressor3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/14745_realy181.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_st43-start.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-01, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/408s.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.95, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/408s.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/83_51_930_7_892-9,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/83_51_930_7_892-9,1" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_container_5km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_17km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_30km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_40km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_60km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_80km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_100km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_platforma_120km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_uacs_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_uacs_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_uacs_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_uacs_7.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-02, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-03, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_8_542-0,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_8_542-0,1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_new1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_new1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-04, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-05, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_8_154-4,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_8_154-4,1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-06, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_7_616-3,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/uacs_v3/33_51_930_7_616-3,1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-07, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-08, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-09, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-10, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-11, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-12, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-13, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-14, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-15, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-16, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-17, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-18, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-19, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-20, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-21, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-22, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-23, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-24, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cementa_uacs-25, [408s] LOAD FIZ FROM 408s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for st43-195: rozklad New order for [st43-195]: OrdersClear New order for [st43-195]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [st43-195]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [st43-195]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [st43-195]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for br285-127, [br285] LOAD FIZ FROM br285.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT WKE Ready to depart New order for [br285-127]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/br285.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/szyby" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/szyby" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/cien" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/br285.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/br285-127'19" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/br285-127'19" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/fst" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/fst" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni42" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni42" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/br285_v1/int.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/[9629]traxx-stukot2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/[9629]traxx-stukot1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_mtu_16v_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_mtu_16v_600.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_mtu_16v_850.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_mtu_16v_1600.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_mtu_16v_1900.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p75.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p210.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p365.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p525.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p660.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_p1320_z_660.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_104e_curve_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_104e_curve_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/disc_brake_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_low-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_low-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_low-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_high-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_high-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_horn_high-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxx_dual_horn-01.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxx_dual_horn-02.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxx_dual_horn-03.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_sprezarka_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_sprezarka_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_sprezarka_koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_went_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_went_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_went_koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_e483_start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_e483_bateria_trwa.ogg sound: warning: mixing multichannel file to mono sound: loading file: sounds/e186_battery_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_traxx_pantograf_gora.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_traxx_pantograf_dol.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_es64x4_sand_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_es64x4_sand_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_es64x4_sand_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxxodluzniacz1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxxodluzniacz2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/traxxodluzniacz3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_br185_nagle.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/c_sand.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_traxx_ignition.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by br285-127: jan_tor30:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-01, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/main/9-107.5_m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/main/9-107.5_m.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-5/33565965016-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-5/33565965016-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515331637-7_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515331637-7_bogie" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_5km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_17km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_25km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_35km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_50km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_70km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_90km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_outernoise_weglarka_120km_h.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_7.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_8.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-02, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a1/33565331761-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a1/33565331761-0" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33565331761-0_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33565331761-0_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-03, [9-107.13_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.13_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/main/9-107.13_m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/main/9-107.13_m.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-13/33565331395-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-13/33565331395-7" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515331695-5_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515331695-5_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-04, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-5/33565965046-9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/cd/9-107_v1/skins/9-107-5/33565965046-9" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-05, [9-107.13_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.13_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-06, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-07, [425wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 425wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/main/425wa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/main/425wa.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/skins/425wa/33565348570-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/skins/425wa/33565348570-6" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515348859-8_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/33515348859-8_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-08, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-09, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-10, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-11, [1415a3] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a3.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a3/33565331149-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a3/33565331149-8" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31545963572-0_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31545963572-0_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-12, [425wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 425wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-13, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-14, [9-107.13_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.13_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-16, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-17, [425wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 425wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-18, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-19, [9-107.13_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.13_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-20, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-21, [425wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 425wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-22, [r462w_2] LOAD FIZ FROM r462w_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/main/r462w_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/main/r462w_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/skins/r462w_2/33565331035-9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/skins/r462w_2/33565331035-9" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/82515357174-0_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/82515357174-0_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-23, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-24, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-25, [r462w] LOAD FIZ FROM r462w.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/main/r462w.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/main/r462w.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/skins/r462w/33565331024-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/r462w_v1/skins/r462w/33565331024-3" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/33565341878-0_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/33565341878-0_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-26, [9-107.5_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.5_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-27, [1415a1] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-28, [425wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 425wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-29, [1415a3] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for lotos-drewnoa_eaos-30, [9-107.13_m] LOAD FIZ FROM 9-107.13_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for br285-127: rozklad New order for [br285-127]: OrdersClear New order for [br285-127]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [br285-127]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [br285-127]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [br285-127]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for tem2-102, [tem2a_h] LOAD FIZ FROM tem2a_h.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart New order for [tem2-102]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/tem2a_h.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/ostoja" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/ostoja" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "main" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.84, 2.87, 0.69) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/telezka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/telezka" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/klocekham" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/klocekham" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "BOGIE1_KH01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "BOGIE1_KH" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Created texture object for "textures/tabor/kolo1050" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/kolo1050" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "daszek-spod-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 0.41, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzaki-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.46, 0.35, 2.99) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/metalfrictionpattern1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ostoja01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/wozek-lod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/wozek-lod" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozki-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "haki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/kratka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/kratka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.17, 2.03, 1.09) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skp" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skp" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endtab1_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endtab2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp21_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.26, 0.48) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp11_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.26, 0.48) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL21FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL11FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 0.73) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/cientem2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/cientem2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cien" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 0.45, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzaki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 37.97, 46.11, 5.08) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.45, 1.77, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "daszek01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.85, 0.35, 1.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.39, 1.73, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.45, 1.77, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.37, 1.71, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.84, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.39, 1.73, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.45, 1.77, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.37, 1.71, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.84, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.44, 1.75, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.85, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/elementy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/elementy" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.83, 0.83, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "syrena-antena-ogolna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.08, 2.39, 0.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki-norm" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.17, 2.03, 1.09) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie-konc-zwykle" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.05, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "numer-ogolny" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.17, 1.04, 0.35) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/tem2a_h.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skins/tem2-102" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skins/tem2-102" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/normals/tem2-102_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/normals/tem2-102_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_tem2" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_tem2" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_dieselinc.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/wheel-te3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_tem2-oilpump.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_tem2_engine_end.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_270.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_290.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_500.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_570.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_720.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-1-niski.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-2-niski.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-3-niski.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_tem2_horn_mid_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_tem2_horn_mid_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_tem2_horn_mid_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/28312_tem2_engine-start.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by tem2-102: jan_tor26:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-01, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/412za_klonice.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/412za_klonice.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/rs_33513909684-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/rs_33513909684-6" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_patrykos" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_patrykos" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_rs_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_rs_2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-02, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-03, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-04, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-05, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-06, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-07, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-08, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_res-09, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-10, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/flls.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/parts/wozek_23a5f_yb_sakorius/wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/parts/wozek_23a5f_yb_sakorius/wozek" Created texture object for "dynamic/parts/wozek_23a5f_qn_patrykos/23a_5f_1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/parts/wozek_23a5f_qn_patrykos/23a_5f_1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/cienflls" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/cienflls" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/flls.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/23516275617-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/23516275617-7" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_flls_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_flls_2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-11, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/23516278999-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/flls_v2/23516278999-6" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-12, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-13, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-14, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-15, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-16, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-17, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-18, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-19, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-20, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-21, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-22, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-23, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-24, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-25, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-26, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_flls-27, [203vb] LOAD FIZ FROM 203vb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_roboczy-28, [208kf] LOAD FIZ FROM 208kf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/208kf.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/wozek" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/wozek" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/ciengbs" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/ciengbs" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/dol" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/dol" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Cylinder02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 38.97, 41.53, 38.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "uchwyt_koncowki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 41.53, 38.97, 38.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "uchwyt_koncowki02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 41.53, 38.97, 38.97) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/tab_end" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/tab_end" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/zderzak" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/zderzak" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/208kf.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/xg-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/xg-1" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gbs_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gbs_2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_roboczy-29, [208kf] LOAD FIZ FROM 208kf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/xh-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/xh-1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara_generator-30, [generator_401z_pni] LOAD FIZ FROM generator_401z_pni.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/generator_401z_pni.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/engine" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/engine" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/401ze2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/401ze2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/401ze" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/401ze" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/part2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/part2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka1_dark" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka1_dark" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/siatka1" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/generator_401z_pni/generator_401z_pni.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515942691-5,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515942691-5,4" sound: loading file: dynamic/pkp/x_401z_v1/engine.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eams_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eams_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eams_7.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eams_3.ogg New timetable for tem2-102: rozklad New order for [tem2-102]: OrdersClear New order for [tem2-102]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-102]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-102]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-102]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for et22-1075, [201e-zez] LOAD FIZ FROM 201e-zez.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart New order for [et22-1075]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/201e-zez.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/201e-zez.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/skins/201e-zez-1075" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/skins/201e-zez-1075" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/normals/201e-zez-1075_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/normals/201e-zez-1075_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/lowpoly.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/components/maszynowy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/components/maszynowy" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/components/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/components/metalfrictionpattern1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/interior" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/interior" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni40" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni40" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/et22_v3/201e-zez/lowpoly.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_et22_brake1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_et22_brake2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-stukot-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-stukot-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-stukot-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-motor0.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-motor1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-motor2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22-rvent.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_horn_ep07_1036_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_compressor_v2_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_compressor_v2_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_compressor_v2_off.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_converter_v2_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_converter_v2_trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_converter_v2_off.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_small_compressor_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_small_compressor_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_small_compressor_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_panto_up.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/et22_pantdown.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_releaser_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_releaser_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_releaser_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_pneumaticrelay_18x-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_pneumaticrelay_18x-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_pneumaticrelay_18x-koniec.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik01.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik02.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik04.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik06.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik07.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik08.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik09.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik13.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik14.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik15.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik23.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik24.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik25.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik26.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik27.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik29.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik31.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik32.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik34.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik39.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik41.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik42.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik43.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik44.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik45.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik47.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik36_b1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_pneumatic_relay_et22-991.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_et22_bezoporow.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_et22_stycznik37.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/201e_ws_on.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by et22-1075: ter_tor4:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-01, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/slmmps.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/slmmps.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/47350070" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/47350070" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/y25_0_patrykos" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/obrecz/y25_0_patrykos" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/leopard2a5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/skrajnia" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/skrajnia" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/pas" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/pas" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/leopard2a5" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/leopard2a5" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/klin" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/klin" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/gasienice" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/gasienice" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/slmmps_v1/leopard2a5.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_9.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_10.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_11.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_12.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-02, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-03, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-04, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-05, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-06, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-07, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-08, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-09, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-10, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-11, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-12, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-13, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-14, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_slmmps-15, [slmmps] LOAD FIZ FROM slmmps.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_pasazerski-16, [111au_ic] LOAD FIZ FROM 111au_ic.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111au.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/main/111au.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10ou_2078701-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10ou_2078701-3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10ou_2078701-3_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10ou_2078701-3_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ae_ic" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ae_ic" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111au_ic_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/casual17_m_35" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/casual17_m_35" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111au_ic_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_pasazerski-17, [111ap] LOAD FIZ FROM 111ap.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10ou_2070086-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/skins/b10ou_2070086-6" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10ou_2070086-6_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/normals/b10ou_2070086-6_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ap" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ap" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ap.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/low_poly_int/int_111ap.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111ap_passengers.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/druzyna_ic" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/druzyna_ic" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "druzyna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.98, 0.98, 0.98) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/11xa_v2/111ap_passengers.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_res-15, [412z] LOAD FIZ FROM 412z.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/412z.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/412z.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/31514541864-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/31514541864-8" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/sr_niebieski_20ft.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgs_v2/sr_niebieski_20ft.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_sgs_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_sgs_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_sgs_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_sgs_4.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-16, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/412za.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/412za.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/39041679" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/39041679" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/2xstar200b.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/star200military" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/star200military" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/2xstar200b.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-17, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/2xstar200.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/2xstar200.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-18, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-19, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-20, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_gbs-21, [208kf] LOAD FIZ FROM 208kf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/gbs12_cargo" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/gbs12_cargo" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/bomb.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/bomb" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/bomb" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gbs_v1/bomb.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_gags-22, [401ka] LOAD FIZ FROM 401ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/401ka.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/endt" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/endt" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/ciengags" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/ciengags" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/401ka.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/1954870-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/gags_v2/1954870-1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_new2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_new2" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gaks_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gaks_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gaks_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_gaks_4.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-21, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/3xhumvee.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/humvee" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/humvee" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/3xhumvee.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-22, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-23, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for eszelon_rs-24, [412za] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for et22-1075: rozklad New order for [et22-1075]: OrdersClear New order for [et22-1075]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [et22-1075]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [et22-1075]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [et22-1075]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for tem2-234, [tem2-234] LOAD FIZ FROM tem2-234.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Ready to depart New order for [tem2-234]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/tem2-234.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/ostoja" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/ostoja" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "oslona" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzaki-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.06, 1.00, 2.06) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/wozek-lod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/wozek-lod" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/telezka-234" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/telezka-234" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/elementy" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/elementy" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler1_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.21, 1.21, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.22, 1.22, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.83, 0.83, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.15, 1.18, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.17, 1.19, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.15, 1.18, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.84, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.21, 1.21, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.17, 1.19, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.83, 0.83, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.22, 1.22, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.84, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "refl02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.20) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/skp" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/skp" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cctrl2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.20, 0.84) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/cientem2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/cientem2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cien" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.31, 1.04) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cctrl2_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.20) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp21_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.81, 0.81, 1.37) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzaki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 31.84, 31.84, 14.58) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL21FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp11_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.81, 0.81, 1.37) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/kratka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/kratka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "s06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.31, 5.95, 0.66) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL11FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 0.73) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/metalfrictionpattern1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/metalfrictionpattern1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "body_lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/tem2-234.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/skins/tem2-234" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/skins/tem2-234" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/normals/tem2-234_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/normals/tem2-234_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2u.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2u" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2u" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2u_v2/lowpoly/int_tem2u.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-syrena1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-syrena2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/tem2-syrena3.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-01, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/409va.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/409va.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/84516841841-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/84516841841-4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/piasek.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/409va_v1/piasek.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_25.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_26.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_27.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_28.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-02, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-03, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-04, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-05, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-06, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-07, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-08, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-09, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-10, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-11, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-12, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-13, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-14, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-15, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-16, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-17, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-18, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-19, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for kopalniab_fac-20, [409va] LOAD FIZ FROM 409va.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart New timetable for tem2-234: rozklad New order for [tem2-234]: OrdersClear New order for [tem2-234]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-234]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-234]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [tem2-234]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for sa133-018a, [218mc_a] LOAD FIZ FROM 218mc_a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart New order for [sa133-018a]: OrdersClear Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/skins/sa133-018a" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/skins/sa133-018a" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/normals/sa133-018_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/normals/sa133-018_normal" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wozki" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wozki" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrze" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrze" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrze.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_krawat" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_krawat" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrze.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_a_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_a_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_20.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_40.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_60.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_80.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/outernoise_z1_120.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa135_wheel_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa135_wheel_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-575.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-722.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-1214.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-1280.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-1653.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/d_2566uhx-2296.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/10016_sa133_stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6h1800__turbo__8100.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6h1800__turbo__9900.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_6.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_12.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_17.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_22.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/jbg_brake_27.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/brakeacc_pesobus.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-009-horn_high-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-009-horn_high-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-009-horn_high-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214m_compressor_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214m_compressor_1000.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214m_compressor_1450.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214m_compressor_2000.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214m_compressor_off.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214mb_compressor_idle_on.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/214mb_compressor_idle.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/9295_elf_door_open.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/9295_elf_door_close.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sip/zblizamy_sie_do_stacji.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/10016_sa133_start.ogg Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/nowhere" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/nowhere" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by sa133-018a: wil_tor3:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for sa133-018b, [218mc_b] LOAD FIZ FROM 218mc_b.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_b.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_b.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/skins/sa133-018b" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/skins/sa133-018b" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrzeb.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/wnetrzeb.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_b_passengers.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/218md_b_passengers.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-010_horn_high-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-010_horn_high-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_sa133-010_horn_high-stop.ogg New timetable for sa133-018a: calkowo_v2/rozklady_osob/ropr_wil-willas1220 Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/led_sa134?$timetable=sa133-018a&_id1=ROPr_wil-willas1220" Warning: dimensions of texture "dynamic/pkp/sa134_v1/led_sa134?$timetable=sa133-018a&_id1=ROPr_wil-willas1220" aren't multiples of 4 New order for [sa133-018a]: OrdersClear New order for [sa133-018a]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [sa133-018a]: OrderPush: [Obey_train] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [sa133-018a]: OrderPush: [Change_direction] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Wait_for_orders New order for [sa133-018a]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [sa133-018a]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Obey_train 3: Change_direction 4: Shunt 5: Wait_for_orders New order for [sa133-018a]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for 186_534-4, [f140ms_2_2010plus_2011plus] LOAD FIZ FROM f140ms_2_2010plus_2011plus.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT EStED Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/f140ms_2.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/cien" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/f140ms_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/186_534-4,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/186_534-4,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/186_534-4,2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/186_534-4,2" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/int.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/szyba_1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/szyba_1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/szyba_1_refl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/szyba_1_refl" Warning: dimensions of texture "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/szyba_1_refl" aren't multiples of 4 Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/fst" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/fst" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/int.e3d" Bad model: dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/f140ms_2_2010plus_2011plus.mmd - missed submodel ramiegorne2_pant01 Bad model: dynamic/pkp/e186_v2/f140ms_2_2010plus_2011plus.mmd - missed submodel ramiegorne2_pant02 sound: loading file: sounds/e186_f400.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_f600.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_f700.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/e186_f185_2f.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/24150_e483_zalaczanie_ws.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by 186_534-4: jan_tor22:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-01a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/main/n-234-01_a_clip_db.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/main/n-234-01_a_clip_db.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/skins/33514961092-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/skins/33514961092-5" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/y25ls1-k_tvp/y25ls1-k_tvp_1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/y25ls1-k_tvp/y25ls1-k_tvp_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_10.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/euru146168" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/euru146168" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/gcau730113" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/gcau730113" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_10.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/gaz_outernoise_30.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/gaz_outernoise_50.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/gaz_outernoise_70.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-01b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/main/n-234-01_b_clip_db.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/main/n-234-01_b_clip_db.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/pvdu108308" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/pvdu108308" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_4.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-02a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_9.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/temu173516" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/temu173516" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_9.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-02b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_20.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/trlu593267" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/trlu593267" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_20.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-03a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_18.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/crxu995917" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/crxu995917" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_18.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-03b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_13.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/medu455946" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/medu455946" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_13.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-04a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_7.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/euru116880" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/euru116880" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_7.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-04b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/cicu991190" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/cicu991190" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_4.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-05a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_16.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/cpwu802751" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/cpwu802751" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_16.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-05b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/fmbu003638" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/fmbu003638" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_2.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-06a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-06b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/clhu303727" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/clhu303727" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_4.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-07a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank_5.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank_5.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-07b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft+20ft_2.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/medu686182" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/medu686182" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/gldu340256" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/gldu340256" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft+20ft_2.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-08a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft+20ft_5.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/cmau033905" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/cmau033905" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft+20ft_5.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-08b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_6.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_6.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-09a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank_6.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank_6.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-09b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/hnku512687" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/hnku512687" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_40fthc_1.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-10a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_4.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/bttu223122" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/bttu223122" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/gplu426623" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/gplu426623" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_4.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-10b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank_5.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank_5.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-11a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_15.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/ricu226449" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft_tank/ricu226449" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_15.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-11b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-12a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_20.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_20.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-12b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_3.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_3.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-13a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-13b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_6.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_6.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-14a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_14.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/trdu421932" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/trdu421932" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_14.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-14b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_5.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_5.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-15a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-15b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/bmou260235" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/20ft/bmou260235" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_1.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-16a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft+20ft_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft+20ft_2.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-16b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-17a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_14.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_tank+20ft_tank_14.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-17b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_7.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_7.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-18a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_20ft_1.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-18b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-19a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_45fthc_3.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/fmbu010261" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/fmbu010261" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_45fthc_3.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-19b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_1.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/ecbu600652" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/45fthc/ecbu600652" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_45fthc_1.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-20a, [n-234-01_a_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_a_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_17.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/hdmu638677" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/kontenery/40fthc/hdmu638677" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/a_40fthc_17.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor22_sggrss-20b, [n-234-01_b_clip_db] LOAD FIZ FROM n-234-01_b_clip_db.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Ready to depart Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/n-234_v1/loads/b_20ft_tank_1.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-01, [430wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 430wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/430wa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/430wa.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374973-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374973-6" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_dirty_1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_dirty_1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-02, [430wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 430wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374634-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374634-4" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_dirty" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_patrykos/obrecz/1xta_dirty" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-03, [430wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 430wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374439-8" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/430wa_v1/31515374439-8" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-04, [445w] LOAD FIZ FROM 445w.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/main/445w.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/main/445w.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/skins/445w/31515375277-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/skins/445w/31515375277-1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_4" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-05, [445w] LOAD FIZ FROM 445w.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/skins/445w/31515375175-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/445w_v2/skins/445w/31515375175-7" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_new_2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_new_2" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-06, [412w] LOAD FIZ FROM 412w.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/412w.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/412w.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/5353244-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/5353244-7" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-07, [412w] LOAD FIZ FROM 412w.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/5351442-9" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/412w_v1/5351442-9" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-08, [428wa] LOAD FIZ FROM 428wa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/main/428wa.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/main/428wa.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/skins/428wa/82515356013-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425-8wa_v1/skins/428wa/82515356013-1" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wilsklad_eaos-09, [c462w_m] LOAD FIZ FROM c462w_m.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/c462w_v1/main/c462w_m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/c462w_v1/main/c462w_m.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/c462w_v1/skins/c462w/31515354434-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/c462w_v1/skins/c462w/31515354434-3" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31515354434-3_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31515354434-3_bogie" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-01, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/main/622za_1_cargo.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/main/622za_1_cargo.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/skins/31514861033-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/skins/31514861033-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/wozek_7tna_1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/wozek_7tna_1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/loads/622za_steel_coil_frames.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/steel_coil_frame" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/steel_coil_frame" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/loads/622za_steel_coil_frames.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-02, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-03, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-04, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-05, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-06, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/components/622za_klonice_postawione.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/622za_v1/components/622za_klonice_postawione.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_samms-07, [622za_1_cargo] LOAD FIZ FROM 622za_1_cargo.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_zags-01, [zags119] LOAD FIZ FROM zags119.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/zags119_wso_v1/models/zags.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/aircoupler_metal" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/aircoupler_metal" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/zags119_wso_v1/models/zags.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/zags119_wso_v1/skins/zags_37847818646-3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/zags119_wso_v1/skins/zags_37847818646-3" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/zags_646-3_25lsd-kp1_clean_railtur" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/zags_646-3_25lsd-kp1_clean_railtur" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_stalwil_zags-02, [zags119] LOAD FIZ FROM zags119.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-01, [425s_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 425s_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425s_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425s_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644050-0" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644050-0" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_5" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_5" sound: loading file: sounds/20786_wheel_eaos_24.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by zdawczy_mac_simms-01: mac_tor6:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-02, [425s_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 425s_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644038-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644038-5" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-03, [425sa_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sa_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425sa_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425sa_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644561-6" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644561-6" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-04, [425sa_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sa_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644576-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644576-4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-05, [425sa_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sa_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644870-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644870-1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_2" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-06, [425sa_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sa_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644944-4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/31514644944-4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-07, [425sd_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sd_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425sd_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/main/425sd_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/82514645095-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/82514645095-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_3" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_dieselpower/25tna/25tna_dirty_3" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_mac_simms-08, [425sd_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 425sd_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/82514645169-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/425s_v1/skins/82514645169-5" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for tem2-059, [tem2-059a] LOAD FIZ FROM tem2-059a.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/tem2-059a.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "main" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.84, 2.87, 0.69) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie-konc-zwykle" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki-norm" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.17, 2.03, 1.09) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "syrena-antena-ogolna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.08, 2.39, 0.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cctrl2_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Box275" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "daszek01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.85, 0.35, 1.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "refl_norm_przod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.20, 1.44, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Zderzaki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 37.97, 46.11, 5.08) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.17, 1.19, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cien" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 0.45, 1.51) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.15, 1.18, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.86, 0.84, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cctrl2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.22, 1.22, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_right02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.35, 1.19, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.21, 1.21, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL13FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.82, 0.82, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.35, 1.19, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL12FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.83, 0.83, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_right01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.35, 1.19, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Buffer_left01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.35, 1.19, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp11_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.26, 0.48) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp21_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.26, 0.48) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL11FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endtab2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL21FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.06, 1.06, 0.73) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endtab1_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.17, 2.03, 1.09) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "pasy059" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/refl-059" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/refl-059" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "refl-059" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "haki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ostoja01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.13, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzaki-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.46, 0.35, 2.99) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL22FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.13, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "daszek-spod-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 0.41, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "ES23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.13, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.88, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "BOGIE1_KH01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "HL23FS" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.13, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "BOGIE1_KH" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozki-lod" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 0.35, 1.45) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.19, 1.45, 0.35) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "numer-ogolny" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.17, 1.04, 0.35) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/tem2-059a.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skins/tem2-059'15" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/skins/tem2-059'15" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/normals/tem2-059'15_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/tem2_v2/normals/tem2-059'15_normal" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-01, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a3_ch.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/main/1415a3_ch.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a3_ch/31855320802-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/skins/1415a3_ch/31855320802-2" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31855321235-4_bogie" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/y25_patrykos/monoblok/31855321235-4_bogie" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/loads/1415a_gravel.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads_normal" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads_normal" Created texture object for "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads_specgloss" Loading texture data from "textures/ladunki/atlas_loads_specgloss" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/1415ax_v1/loads/1415a_gravel.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-02, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-03, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-04, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-05, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-06, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-07, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-08, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-09, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-10, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-11, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-12, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-13, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-14, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-15, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-16, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-17, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-18, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-19, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-20, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-21, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-22, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-23, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-24, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for towara1_eaos-25, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wil_rs-01, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/39082822" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/rs_v2/39082822" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zdawczy_wil_rs-02, [412za_klonice] LOAD FIZ FROM 412za_klonice.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-01, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-02, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-03, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-04, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-05, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-06, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-07, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-08, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-09, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-10, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-11, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-12, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-13, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-14, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-15, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-16, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-17, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-18, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-19, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-20, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-21, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-22, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-23, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-24, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_placlad_tor2_eaos-25, [1415a3_ch] LOAD FIZ FROM 1415a3_ch.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-01, [401zp_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zp_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zp_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515940087-8,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515940087-8,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/interior401z,3" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/interior401z,3" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515940087-8,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515940087-8,4" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/detale_a.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/detale_a.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor40_eams-01: jan_tor40:busy EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor40_eams-01: jan_post_wyjazdb_tor40 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-02, [401zp_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zp_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zp_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515942691-5,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515942691-5,1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty2" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-03, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zl_2.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zl_2.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993043-7,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993043-7,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993043-7,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993043-7,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-04, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993061-9,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993061-9,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993061-9,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993061-9,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-05, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993101-3,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993101-3,1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty1" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_dirty1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993101-3,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993101-3,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-06, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993833-1,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993833-1,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993833-1,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993833-1,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-07, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993861-2,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993861-2,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993861-2,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993861-2,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-08, [401zl_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zl_1.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/401zl_1.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993093-2_wreck,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993093-2_wreck,1" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_wreck2" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/1xta_dieselpower/1xta_w2_wreck2" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993093-2_wreck,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993093-2_wreck,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-09, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993267-2,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993267-2,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993267-2,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993267-2,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-10, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993607-9,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993607-9,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993607-9,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zl/82515993607-9,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-11, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-12, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-13, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-14, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-15, [401zp_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-16, [401zl_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-17, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-18, [401zp_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-19, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-20, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-21, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-22, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-23, [401zp_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515941866-4,1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515941866-4,1" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515941866-4,4" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/401z_v2/skins/401zp/82515941866-4,4" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-24, [401zp_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-25, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-26, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-27, [401zp_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-28, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-29, [401zp_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-30, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-31, [401zl_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-32, [401zp_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zp_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-33, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-34, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-35, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-36, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-37, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-38, [401zl_2] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor40_eams-39, [401zl_1] LOAD FIZ FROM 401zl_1.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-01, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/413s.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "MAIN" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 1.00, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler1_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.95, 1.00, 0.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Kubly" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "LOD" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/413s.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739070-7" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739070-7" sound: loading file: sounds/1720]eaos_stuk_3.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor46_fas-01: jan_tor46:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-02, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739096-2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739096-2" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-03, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739981-5" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/413s_v1/82516739981-5" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-04, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-05, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-06, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-07, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-08, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-09, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-10, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-11, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-12, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-13, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-14, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-15, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-16, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-17, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-18, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-19, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-20, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-21, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-22, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-23, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-24, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-25, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-26, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-27, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-28, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-29, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-30, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-31, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-32, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-33, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-34, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-35, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-36, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-37, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-38, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-39, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor46_fas-40, [413s] LOAD FIZ FROM 413s.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-01, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/main/n-245-00.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/main/n-245-00.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/skins/n-245-00/33514565249-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/skins/n-245-00/33514565249-1" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/loads/sgns_trzpienie_zlozone_19_74m.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sgns_v1/loads/sgns_trzpienie_zlozone_19_74m.e3d" EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor54_sgns-01: jan_tor54:busy EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor54_sgns-01: jan_post_wyjazda_tor54 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-02, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-03, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-04, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-05, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-06, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-07, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-08, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-09, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-10, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-11, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-12, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-13, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-14, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-15, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-16, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-17, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-18, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-19, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-20, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-21, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-22, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-23, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-24, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-25, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-26, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-27, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-28, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-29, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_tor54_sgns-30, [n-245-00] LOAD FIZ FROM n-245-00.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT NESt3, ESt3, ESt3AL2, ESt4 Braked EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by jan_tor54_sgns-30: jan_post_wyjazdb_tor54 ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for sm42-468, [6d] LOAD FIZ FROM 6d.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.52, 4.52, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek_lod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek_lod" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentbok" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.28, 4.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzaki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "p-maszynowy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy_dachu" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.14, 2.81, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.57, 1.00, 1.09) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.78, 1.00, 1.09) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek-sm42-1" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek-sm42-1" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_kabina" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wycieraczka" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wycieraczka" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek01_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.96, 0.75) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.23, 1.26, 2.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.23, 1.26, 2.01) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d-podwozie" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d-podwozie" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/went" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/went" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentylator" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.28, 4.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "antena02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.70, 0.71, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_czolownica" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.99, 1.00, 1.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_boczne" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.99, 1.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "stopnie" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.99) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/cien6d" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/cien6d" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cien" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.98, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "budka_maszynisty" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "szafa_elektryczna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.11, 0.38, 3.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "schodki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.16, 0.38, 3.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podwozie_el" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.99, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "box03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.85, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "bogie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/blacha" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/blacha" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podloga" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.98, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "barierki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.94, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek02_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.87, 0.96, 0.75) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/skins/6d-468" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/skins/6d-468" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/normals/6d-468_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/normals/6d-468_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d_interior.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d_interior" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d_interior" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni3" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni3" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6d_interior.e3d" Bad file: failed to locate 3d model file "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/components/6d-468" sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-oilpump.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-4.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-5.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-turbo.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_1_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_1_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_1_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_2_1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_2_2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6da_2161_horn_2_3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/20786_6d_pneumatic_relay.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/sm42-rownaniecisnien.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-start-v2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for sm42-1273, [6dg] LOAD FIZ FROM 6dg.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dg.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie2" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.85, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "mocowanie1" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.90, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.92, 0.92) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/6dg.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/skins/6dg-1273" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/skins/6dg-1273" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/normals/6dg-1273_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/6dg_v1/normals/6dg-1273_normal" sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_start_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_trwa_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_1_stop_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_start_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_trwa_v2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/6dg_rp1_2_stop_v2.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for st44-358a, [st44-358] LOAD FIZ FROM st44-358.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/main/st44-358.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/main/st44-358.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/st44-358" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/st44-358" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_358" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/skins/common/roof_358" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/main/lowpoly.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_koszula" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_koszula" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/main/lowpoly.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/decals/st44-358.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/decals/st44-358.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07_horn_low-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07_horn_low-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/26284_eu07_horn_low-stop.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for st43-22, [060da] LOAD FIZ FROM 060da.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/skins/st43-22" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/st43_v1/skins/st43-22" sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn7.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn8.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_060da-horn9.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for sm42-550, [6da2] LOAD FIZ FROM 6da2.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6da.e3d"... Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp13_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot09" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "endsignal22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.22, 0.99, 0.22) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot05" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.53, 4.53, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp12_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot10" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot06" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 4.52, 4.52, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp23_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot07" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "cien" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.98, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "headlamp22_off" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.99, 0.80) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "fspot08" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.24, 1.24, 1.01) Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek-sm42" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek-sm42" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek_lod2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/wozek_lod2" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek02_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.94, 0.75) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wozek01_elementy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.80, 0.94, 0.75) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentbok" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.28, 4.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzaki01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_right02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "buffer_left02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 1.04, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "p-maszynowy" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "elementy_dachu" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.14, 2.81, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.78, 1.00, 1.09) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_kabina" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.23, 1.26, 2.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "lemiesze02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.23, 1.26, 2.01) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "zderzak_podstawa03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.04, 1.07, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wentylator" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 2.25, 2.28, 4.97) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "antena02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "komin" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.70, 0.71, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos03" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos04" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "nos02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.69, 0.66, 0.71) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_czolownica" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.99, 1.00, 1.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "porecze_boczne" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.99, 1.60) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "stopnie" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.99) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "coupler2_on" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.03, 0.03, 0.03) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "budka_maszynisty" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 1.00, 0.92) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "szafa_elektryczna" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.92, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podwozie_el" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.99, 0.99, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "podloga" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.98, 1.00, 1.00) Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "barierki" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.94, 1.00, 1.00) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/6da.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/skins/6d-550_summer" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/skins/6d-550_summer" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/normals/6d-550_normal" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/normals/6d-550_normal" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/kab2/6da_interior2.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/kab2/6da_interior2" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/kab2/6da_interior2" Created texture object for "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni20" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/mechanik_sredni20" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/kab2/6da_interior2.e3d" Bad file: failed to locate 3d model file "dynamic/pkp/sm42_v1/components/none" sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-stopa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-idle-1a.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn3-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn3-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn3-stop.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn4-start.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn4-trwa.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_sm42-horn4-stop.ogg EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE by sm42-550: jan_lok_tor5c:busy ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wmb10-819, [wmb10] LOAD FIZ FROM wmb10.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... XBT LSt Braked Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/wmb10.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/tabor/glowka" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/glowka" Created texture object for "textures/tabor/zaczep" Loading texture data from "textures/tabor/zaczep" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/wmb10.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/wmb10-819" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/wmb10-819" Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/lowpolyint.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/lowpolyint" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/lowpolyint" Created texture object for "textures/posers/plk" Loading texture data from "textures/posers/plk" Created texture object for "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/szyby" Loading texture data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/szyby" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/pkp/wmb10_v1/lowpolyint.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_stukot.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/andoria_sw400_release.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_idle1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_idle2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_horn1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_horn2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_wm10_horn3.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_autosan_andoria_ignition.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most01, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most01]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most01: New order for [jar_most01]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most01]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/ka/ka.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/ka/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/ka/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/ka/tabr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/ka/tabr" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/ka/ka.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/carmotor4.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most02, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most02]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most02: New order for [jar_most02]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most02]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/golf/golf.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/golf/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/golf/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/golf/tabr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/golf/tabr" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/golf/golf.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most03, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most03]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most03: New order for [jar_most03]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most03]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/passat/passat.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/passat/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/passat/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/passat/tabr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/passat/tabr" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/passat/passat.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most04, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most04]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most04: New order for [jar_most04]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most05, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most05]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most05: New order for [jar_most05]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most05]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/arosa/arosa.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/arosa/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/arosa/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/arosa/tabr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/arosa/tabr" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/arosa/arosa.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jar_most06, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jar_most06]: OrdersClear New timetable for jar_most06: New order for [jar_most06]: OrdersClear New order for [jar_most06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jar_most06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga01, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga01]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga01: New order for [bol_droga01]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga01]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/a4/a4.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/a4/cien" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/a4/cien" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/a4/tabr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/a4/tabr" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/a4/a4.e3d" ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga02, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga02]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga02: New order for [bol_droga02]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga03, [h9-21] LOAD FIZ FROM h9-21.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga03]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga03: New order for [bol_droga03]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga03]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/h9/h9-21.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/h9/kolo_h9_przod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/h9/kolo_h9_przod" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel02" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.95, 0.95) Created texture object for "dynamic/road/h9/kolo_h9_tyl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/h9/kolo_h9_tyl" Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "wheel01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 1.00, 0.95, 0.95) Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/h9/h9-21.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/h9/h9_pksnt02" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/h9/h9_pksnt02" sound: loading file: sounds/697_autosan_andoria_idle0.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_autosan_andoria_idle1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/697_autosan_andoria_idle2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/zuk_horn.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga04, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga04]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga04: New order for [bol_droga04]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga05, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga05]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga05: New order for [bol_droga05]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga06, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga06]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga06: New order for [bol_droga06]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga07, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga07]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga07: New order for [bol_droga07]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga08, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga08]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga08: New order for [bol_droga08]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga08]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga08]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga08]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga08]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_droga10, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_droga10]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_droga10: New order for [bol_droga10]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_droga10]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga10]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga10]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_droga10]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_przejazd01, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_przejazd01: New order for [bol_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_przejazd02, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_przejazd02: New order for [bol_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_przejazd03, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_przejazd03: New order for [bol_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for bol_przejazd04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [bol_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for bol_przejazd04: New order for [bol_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [bol_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [bol_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd01, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd01: New order for [wil_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd03, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd03: New order for [wil_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd04, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd04: New order for [wil_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd05, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd05: New order for [wil_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd06, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd06: New order for [wil_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd07, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd07: New order for [wil_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for wil_przejazd10, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [wil_przejazd10]: OrdersClear New timetable for wil_przejazd10: New order for [wil_przejazd10]: OrdersClear New order for [wil_przejazd10]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd10]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd10]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [wil_przejazd10]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for klewki_przejazdlesny, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: OrdersClear New timetable for klewki_przejazdlesny: New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: OrdersClear New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazdlesny]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for klewki_przejazd01, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for klewki_przejazd01: New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for klewki_przejazd02, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for klewki_przejazd02: New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for klewki_przejazd03, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for klewki_przejazd03: New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd03]: OrdersInit Loading binary format 3d model data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121mb.e3d"... Created texture object for "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121_kr" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121_kr" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/jelczm121/kolo_silver_tyl" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/kolo_silver_tyl" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/jelczm121/kolo_silver_przod" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/kolo_silver_przod" Finished loading 3d model data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121mb.e3d" Created texture object for "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121_krza" Loading texture data from "dynamic/road/jelczm121/m121_krza" sound: loading file: sounds/carmotor1.ogg ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for klewki_przejazd04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for klewki_przejazd04: New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [klewki_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zle_przejazd2, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [zle_przejazd2]: OrdersClear New timetable for zle_przejazd2: New order for [zle_przejazd2]: OrdersClear New order for [zle_przejazd2]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przejazd2]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przejazd2]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przejazd2]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zle_przelotowa01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: OrdersClear New timetable for zle_przelotowa01: New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: OrdersClear New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zle_przelotowa02, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: OrdersClear New timetable for zle_przelotowa02: New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: OrdersClear New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for zle_przelotowa03, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: OrdersClear New timetable for zle_przelotowa03: New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: OrdersClear New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [zle_przelotowa03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for dru_przejazd01, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [dru_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for dru_przejazd01: New order for [dru_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [dru_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [dru_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [dru_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [dru_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska01, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska01]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska01: New order for [gory_gorska01]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska02, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska02]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska02: New order for [gory_gorska02]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska03, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska03]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska03: New order for [gory_gorska03]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska04]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska04: New order for [gory_gorska04]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska05, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska05]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska05: New order for [gory_gorska05]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska06, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska06]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska06: New order for [gory_gorska06]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gory_gorska07, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gory_gorska07]: OrdersClear New timetable for gory_gorska07: New order for [gory_gorska07]: OrdersClear New order for [gory_gorska07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gory_gorska07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_most01, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_most01]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_most01: New order for [cal_most01]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_most01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_most03, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_most03]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_most03: New order for [cal_most03]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_most03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_most05, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_most05]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_most05: New order for [cal_most05]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_most05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_most05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_przejazd01, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_przejazd01: New order for [cal_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_przejazd03, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_przejazd03: New order for [cal_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_przejazd04, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_przejazd04: New order for [cal_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_stroma01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_stroma01]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_stroma01: New order for [cal_stroma01]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_stroma01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_stroma02, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_stroma02]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_stroma02: New order for [cal_stroma02]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_stroma02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_stroma02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska02, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska02]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska02: New order for [cal_wiejska02]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska03, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska03]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska03: New order for [cal_wiejska03]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska05, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska05]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska05: New order for [cal_wiejska05]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska06, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska06]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska06: New order for [cal_wiejska06]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska07, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska07]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska07: New order for [cal_wiejska07]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for cal_wiejska08, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [cal_wiejska08]: OrdersClear New timetable for cal_wiejska08: New order for [cal_wiejska08]: OrdersClear New order for [cal_wiejska08]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska08]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska08]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [cal_wiejska08]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mil_przejazd, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mil_przejazd]: OrdersClear New timetable for mil_przejazd: New order for [mil_przejazd]: OrdersClear New order for [mil_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mil_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mil_przejazd]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mil_przejazd]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_lesnaprzejazd, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_lesnaprzejazd: New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_lesnaprzejazd]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd01: New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd02, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd02: New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd03, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd03: New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd04, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd04: New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd05, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd05: New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd06, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd06: New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd09, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd09: New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd09]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd10, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd10: New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd10]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd11, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd11: New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd11]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd12, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd12: New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd12]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd13, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd13: New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd13]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd14, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd14: New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd14]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for paszw_przejazd15, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: OrdersClear New timetable for paszw_przejazd15: New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: OrdersClear New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [paszw_przejazd15]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for chr_gorna, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [chr_gorna]: OrdersClear New timetable for chr_gorna: New order for [chr_gorna]: OrdersClear New order for [chr_gorna]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_gorna]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_gorna]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_gorna]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for chr_przejazd, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [chr_przejazd]: OrdersClear New timetable for chr_przejazd: New order for [chr_przejazd]: OrdersClear New order for [chr_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_przejazd]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [chr_przejazd]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_most01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_most01]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_most01: New order for [macos_most01]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_most01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_most03, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_most03]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_most03: New order for [macos_most03]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_most03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_most04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_most04]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_most04: New order for [macos_most04]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_most04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_most04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd: New order for [macos_przejazd]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd01, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd01: New order for [macos_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd03, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd03: New order for [macos_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd04, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd04: New order for [macos_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd05, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd05: New order for [macos_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd06, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd06: New order for [macos_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for macos_przejazd07, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [macos_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New timetable for macos_przejazd07: New order for [macos_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New order for [macos_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [macos_przejazd07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mac_przejazd3_01, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: OrdersClear New timetable for mac_przejazd3_01: New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: OrdersClear New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mac_przejazd3_02, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: OrdersClear New timetable for mac_przejazd3_02: New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: OrdersClear New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mac_przejazd3_03, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: OrdersClear New timetable for mac_przejazd3_03: New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: OrdersClear New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mac_przejazd3_04, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: OrdersClear New timetable for mac_przejazd3_04: New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: OrdersClear New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for mac_przejazd3_05, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: OrdersClear New timetable for mac_przejazd3_05: New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: OrdersClear New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [mac_przejazd3_05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jeziorka_przejazd01, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for jeziorka_przejazd01: New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jeziorka_przejazd02, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for jeziorka_przejazd02: New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jeziorka_przejazd03, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for jeziorka_przejazd03: New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jeziorka_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gor_przejazd01, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gor_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for gor_przejazd01: New order for [gor_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [gor_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gor_przejazd02, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gor_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for gor_przejazd02: New order for [gor_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [gor_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gor_przejazd03, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gor_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for gor_przejazd03: New order for [gor_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [gor_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for gor_przejazd04, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [gor_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for gor_przejazd04: New order for [gor_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [gor_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [gor_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd01, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd01: New order for [orz_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd02, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd02: New order for [orz_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd03, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd03: New order for [orz_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd04, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd04: New order for [orz_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd05, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd05: New order for [orz_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd06, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd06: New order for [orz_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for orz_przejazd07, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [orz_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New timetable for orz_przejazd07: New order for [orz_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New order for [orz_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [orz_przejazd07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for las1_przejazd01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [las1_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for las1_przejazd01: New order for [las1_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [las1_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [las1_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [las1_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [las1_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for roz_przejazd, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [roz_przejazd]: OrdersClear New timetable for roz_przejazd: New order for [roz_przejazd]: OrdersClear New order for [roz_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [roz_przejazd]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [roz_przejazd]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [roz_przejazd]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa01, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa01: New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa02, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa02: New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa03, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa03: New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa04, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa04: New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa05, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa05: New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa06, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa06: New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa07, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa07: New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa08, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa08: New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa08]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_srodkowa09, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_srodkowa09: New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_srodkowa09]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka01, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka01: New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka02, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka02: New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka03, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka03: New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka04: New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka05, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka05: New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka06, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka06: New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka07, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka07: New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka07]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka08, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka08: New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka08]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka09, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka09: New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka09]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka10, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka10: New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka10]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka11, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka11: New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka11]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka13, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka13: New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka13]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka14, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka14: New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka14]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka15, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka15: New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka15]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_wylotowka16, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_wylotowka16: New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_wylotowka16]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd01, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd01: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd01]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd02, [m121mb] LOAD FIZ FROM m121mb.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd02: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd02]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd03, [a4] LOAD FIZ FROM a4.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd03: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd03]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd04, [ka] LOAD FIZ FROM ka.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd04: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd04]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd05, [passat] LOAD FIZ FROM passat.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd05: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd05]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd06, [arosa] LOAD FIZ FROM arosa.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd06: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd06]: OrdersInit ------------------------------------------------------ init default physic values for jan_gor_przejazd07, [golf] LOAD FIZ FROM golf.fiz CERROR: 0, SUCCES: true check locomotive parameters... Ready to depart New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New timetable for jan_gor_przejazd07: New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: OrdersClear New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Prepare_engine] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: OrderPush: [Shunt] >0: Wait_for_orders 1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: JumpToFirstOrder 0: Wait_for_orders >1: Prepare_engine 2: Shunt 3: Wait_for_orders New order for [jan_gor_przejazd07]: OrdersInit Scenario loading time: 271 seconds Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d"... Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_stars.e3d" Loading binary format 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d"... Created texture object for "textures/sky/stratus" Loading texture data from "textures/sky/stratus" Finished loading 3d model data from "models/skydome_clouds.e3d" sound: loading file: sounds/deszcz-normal1.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/deszcz-normal2.ogg sound: loading file: sounds/deszcz-mocny.ogg Created texture object for "textures/map_icons" Loading texture data from "textures/map_icons" Warning: dimensions of texture "textures/map_icons" aren't powers of 2 got: "shift" got: "q" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "automechanika" got: "q" got: "//" got: "deaktywacja" got: "automechanika" got: "num_+" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "glownego" got: "shift" got: "num_+" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "glownego" got: "num_-" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "glownego" got: "shift" got: "num_-" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "glownego" got: "num_/" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "bocznikow" got: "shift" got: "num_/" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "bocznikow" got: "num_*" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "bocznikow" got: "shift" got: "num_*" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawnika" got: "bocznikow" got: "shift" got: "z" got: "//" got: "zmiana" got: "czlonu" got: "dla" got: "wskaznika" got: "pradu" got: "num_1" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "lokomotywy" got: "shift" got: "num_1" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "lokomotywy" got: "num_7" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "lokomotywy" got: "shift" got: "num_7" got: "//" got: "szybkie" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "lokomotywy" got: "num_4" got: "//" got: "odluzniacz" got: "num_3" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "stopnia" got: "hamowania" got: "zaworu" got: "maszynisty" got: "num_9" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "stopnia" got: "hamowania" got: "zaworu" got: "maszynisty" got: "num_." got: "//" got: "napelnianie" got: "uderzeniowe" got: "przewodu" got: "glownego" got: "num_6" got: "//" got: "ustawienie" got: "zaworu" got: "maszynisty" got: "w" got: "pozycji" got: "jazdy" got: "num_8" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "pierwszego" got: "stopnia" got: "hamowania" got: "num_5" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "hamowanie" got: "pelnego" got: "num_2" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "hamowania" got: "uzupelniajacego" got: "ctrl" got: "num_5" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "odciecia" got: "num_0" got: "//" got: "hamowanie" got: "nagle" got: "ctrl" got: "num_3" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "poziomu" got: "cisnienia" got: "w" got: "przewodzie" got: "glownym" got: "ctrl" got: "num_9" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "poziomu" got: "cisnienia" got: "w" got: "przewodzie" got: "glownym" got: "ctrl" got: "num_6" got: "//" got: "domyslny" got: "poziom" got: "cisnienia" got: "w" got: "przewodzie" got: "glownym" got: "ctrl" got: "num_4" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "hamulca" got: "pojazdu" got: "ctrl" got: "num_1" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "recznego" got: "ctrl" got: "num_7" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "nastawy" got: "hamulca" got: "recznego" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "b" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "hamulca" got: "bezpieczenstwa" got: "num_enter" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "podhamowania" got: "przeciwposlizgowego" got: "shift" got: "s" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "piasecznicy" got: "d" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "pozycji" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "r" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "pozycji" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "none" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "jazdy" got: "do" got: "przodu" got: "ii" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "none" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "jazdy" got: "do" got: "przodu" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "none" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "neutralna" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "none" got: "//" got: "pozycja" got: "jazdy" got: "do" got: "tylu" got: "nastawnika" got: "kierunku" got: "ctrl" got: "w" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wylacznika" got: "samoczynnego" got: "pompy" got: "wody" got: "w" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "pompy" got: "wody" got: "ctrl" got: "shift" got: "w" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wylacznika" got: "samoczynnego" got: "ogrzewacza" got: "wody" got: "shift" got: "w" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "ogrzewacza" got: "wody" got: "shift" got: "h" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "polaczenia" got: "obiegow" got: "wody" got: "f" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "pompy" got: "paliwa" got: "shift" got: "f" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "pompy" got: "oleju" got: "m" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wylacznika" got: "szybkiego" got: "x" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "przetwornicy" got: "shift" got: "x" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "przetwornicy" got: "w" got: "obsadzonym" got: "czlonie" got: "ctrl" got: "n" got: "//" got: "odblokowanie" got: "przekaznika" got: "nadmiarowego" got: "przetwornicy" got: "c" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "sprezarki" got: "shift" got: "c" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "sprezarki" got: "w" got: "obsadzonym" got: "czlonie" got: "ctrl" got: "f" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "rozruchu" got: "niskiego/wysokiego" got: "n" got: "//" got: "odblokowania" got: "przekaznika" got: "nadmiarowego" got: "silnikow" got: "g" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "przekaznika" got: "samoczynnego" got: "rozruchu" got: "ctrl" got: "z" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "hamulca" got: "elektro-pneumatycznego" got: "ctrl" got: "num_2" got: "//" got: "zmiana" got: "trybu" got: "pracy" got: "hamulca" got: "na" got: "bardziej" got: "efektywny" got: "ctrl" got: "num_8" got: "//" got: "zmiana" got: "trybu" got: "pracy" got: "hamulca" got: "na" got: "prostszy" got: "shift" got: "b" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "szybszego" got: "trybu" got: "dzialania" got: "hamulca" got: "pociagu" got: "b" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "wolniejszego" got: "trybu" got: "dzialania" got: "hamulca" got: "pociagu" got: "none" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "trybu" got: "hamulca" got: "dla" got: "pociagu" got: "towarowego" got: "none" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "trybu" got: "hamulca" got: "dla" got: "pociagu" got: "osobowego" got: "none" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "trybu" got: "hamulca" got: "dla" got: "pociagu" got: "pospiesznego" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "b" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "wyzszego" got: "przelozenia" got: "hamulca" got: "ctrl" got: "b" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "nizszego" got: "przelozenia" got: "hamulca" got: "shift" got: "l" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wskaznika" got: "hamowania" got: "czlonow" got: "ezt" got: "space" got: "//" got: "wygaszenie" got: "czuwaka" got: "i" got: "shp" got: "shift" got: "space" got: "//" got: "wygaszenie" got: "shp" got: "a" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "syreny" got: "niskotonowej" got: "s" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "syreny" got: "wysokotonowej" got: "z" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "gwizdka" got: "ctrl" got: "r" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "radiotelefonu" got: "=" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "kolejnego" got: "kanalu" got: "radia" got: "-" got: "//" got: "wybor" got: "poprzedniego" got: "kanalu" got: "radia" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "pause" got: "//" got: "emisja" got: "radiostopu" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "r" got: "//" got: "lokalny" got: "test" got: "radiostopu" got: "backspace" got: "//" got: "emisja" got: "sygnalu" got: "zew3" got: "ctrl" got: "=" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "glosnosci" got: "radia" got: "ctrl" got: "-" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "glosnosci" got: "radia" got: "home" got: "//" got: "przejscie" got: "do" got: "sasiedniego" got: "pomieszczenia" got: "w" got: "kierunku" got: "czola" got: "pociagu" got: "end" got: "//" got: "przejscie" got: "do" got: "sasiedniego" got: "pomieszczenia" got: "w" got: "kierunku" got: "tylu" got: "pociagu" got: "insert" got: "//" got: "laczenie" got: "sprzegow" got: "delete" got: "//" got: "rozlaczenie" got: "sprzegow" got: "ctrl" got: "insert" got: "//" got: "nalozenie" got: "polsprzegu" got: "ctrl" got: "delete" got: "//" got: "demontaz" got: "polsprzegu" got: "shift" got: "delete" got: "//" got: "rozlaczenie" got: "sprzegow" got: "po" got: "stronie" got: "obsadzonej" got: "kabiny" got: "," got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "drzwi" got: "lewych" got: "." got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "drzwi" got: "prawych" got: "shift" got: "," got: "//" got: "zezwolenie" got: "na" got: "otwarcie" got: "drzwi" got: "lewych" got: "shift" got: "." got: "//" got: "zezwolenie" got: "na" got: "otwarcie" got: "drzwi" got: "prawych" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "." got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "kolejnej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "zezwolenia" got: "na" got: "otwarcie" got: "drzwi" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "," got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "poprzedniej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "zezwolenia" got: "na" got: "otwarcie" got: "drzwi" got: "shift" got: "/" got: "//" got: "otwarcie" got: "drzwi" got: "z" got: "zezwoleniem" got: "ctrl" got: "," got: "//" got: "zamkniecie" got: "drzwi" got: "lewych" got: "ctrl" got: "." got: "//" got: "zamkniecie" got: "drzwi" got: "prawych" got: "ctrl" got: "/" got: "//" got: "zamkniecie" got: "wszystkich" got: "drzwi" got: "none" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "stopnia" got: "drzwi" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "/" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "trybu" got: "dzialania" got: "drzwi" got: "/" got: "//" got: "sygnal" got: "odjazdu" got: "ctrl" got: "s" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "blokady" got: "drzwi" got: "ctrl" got: "v" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "kurka" got: "trojdrogowego" got: "shift" got: "v" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "sprezarki" got: "pomocniczej" got: "p" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "pantografu" got: "przedniego" got: "o" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "pantografu" got: "tylnego" got: "ctrl" got: "p" got: "//" got: "opuszczenie" got: "wszystkich" got: "pantografow" got: "shift" got: "p" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "kolejnej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "wyboru" got: "pantografow" got: "shift" got: "o" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "poprzedniej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "wyboru" got: "pantografow" got: "shift" got: "ctrl" got: "o" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wybranych" got: "pantografow" got: "h" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "ogrzewania" got: "pociagu" got: "shift" got: "t" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "kolejnej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "reflektorow" got: "t" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "poprzedniej" got: "konfiguracji" got: "reflektorow" got: "y" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "lewego" got: "reflektora" got: "i" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "prawego" got: "reflektora" got: "u" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "gornego" got: "reflektora" got: "shift" got: "y" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "lewego" got: "swiatla" got: "czerwonego" got: "shift" got: "i" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "prawego" got: "swiatla" got: "czerwonego" got: "ctrl" got: "y" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "lewego" got: "tylnego" got: "reflektora" got: "ctrl" got: "i" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "prawego" got: "tylnego" got: "reflektora" got: "ctrl" got: "u" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "gornego" got: "tylnego" got: "reflektora" got: "ctrl" got: "shift" got: "y" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "lewego" got: "tylnego" got: "swiatla" got: "czerwonego" got: "ctrl" got: "shift" got: "i" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "prawego" got: "tylnego" got: "swiatla" got: "czerwonego" got: "shift" got: "e" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "swiatel" got: "konca" got: "pociagu" got: "e" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "tabliczek" got: "konca" got: "pociagu" got: "ctrl" got: "l" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "przyciemnienia" got: "reflektorow" got: "l" got: "//" got: "rozlaczenie" got: "stycznikow" got: "liniowych" got: "ctrl" got: "shift" got: "l" got: "//" got: "zalaczenie" got: "stycznikow" got: "liniowych" got: "ctrl" got: "e" got: "//" got: "odlaczenie" got: "uszkodzonych" got: "silnikow" got: "'" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "oswietlenia" got: "kabiny" got: "ctrl" got: "'" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "przyciemnienia" got: "oswietlenia" got: "kabiny" got: "ctrl" got: ";" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "oswietlenia" got: "przedzialow" got: ";" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "oswietlenia" got: "przyrzadow" got: "shift" got: ";" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "oswietlenia" got: "pulpitu" got: "shift" got: "'" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "oswietlenia" got: "rozkladu" got: "jazdy" got: "0" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "0" got: "1" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "1" got: "2" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "2" got: "3" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "3" got: "4" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "4" got: "5" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "5" got: "6" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "6" got: "7" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "7" got: "8" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "8" got: "9" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "elementu" got: "universalnego" got: "nr" got: "9" got: "j" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "akumulatorow" got: "ctrl" got: "j" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "aktywacji" got: "kabiny" got: "shift" got: "n" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wentylatorow" got: "przednich" got: "motorow" got: "trakcyjnych" got: "shift" got: "m" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wentylatorow" got: "tylnych" got: "motorow" got: "trakcyjnych" got: "ctrl" got: "m" got: "//" got: "wylaczenie" got: "wszystkich" got: "wentylatorow" got: "motorow" got: "trakcyjnych" got: "none" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "wentylatorow" got: "oporow" got: "rozruchowych" got: "none" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "tempomatu" got: "shift" got: "num_enter" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "hamulca" got: "sprezynowego" got: "ctrl" got: "shift" got: "\" got: "//" got: "przelaczenie" got: "stanu" got: "kurka" got: "odcinajacego" got: "hamulca" got: "sprezynowego" got: "none" got: "//" got: "luzowanie" got: "hamulca" got: "sprezynowego" got: "ctrl" got: "num_enter" got: "//" got: "zalaczenie" got: "miernika" got: "przejechanego" got: "dystansu" got: "none" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "predkosci" got: "utrzymywanej" got: "przez" got: "tempomat" got: "none" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "predkosci" got: "utrzymywanej" got: "przez" got: "tempomat" got: "none" got: "//" got: "zwiekszenie" got: "maksymalnego" got: "poziomu" got: "mocy" got: "dostepnej" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "none" got: "//" got: "zmniejszenie" got: "maksymalnego" got: "poziomu" got: "mocy" got: "dostepnej" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "0" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "1" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "2" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "3" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "4" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "5" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "6" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "7" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "8" got: "none" got: "//" got: "ustalenie" got: "dla" got: "tempomatu" got: "zdefiniowanej" got: "predkosci" got: "nr" got: "9" got: "none" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "elementow" got: "hamulca" got: "zespolonego" got: "nr" got: "1" got: "none" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "elementow" got: "hamulca" got: "zespolonego" got: "nr" got: "2" got: "none" got: "//" got: "aktywacja" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "elementow" got: "hamulca" got: "zespolonego" got: "nr" got: "3" got: "none" got: "//" got: "odblokowanie" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "przekaznikow" got: "nr" got: "1" got: "none" got: "//" got: "odblokowanie" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "przekaznikow" got: "nr" got: "2" got: "none" got: "//" got: "odblokowanie" got: "zdefiniowanych" got: "przekaznikow" got: "nr" got: "3" No gamepad detected Trying to enter player train, "m62-1242" EVENT LAUNCHED: pogoda_wybor_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.460213] / [0.700000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: pogoda_spokojna EVENT LAUNCHED: jan-boczn_przebieg_onstart Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_tow_zwr74- EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_tow_zwr77+ EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_tow_zwr79- EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_tow_zwr85- EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_tow_zwr86- EVENT LAUNCHED: poczatek_onstart Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: lacz_semoff EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: pus_semoff EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: sbl_setdir EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: pus_zwr8- EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: pus_zwr23- EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.840290] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.034079] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.050963] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.768138] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.026732] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.489059] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.701966] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.336641] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.468578] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.304426] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron1_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.370852] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron1_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.059957] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.526714] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.823403] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.570091] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.965941] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.415954] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.974115] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.071671] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.243135] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.723248] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.595060] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.428494] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.032643] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.989121] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.409108] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.180710] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.905288] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.160776] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.101174] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.628207] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.863229] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.630623] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas23_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.130999] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas24_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.658827] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas24x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas25_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.669484] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas25x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas26_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.638117] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas26x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas27_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.625602] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas27x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas28_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.143908] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas29_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.820712] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas29x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas30_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.023664] / [0.200000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron2_pas31_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.963234] / [0.200000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron2_pas31x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.433890] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.241947] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.530422] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.871137] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.317220] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.216256] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.981758] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron3_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.619123] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron3_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.286931] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.730950] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.692019] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.900451] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.762430] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.650422] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.869244] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.468290] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.610932] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.877915] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.516157] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.725747] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.279433] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.313733] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.948855] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.423938] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.760299] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.598010] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas18x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.150449] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.613549] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.550091] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.473733] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas23_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.213760] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas24_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.109541] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas25_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.874854] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas25x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas26_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.205586] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas27_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.965525] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas27x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas28_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.500530] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas28x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas29_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.810593] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas29x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas30_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.331449] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jan_peron4_pas30x EVENT LAUNCHED: jan_peron4_pas31_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.297802] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.084900] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.943714] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.525902] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.229272] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.916078] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.160241] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.783765] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.457833] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.454966] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.667010] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.864936] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.283634] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.223690] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.724672] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.391493] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.215547] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.984145] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.485234] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas18x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.944692] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.803048] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.855660] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.275951] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas23_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.382681] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas23x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzacha_pas24_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.941266] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzacha_pas24x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.219142] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.202009] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.438972] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.851217] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.756400] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.315948] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.241936] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: janzachb_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.436120] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: janzachb_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.044927] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.370150] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.950569] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.742894] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.297356] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.659647] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.418548] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.519450] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.871405] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.602646] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.828690] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.309151] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.440720] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.291927] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.934910] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.991417] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.839065] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.043941] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.565817] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.274425] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.816119] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.026875] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas23_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.178379] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas24_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.137317] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas25_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.413364] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas25x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas26_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.841381] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas26x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas27_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.649933] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas27x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas28_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.738147] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas28x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas29_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.446782] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas29x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas30_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.971599] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas30x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas31_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.104412] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_pas32_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.712977] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_pas32x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.992145] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.269924] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.263897] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.129191] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.244132] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.418310] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.851368] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.632979] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.088532] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.912760] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.960821] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangora_l_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.014157] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangora_l_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.350782] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.509470] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.363458] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.686784] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.441527] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.552588] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.719444] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.318706] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.176306] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.185827] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.205350] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.570117] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.863179] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.391718] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.310014] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.968573] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.699244] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.082867] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.963857] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.574765] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.232520] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.218121] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.256262] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.083489] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.870769] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.431599] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.367548] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.847178] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.756609] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.873571] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.076169] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.897725] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.483891] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.463026] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.302091] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.971786] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.105399] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.563616] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: jangorb_l_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.474203] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: jangorb_l_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.754838] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.693603] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.653312] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.622209] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.318813] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.950246] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.085963] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.570596] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.358944] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.068923] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.594539] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.270193] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.154181] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.700757] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.153466] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.975803] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.425831] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.955700] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_pas18x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.722410] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.804267] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.496009] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.437328] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: roza_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.625053] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: roza_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.635527] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.759924] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.792220] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.961156] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.029643] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.046768] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.044229] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.922101] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.130217] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: rozb_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.965586] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: rozb_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.467854] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.250180] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.571262] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.479307] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.206116] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.781537] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.366953] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.974398] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.750320] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.448186] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.003130] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.595643] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.505177] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.553930] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.446615] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.700034] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.445644] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.267919] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.537012] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.340720] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.729229] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.187205] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.499134] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.687314] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.766713] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.107064] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowa_l_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.224251] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowa_l_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.761358] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.409851] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.881605] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.827622] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.097688] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.800394] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.489221] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.362220] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.753754] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.699599] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.786967] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.942137] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas12x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.357558] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.098792] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.626475] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.859916] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.531687] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.063982] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.401038] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.295740] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.648826] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.732663] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.870593] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.973065] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.895088] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.703726] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.728826] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.259988] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.762288] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: nowb_l_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.747335] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: nowb_l_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.886190] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.086518] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.919351] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.760261] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.135756] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.445839] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.173789] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.647659] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.084198] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.022112] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.063095] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.022423] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.241015] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.518032] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.559328] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.680340] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.013512] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.226784] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.482418] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.974787] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.105512] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.313793] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas23_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.122334] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas24_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.603738] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas24x EVENT LAUNCHED: orza_pas25_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.849210] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orza_pas25x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.472346] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.600016] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.118331] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.732157] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.090147] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.507494] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.247851] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.887545] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.960258] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.785004] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.984029] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.118934] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.050181] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.542063] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.647680] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.833473] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas16x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.093037] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.442286] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas18x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.738944] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.683816] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas20x EVENT LAUNCHED: orzb_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.842533] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: orzb_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.501887] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.700282] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.416580] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.643044] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.410285] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas05x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.659166] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas06x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.813552] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.959774] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.505126] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.321118] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.532110] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas11x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.020613] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.991132] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas13x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.806755] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.516416] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.286424] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas17_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.780410] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas17x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas18_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.487904] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas18x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas19_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.506548] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas19x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas20_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.196601] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas21_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.598207] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas21x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_pas22_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.609173] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_pas22x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_l_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.491214] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas01x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_l_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.574426] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_l_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.664829] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas03x EVENT LAUNCHED: gora_l_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.145796] / [0.000000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gora_l_pas04x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas01_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.074915] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas02_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.978611] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas02x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas03_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.142268] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas04_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.227090] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas05_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.120299] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas06_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.160341] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas07_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.516175] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas07x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas08_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.843829] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas08x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas09_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.412411] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas09x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas10_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.455989] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas10x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas11_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.045509] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas12_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.162948] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas13_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.269823] / [0.300000] - Fail Type: Multi-event EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas14_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.354545] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas14x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas15_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.657107] / [0.300000] - Pass Type: Multi-event EVENT ADDED TO QUEUE: gorb_pas15x EVENT LAUNCHED: gorb_pas16_onstart Test: Random integer - [0.237043] / [0.3000