I've made it!! I broke the engine!! In older versions of Maszyna was easier to break the engine, in newer versions is more difficult. Here is how I've made it:
The source code of Maszyna is at GitHub:
https://github.com/eu07/maszynaAt McZapkie/Mover.cpp there is this code, at line 433:
// awarie
MotorCurrent = abs(Im); // zmienna pomocnicza
if (MotorCurrent > 0)
if (FuzzyLogic(abs(n), nmax * 1.1, p_elengproblem))
if (MainSwitch(false))
EventFlag = true; /*zbyt duze obroty - wywalanie wskutek ognia okreznego*/
if (TestFlag(DamageFlag, dtrain_engine))
if (FuzzyLogic(MotorCurrent, (double)ImaxLo / 10.0, p_elengproblem))
if (MainSwitch(false))
EventFlag = true; /*uszkodzony silnik (uplywy)*/
if ((FuzzyLogic(abs(Im), Imax * 2, p_elengproblem) ||
FuzzyLogic(abs(n), nmax * 1.11, p_elengproblem)))
/* or FuzzyLogic(Abs(U/Mn),2*NominalVoltage,1)) then */ /*poprawic potem*/
if ((SetFlag(DamageFlag, dtrain_engine)))
EventFlag = true;
/*! dorobic grzanie oporow rozruchowych i silnika*/
According to the code there is a way to break the engine, run the locomotive 11% faster than maximum allowed engine rotation speed (nmax), for EP07-424 in TD scenery nmax is 2390 RPM, you can see it at file: dynamic/pkp/303e_v1/303e-ep.fiz You can edit this file and set nmax to a lower value, for example 1500, to make it easier to break the engine.
Then uncouple locomotive and drive it at high speed, open debug window with F12 key and observe the parameter "Revolutions: Engine:", it should be higher than 1665 (11% higher than 1500).
The circuit breaker will trip many times, because of excessive engine rotation speed. Rearm it and keep driving at high speed, after a few minutes the engine will be broken.
With the engine broken you can't use it at intensity higher than 60A, well, it doesn't work. You can repair it stopping locomotive and going to engine room (Home or End keys). There press Ctrl - E keyboard shortcut to repair it.
It will be very interesting to add more malfunctions to Maszyna, for example, a malfunction in main brake regulator (FV4a valve), forcing you to use emergency brake valve.