Autor Wątek:  Seeking advice  (Przeczytany 8681 razy)

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Offline Greno Zee

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Seeking advice
« dnia: 23 Maja 2007, 12:51:06 »
I have a set of questions from different areas. I wish to bring them up in one thread and if i get lucky enough to receive an answer, I'll organize it and pass logically to the related topics.
[*]What's the deal with SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys
There are numerous tracks instructing the driver to use one of these keys. I was never able to make this work - at least to my best knowledge. I always stand somewhere in front of a red light untill I decide I've had enough and quit.
So, is this effected by your regional settings? I've tired my belgian keyboard, my English UK and English US and nothing.
Could it also have anything to do with the fact that I use a laptop?
And finally, why do some tracks need this and some don't?
[*]I have noticed on some EMUs one can open and close the door. All I can do is control the left side door. On my belgian keybord "?" opens the door, "," closes it ("?" is SHIFT+"," and physically lays where english has got the M key). On english UK it's "<" and ",". There is not one single key anywhere that would open the right side door. How do I do that?
[*]In Dynamic\PKP there's the dynamic.dat. Why isn't there one in every subfolder of Dynamic? Or why isn't the dynamic.dat straight in the Dynamic folder.
[*]In the SCN files (btw, quite unlucky choice of extension) I see the include dirrective. I've seen in other files as well. Can I include files only down the structure or can I reference as well up - like ..\SomeFolder\
I hope someone can answer at least some of these questions. Thanks in advance!

Offline Helmutt

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Re: Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 23 Maja 2007, 13:44:14 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
[*]What's the deal with SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys
There are numerous tracks instructing the driver to use one of these keys.

It depends of specific scenery file. There are sceneries with included events which started autmatically, and sceneries with events started after pressing key kombination SHIF+<number>.

[*]In Dynamic\PKP there's the dynamic.dat. Why isn't there one in every subfolder of Dynamic? Or why isn't the dynamic.dat straight in the Dynamic folder.

This is specific file\directory structure of "Maszyna" program. It cannot be changed now because of many reasons.

[*]In the SCN files (btw, quite unlucky choice of extension) I see the include dirrective. I've seen in other files as well. Can I include files only down the structure or can I reference as well up - like ..\SomeFolder\

You may include any file - with *.inc extension, there may be semaphore, building, forrest and trees, bridge, traction wires, AI consists...  
That inc files may be located in any subdirectory of scenery dir or in scenery directory itself.
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Offline Bartek

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Re: Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 23 Maja 2007, 20:06:00 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
[*]What's the deal with SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys
There are numerous tracks instructing the driver to use one of these keys. I was never able to make this work - at least to my best knowledge. I always stand somewhere in front of a red light untill I decide I've had enough and quit.
So, is this effected by your regional settings? I've tired my belgian keyboard, my English UK and English US and nothing.
Could it also have anything to do with the fact that I use a laptop?
And finally, why do some tracks need this and some don't?

Be sure to press Shift+1 (which is in fact "!"), Shift+2 (which is "@") etc. Do not use your numerci pad to do that. I do not think it had something to do with your regional settings. This is a manual way of starting events in the scenery. It's up to the scenery author's choice if events are launched automatically (more complicated to code I think) or manually.

Cytat: "Greno Zee"

[*]I have noticed on some EMUs one can open and close the door. All I can do is control the left side door. On my belgian keybord "?" opens the door, "," closes it ("?" is SHIFT+"," and physically lays where english has got the M key). On english UK it's "<" and ",". There is not one single key anywhere that would open the right side door. How do I do that?

So, let's check the keys.
< - left door open
, - left door close
> - right door open
. - right door close
? - horn

< and , as well as > and . should be placed on the same keyboard keys.

Cytat: "Greno Zee"
[*]In Dynamic\PKP there's the dynamic.dat. Why isn't there one in every subfolder of Dynamic? Or why isn't the dynamic.dat straight in the Dynamic folder.

Probably because recognition and driving of other vehicles, including i.e. Czech railway vehicles has not been fully implemented.
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Re: Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 23 Maja 2007, 20:42:56 »
Cytat: "Bartek"
? - horn

On my version of MaSzyna as the "door horn" (I don't know how to write in in English) works ? and / - the same key, without pressing shift or with shift.
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Offline Greno Zee

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Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 25 Maja 2007, 00:21:32 »
Thanks for all those answers. I'm sure these and similar have been asked and answered in the polish section but it's just too much of cracking for me.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way I can open the right side door. If any developer would feel like investigating this, I'm ready to offer any support/info on my settings, environment and so. Otherwise I'll just live with that.

The same thing goes for those SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys. No matter what keaybord I use, they don't seem to work.

That dynamic.dat location - well interesting to know, it will certainly help me in the future if I decide to start some of the projects I have in mind.

Concerning the include directive - does it mean that when having this structure:

I can place a scenery file (not a SCN file, I know it has to be in the "scenery" folder) to the "MyScenery" folder, I can inside of this file include a file that is in the folder "Common"?

Offline iwan

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Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 28 Maja 2007, 23:21:26 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
The same thing goes for those SHIFT+1, SHIFT+2... keys. No matter what keaybord I use, they don't seem to work.

Instead of "!" (shift+1) "@" (shift+2) "#" (shift+3) You are entering "1" (shift+1) "2" (shift+2) "3" shift+3 (for egz. in Czech keyboard layout). Install English keyboard layout on Windows Regional Settings (or Polski Programisty) and enable it before starting MaSzyna.

By pressing shift and 1 keys You should have "!" mark as result.

/Krzysztof Waszkiewicz/ <>
tel: +48667841589
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Offline Greno Zee

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Seeking advice
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 29 Maja 2007, 15:13:38 »
Thanks for the help but as you can see in my original post, none these keyboards work for me.
I haven't tried the specific keys on my standard keybord yet - I'll do that once I find some time