Autor Wątek:  Problem with display  (Przeczytany 6165 razy)

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Offline marcuskiwi

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Problem with display
« dnia: 22 Czerwca 2018, 21:20:10 »
Just downloaded the Simulator and only problem I have is that no matter what scenario I choose I am in the cab and it's pitch black inside and out, although I can see the lights on in buildings and signals as well. Is there a way to drive in daylight or am I missing something????
No matter the scenario I choose it starts with me in cab at night. If I move outside I can see the moon!!! so some how the program is insisting it is some time at night even when I see in the autopilot its 13.40 it is still night for me??????
Do I need some more software or hardware?
I appreciate that some scenarios start at night but my daytime also has this problem

 New Zealand

!!!!!!! Problem solved by poster below in that it is my computer's time here in New Zealand. BUT not knowing Polish I am unable to work out what file I am supposed to download and run. Can anyone help please.!!!!!!!!
« Ostatnia zmiana: 23 Czerwca 2018, 00:41:44 wysłana przez marcuskiwi »

Offline tmj

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Odp: Problem with display
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 22 Czerwca 2018, 21:21:04 »

Offline marcuskiwi

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Odp: Problem with display
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 23 Czerwca 2018, 00:46:20 »
Check the answer here:,30428.msg490696.html#msg490696

Thanks for that reply but I can't seem to be able to work out what download I am supposed to use?

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Odp: Problem with display
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 23 Czerwca 2018, 00:49:04 »
Eu07-x64/86 depending on your system from that post. All other dependances are included in 18.05 pack.
Mój kanał youtube

Offline tmj

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Odp: Problem with display
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 23 Czerwca 2018, 00:53:23 »
There's two versions of the simulator executable:

- for 64-bit systems:;topic=28920.0;attach=104939
- for 32-bit systems:;topic=28920.0;attach=104938

download the one which matches the OS you use, and unpack the content to the directory where you have installed the simulator. When you start the Rainsted utility, select this new exe in the "Select EXE" list on the right side of the "Choose Scenery" tab (you might need to switch the Rainsted tool to "normal" user mode on its "Settings" tab for the exe selection list to show up)

Offline marcuskiwi

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Odp: Problem with display
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 23 Czerwca 2018, 01:58:13 »
There's two versions of the simulator executable:

- for 64-bit systems:;topic=28920.0;attach=104939
- for 32-bit systems:;topic=28920.0;attach=104938

download the one which matches the OS you use, and unpack the content to the directory where you have installed the simulator. When you start the Rainsted utility, select this new exe in the "Select EXE" list on the right side of the "Choose Scenery" tab (you might need to switch the Rainsted tool to "normal" user mode on its "Settings" tab for the exe selection list to show up)

Thanks very much and that's fixed my problem. Now to read the manual and enjoy the simulation
