Autor Wątek:  New version MaSzyna 17.07 AWESOME!!  (Przeczytany 6212 razy)

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New version MaSzyna 17.07 AWESOME!!
« dnia: 25 Lipca 2017, 11:56:28 »
I like so much this new version, very good job, congratulations. This game is better than commercial games.

I liked these details very much:

  • Scenarios load much faster.
  • Now you can touch the buttons.
  • When you leave the cabin, you are on the floor and in front of the door. You are a human, you are not flying, very realistic detail.
  • The night is fantastic.

There is only a small problem, at least in my computer, but I have been able to solve it. When you press Num 3 to move the brake lever, it takes a long time to start moving. This is because the keyboard type rate in my Operating System is set to 650 milliseconds. I've set it to 200 milliseconds and it works perfectly.

I use this game from a GNU/Linux system with Wine. Here is the small script I have to start the game:

xset r rate 200 # set keyboard type rate to 200 miliseconds
setxkbmap us    # set US keyboard, spanish keyboard doesn't works well
LC_ALL=pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 wine RAINSTED.exe # set polish locale and start RAINSTED
# set all things as they are
setxkbmap es
xset r rate

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Odp: New version MaSzyna 17.07 AWESOME!!
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 26 Lipca 2017, 10:24:18 »
Instead of holding the Num3 button you can press it few times instead. That way there is no delay really.