Autor Wątek:  Signal We8a: pass without charging  (Przeczytany 9490 razy)

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Signal We8a: pass without charging
« dnia: 06 Stycznia 2017, 18:30:07 »
Hi! This is my first post in the forum. Congratulations for this great game. It's very realistic, i've enjoyed it many hours.

I have a doubt about the attached signal:

In Spain, we have the two attached signals, the first means open circuit breaker while the second means put power controler to zero when passing by the catenary-section. Have it same meaning in Poland? Put power controller to zero or open circuit breaker?

Thank you.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Stycznia 2017, 18:35:16 wysłana przez manolollr »

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Odp: Signal We8a: pass without charging
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 06 Stycznia 2017, 18:38:42 »
Hi. Before this sign you should put power controler to zero.
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Odp: Signal We8a: pass without charging
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 06 Stycznia 2017, 18:49:12 »

Tkank you!!!

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Odp: Signal We8a: pass without charging
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 06 Stycznia 2017, 18:50:50 »
We have We2 pantograph down indicator, usualy placed when wire geometry could damage pantograph, and We8 power off indicator that's placed on isolated section between zones powered from two substations that could have different voltage. It's often catenary-section but not always and not every catenary-section is covered by it. You only have to put power controler to zero to avoid possible current peak and drawing arc over isolator on the wire.
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