I am new here and my question will be probably easy.
I am trying to learn how to build scenario but failed in first step :)
When I change locomotive in "baltyk.scn" (I am working with my copy but tested with original file too), "my" trainset does not available in "Select trainset to drive" menu.
Original value:
node -1 0 EP08-006 dynamic PKP\EP08_V1 102E-006-HIST 102E 0 headdriver 1 0 enddynamic
My change:
node -1 0 cd163-001 dynamic CD\163_V1 163 163 0 headdriver 1 0 enddynamic
Maybe CD163 is not drivable (no cabin?). If true, how to know (from CHK file?) that loco is not drivable?
Thank you very much.