Autor Wątek:  EN57  (Przeczytany 8377 razy)

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« dnia: 05 Lipca 2004, 12:02:05 »
Can I Reverse the direction of EN57?

'Cos when I arrive to the station Nowy Sad or Jetlikowo, I have to quit the game, and restart again, to I can drive back the train.

So Can I reverse the dirction of the train in ONE game, when I arrive to the end-stations?

THX for help.

Sorry for poor English.

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« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 05 Lipca 2004, 12:29:01 »
It's not possible for EN57 right now.
Pozdrawiam z Gdyni Wielkiego Kacka,


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« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 11:03:08 »

I would like to ask something about the EN 57 EMU (train).
If you accelerate in the program, you can switch the controller up as fast, as you want. It's like it was in Mechanik.

I can hardly imagine, that in real life you could do the same. Normally the current overload safety device would switch off in order to protect the engines from too much current (as it does in the EU07).

How is it in the EN 57?


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« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 11:10:26 »
There is a device called PSR. If you set controller to highest position, it will gradually enable next position some time after getting from previous one.
Blah, I don't know how to explain it clearly, but just set it to maximum and look at yellow indicator lamp watching the speed accelerationat the same time. This way you will understand how it works. This is realistic behaviour.


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« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 11:42:30 »
Thank you, Winger! I think, I understand you. It could be similar to a device, which is called "semi automatic controller" in one kind of the Budapest trams (which all work with DC, and therefor a little bit similarly to the PKP locos), but it is rather primitive (with a spring built in). But the effect is the same: if you accelerate too fast (by turning the controller handle too fast), the spring would let the switch barrel turn slower, in order to avoid current overload or wheel slip.

What does the yellow lamp exectly show? Because it will light up and expire several times.


Offline ET22_RULZ

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« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 15:48:09 »
Cytat: "Winger"
Blah, I don't know how to explain it clearly, but just set it to maximum and look at yellow indicator lamp watching the speed accelerationat the same time. This way you will understand how it works. This is realistic behaviour.

PSR works like this: you have posistions just like in EU07/ET22 class locos but you can't manualy select them. You can only select the first position, engine connection (S - engines connected in a line, R - engines connected in a parallel method) and BI, BII, BIII - field shunting of the engines. When you select for example S-posistion the PSR will move to the non-resistant posistion similar to the way how you do it in EU07. The PSR simply controls the ammount of electrical current running through the engines. When the current drops bellow 135A on the first speed or 175A on the second speed (only second speed works in the simulator) the PSR will automaticaly select the next posistion. And now something about the current overload protection device. The PSR maximum value is bellow the value of the current that will flow when the PSR selects next posistion. But you can activate the overload protection device by "not going down" on the controller when braking.
I hope that you understood all what I've been writing about :)
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« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 17:05:02 »
I think, I understand you, Bartosz.
The PSR device controls the amount of current and switches automatically up from the first resistant position to the end of the serial positions (which is non resistant) in S position, then in P it continues by swiching the engines from serial to paralell method, again in the first resistant position, and goes on through the resistant positions until the last one is exluded of the circuit. If you want to accelerate further, you can use the field shunts.
Is that correct?

You do the same in the EU07 loco, but manually. Except, that you can use the field shunts in serial position too.


Offline ET22_RULZ

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« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 17:19:58 »
Cytat: "Balage"
Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct.
Cytat: "Balage"
You do the same in the EU07 loco, but manually. Except, that you can use the field shunts in serial position too.

Well, AFAIK you can use field shunts on serial posistion in ED72 (EMU very similar to EN57) when the 1st speed is selected but on this speed you can't select parallel engine connection. I'm not sure about EN57 but I think this EMU also has the ability to use FS on serial posistion.
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« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 17:23:21 »
Cytat: "Balage"
You do the same in the EU07 loco, but manually.

There is PSR in EU07 to. It start working at 4 position.

Offline ET22_RULZ

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« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 09 Listopada 2004, 17:31:05 »
Cytat: "hejnal"
There is PSR in EU07 to. It start working at 4 position.

There were PSRs on EU07s. The PSRs on most of the EU07 are blocked (maybe there are some EU07 with working PSR but i haven't heard a thing about that). On EU07 you could use the standard startup or the PSR aided startup. PSR startup on EU07 was a bit diffrent from the EN57 startup.
"Nudzą Jacka takie sprawy, ciągła praca, brak zabawy"
Bartosz "ET22_RULZ" Wojciechowski