Autor Wątek:  How to swich-on subtitles for radio commands?  (Przeczytany 7897 razy)

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Offline MaciejM

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How to swich-on subtitles for radio commands?
« dnia: 13 Kwietnia 2015, 22:38:24 »
Subtitles for radio commands

Since latest version of Simulator (MaSzyna 15.04) it is possible to swich on the subtitles for radio commands in english (en), czech (cz) and hundarian (hu) language. We decided to prepare this because sometimes user has to understand radio command to pass the "mission" and we know that polish language isn't common-known ;)

1. Find eu07.ini file in main folder of MaSzyna.
2. Open in by notepad (or any text editor, e.g. Notepad++).
3. Find line nr 17, it starts with lang:
lang pl // (pl) język dla napisów4. Change the pl element to: en / cz / hu.
5. Save file and run MaSzyna.

lang en // (pl) język dla napisów
Not all subtitles were prepared yet, but in english we made almost all subs. If you want to make any other translation, write down and we'll talk this over.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 13 Kwietnia 2015, 22:42:46 wysłana przez macius5991 »
PKP Intercity Zakład Centralny w Warszawie
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Odp: How to swich-on subtitles for radio commands?
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 14 Kwietnia 2015, 09:31:20 »
Why is everywhere written, that Polish subtitles aren't available? They were uploaded in this topic. Also, I would be very happy, if in Facebook discussion will be noted, that users can do transcripts of rest of sounds. List of them is in topic above.

Offline MaciejM

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Odp: How to swich-on subtitles for radio commands?
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 15 Kwietnia 2015, 21:55:28 »
I meant that there's no any polish subtitles in MaSzyna 15.04. We'll add polish subtitles in patch (hope so).
PKP Intercity Zakład Centralny w Warszawie
15 lat z MaSzyną!

Sceneria Tomaszewo - zapraszam do otwartych testów scenerii.