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Wiadomości - SMan

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Publikacje / Odp: Passenger Pack No.2 by Cesky_Kretek - !RELEASED!
« dnia: 07 Stycznia 2008, 13:21:29 »
Dzieki Patrykos.

Publikacje / Odp: Passenger Pack No.2 by Cesky_Kretek - !RELEASED!
« dnia: 06 Stycznia 2008, 09:34:41 »
Przepraszam, ale jestem nowy do EU07.  Czy moze ktos me powiedziec gdzie (ktory plik) sie wpisuje te dane, "node -1 0 passpack2 dynamic ..." ?

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« dnia: 04 Stycznia 2008, 07:13:13 »
Thanks Ra, updated.
The guide is for version 1.2 of the exe, but I have made mention of the battery, direction and SHP/CA variation on startup.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: MaSzyna Operation Guide
« dnia: 03 Stycznia 2008, 13:15:59 »
Hi guys.  I just started with this sim a couple of days ago, and I'm loving it.  Only other train sim I've had a look at in the past was Trainz 2004.  I'm very impressed with the level of simulation you guys have achived with the EU-07 simulator. 

After getting a basic understanding of the simulator, in particular the EU07, I started to make some notes for myself, and then I thought why not put a document together and share it with other newbies :)

It's still somewhat of a work in progress, and I need some help in correctly identifying parts of the "in game" EU07 cabin.  I found that there are some slight differences between the in game default EU07 cabin and that described on -> http://www.eu07.pl/modules/news/article.php?storyid=9.  For example, pantograph switches are 31 and 35, but in game, when you flick the switch, it is the switches that are labelled 32 and 36 on that page that change state.  Also in place of switches 4 & 5, there is a rotating type switch in the in game cabin.  In the "Default EU07 Cabin" section of the document, I have marked things I'm not sure of with "???".  If anyone can give me a hand with identifying those items, and/or giving some input and feedback on the guide overall and other sections in it, that will be much appreciated.

You can find it here -> http://www.eaglebase.net/files/EU07/EU07_DriverGuide.pdf

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