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Wiadomości - Greno Zee

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EU07 Simulator English forum / EU07 Download
« dnia: 06 Maja 2007, 23:11:06 »
Added note about possible bugs in youBy's EXE.

EU07 Simulator English forum / EU07 Download
« dnia: 30 Kwietnia 2007, 16:50:03 »
Hi everyone!
This is a summary of the links EU07 engine download links.
Please, keep on mind that my understanding of polish is very limited and the information here might not be accurate. On the other hand, anything posted here work on my PC :)

To get the latest simulator, download the following files:
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4

This seems to be an archive of a full installation. It contains many tracks and Locos/Cars. Complete list can be found in the original post:
EU07 Release Notes

You just need to unpack the first file (the other 3 are linked with it) to a folder of your choice and get down to driving. To unpack you need a software capable of working with RAR files, WinRAR is good.

Next, you can upgrade using a release made by youBy:
youBy Project

If I understand right, the main new features are:
- Hitting F9 displays current driving advice (concerning driving the loco, not the mission).
- Scenery files can contain command sky which shows - the sky :)
- There seem to be some bugs introduced here, for one the AI may have difficulties driving the trains. If you encounter problems, the EXE from the full package is the most stable around.

Again, RAR file, overwrite all files in your EU07 sub/folders. It also contains EU07.ini, so if you have some non-default settings, make a backup of the existing one and merge after update.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Status
« dnia: 26 Kwietnia 2007, 21:47:40 »
Hey everyone!
I've been browsing through these forums for about 3 months now and while not being Polish, my mother language, czech, allows me to partially understand what goes on and I've gotta tell you, there's a lot.
I hope to find the time to put up some summaries of the latest updates, links and possibly put up some documentation, especially on track creation.
I in fact find it a bit pitty that this project is so little known because I consider it the best train simulation ever. For one, it totally beat in my eyes BVE, which is really popular (not speaking of MSTS, Trainz etc.).
Also, creation of setup packages being part of my job, I plan to try to put up some sort of installer if anyone would be interested.

For now, thank to the polish team for bringing out this already #1 train simulator, even though they mostly seem to have abandoned it for Nebula

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