Uruchamianie Symulatora / Odp: Problem z odpaleniem scenariusza.
« dnia: 27 Lutego 2024, 18:01:02 »
Hej. Wywala mi przy starcie. Co zrobić? Załączam log. Pozdro.
Ta sekcja pozwala Ci zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości wysłane przez tego użytkownika. Zwróć uwagę, że możesz widzieć tylko wiadomości wysłane w działach do których masz aktualnie dostęp.
Starting MaSzyna rail vehicle simulator (release: EU07 (cmake), (unknown) (committed at 2023-01-13T20:46:35Z))
For online documentation and additional files refer to: http://eu07.pl
Authors: Marcin_EU, McZapkie, ABu, Winger, Tolaris, nbmx, OLO_EU, Bart, Quark-t, ShaXbee, Oli_EU, youBy, KURS90, Ra, hunter, szociu, Stele, Q, firleju and others
// settings
sceneryfile $galicja_poludnie.scn
humanctrlvehicle sp42-260_2
fieldofview 45
width 2560
height 1440
targetfps 0
basedrawrange 2500
fullscreen yes
fullscreenwindowed yes
vsync no
freefly no
wireframe no
debugmode no
soundenabled yes
sound.volume 1.5
sound.volume.radio 0.6
sound.volume.vehicle 1
sound.volume.positional 1
sound.volume.ambient 1
physicslog yes
fullphysics yes
debuglog 3
multiplelogs no
logs.filter 0
mousescale 1.5 0.5
mousecontrol yes
enabletraction yes
loadtraction yes
friction 1
livetraction yes
skyenabled 1
defaultext .tga
newaircouplers yes
anisotropicfiltering 16
usevbo yes
feedbackmode 2
feedbackport 888
multiplayer 0
isolatedtrainnumber no
maxtexturesize 8192
maxcabtexturesize 4096
movelight 23
dynamiclights 7
scenario.time.offset 0
scenario.time.current no
scenario.weather.temperature 15
ai.trainman no
scalespeculars yes
gfxrenderer default
shadows yes
shadowtune 8192 0 300 0
gfx.shadows.cab.range 30
gfx.smoke yes
gfx.smoke.fidelity 4
smoothtraction yes
splinefidelity 4
rendercab yes
createswitchtrackbeds yes
gfx.resource.sweep no
gfx.resource.move no
gfx.reflections.framerate 60
gfx.reflections.fidelity 2
timespeed 1
multisampling 3
latitude 52
convertmodels 0
file.binary.terrain yes
inactivepause no
slowmotion -1
hideconsole no
rollfix yes
fpsaverage 0
fpsdeviation 5
calibrate5din 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5din 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5din 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5din 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5din 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5din 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 3 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 4 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrate5dout 5 0 1 0 0 0 0
calibrateoutmaxvalues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
calibrateoutdebuginfo -1
pwm 0 0
pwm 1 1
pwm 2 2
pwm 3 3
pwm 4 4
pwm 5 5
pwm 6 6
brakestep 1
joinduplicatedevents no
hiddenevents 1
pause yes
lang pl
python.updatetime 200
uitextcolor 255 255 255
ui.bg.opacity 0.65
input.gamepad yes
uarttune 0 65535 0 65535 10 65535 10 65535 10 65535 10 10 100000 65535 10000 65535 150 65535
uarttachoscale 1
uartfeature 1 1 1 1
uartdebug no
extcam.res 800 600
compresstex yes
gfx.framebuffer.width -1
gfx.framebuffer.height -1
gfx.shadowmap.enabled no
randomseed 0
gfx.envmap.enabled yes
gfx.postfx.motionblur.enabled no
gfx.postfx.motionblur.shutter 0.01
gfx.postfx.chromaticaberration.enabled no
gfx.skiprendering no
gfx.skippipeline no
gfx.extraeffects yes
gfx.shadergamma no
gfx.shadow.angle.min -0.2
gfx.shadow.rank.cutoff 3
python.enabled yes
python.threadedupload yes
python.uploadmain yes
python.mipmaps yes
// startup
available monitors:
Bad init: failed to create glfw window
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