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Wiadomości - manolollr

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EU07 Simulator English forum / Oerlikon Fv4a and modern brake valves
« dnia: 20 Grudnia 2023, 16:06:35 »
I've noticed that in the simulator, in modern locomotives (6dgb, E483_202, BR285) the brake valves doesn't do high pressure burst to release brakes, as Oerlikon valve does, them only fill the pipe to 5 Bar, optionally them have a button to slightly overcharge the brake pipe. Here in Spain, as far as I know, never have been a brake valve that does high pressure burst, but I don't know why.

I think the behavior of Oerlikon  Fv4a valve is very adequate, they do a high pressure burst (max. about 7.2 Bar) to ensure the last wagon of a large train gets quickly filled with 5 Bar or more to release its brake in an adequate way, few seconds later the pressure drops automatically to prevent overcharging control tanks, the pressure remain then at a value slightly above 5 Bar (max. 5.4 Bar) to compensate pressure drop when brakes are fully released and auxiliary tanks start to filling. If any control tank gets slightly overcharged there is no problem, the pressure in brake pipe drops slowly to 5 Bar, to reduce control tank pressure without braking the train. Everything is planned with this brake valve, and works fully mechanically!! without electronic control. Oerlikon Fv4a is a very complex valve but I think it does a good job.

Why modern brake valves with advanced electronic control behave in such a simple manner? There are many inconvenients: in a train larger than 300 meters when locomotive brake pipe is filled to 5 Bar, last wagon is filled to 4.7 Bar (at least in the simulator), the brake starts releasing but stops releasing because pipe is not filled to 5 Bar. The brake pipe gets slowly filled to 5 Bar and brake finally gets fully released, but it's a very very very slow process.

Is there anything bad with Oerlikon Fv4a valve? Perhaps it's excessively aggressive?

Tabor kolejowy / Odp: Waga silników trakcyjnych.
« dnia: 15 Listopada 2023, 16:18:04 »
Jestem z Hiszpanii. Mógłbym mówić po angielsku, ale obecnie tłumacze radzą sobie całkiem nieźle. Użyję tłumacza, żeby sprawdzić, czy mnie zrozumieją, więc mówię w twoim języku.

Mam dokument, który mówi, że silnik EU07 waży 4200 Kg.

EU07 Simulator English forum / How can I use SetDamage in events?
« dnia: 10 Listopada 2023, 14:27:10 »
Hi! I'm doing experiments with events. I've modified TD scenery a little to include some events. This is my code:

//event keyctrl08 multiple 0.1 none przej_1_zamykaj przej_2_zamykaj endevent
//event keyctrl09 multiple 0.1 none przej_1_otwieraj przej_2_otwieraj endevent

//Posar en marxa el tren
node -1 0 ep07_sta memcell 1.0 1.0 1.0 Wait_for_orders 0 0 start endmemcell
event keyctrl08 updatevalues 0.1 ep07_sta Prepare_engine 1 0 endevent

//Trencar el motor
event keyctrl09 updatevalues 0.1 ep07_sta SetDamage 32 1 endevent

The comments are written in catalan, my native language, they mean "start train" and "break engine"

I've added a second trainset, so the original trainset is controlled by the AI. The "Prepare_engine" works without problem, when you press Shift - 8 the AI starts engine automatically, but "SetDamage"  command is not working, you press Shift - 9 and appears this in the log:

Key pressed: [Shift]+[9]
Type: UpdateValues & Track command - [SetDamage] [32.00] [1.00]
 Memcell: ep07_sta - [SetDamage] [32.00] [1.00]
 Vehicle: [ep07-424]

Apparently the "SetDamage" command has executed correctly, but it does nothing, engine is not broken.

How can I use SetDamage? In my opinion it's a very interesting command because it can introduce random malfunctions.

Ok. Thank you!!! Mystery resolved.

Thank you. I'll read the documents.

EU07 Simulator English forum / New version MaSzyna 17.07 AWESOME!!
« dnia: 25 Lipca 2017, 11:56:28 »
I like so much this new version, very good job, congratulations. This game is better than commercial games.

I liked these details very much:

  • Scenarios load much faster.
  • Now you can touch the buttons.
  • When you leave the cabin, you are on the floor and in front of the door. You are a human, you are not flying, very realistic detail.
  • The night is fantastic.

There is only a small problem, at least in my computer, but I have been able to solve it. When you press Num 3 to move the brake lever, it takes a long time to start moving. This is because the keyboard type rate in my Operating System is set to 650 milliseconds. I've set it to 200 milliseconds and it works perfectly.

I use this game from a GNU/Linux system with Wine. Here is the small script I have to start the game:

xset r rate 200 # set keyboard type rate to 200 miliseconds
setxkbmap us    # set US keyboard, spanish keyboard doesn't works well
LC_ALL=pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 wine RAINSTED.exe # set polish locale and start RAINSTED
# set all things as they are
setxkbmap es
xset r rate

Me ha encantado esta nueva versión, lo habéis hecho muy bien, enhorabuena. Este juego es mejor que los juegos comerciales.

Me han gustado mucho estos detalles:

  • Los escenarios se cargan mucho más rápido.
  • Ahora puedes tocar los botones.
  • Cuando sales de la cabina, estás en el suelo y enfrente de la puerta. El juego simula que has salido por la puerta, muy buen detalle.
  • La noche es fantástica.

Tan sólo tiene un pequeño problema, al menos en mi ordenador, pero lo he podido solucionar. Cuando pulsas Num 3 para mover la palanca del freno, tarda mucho en empezar a moverse. Esto es porque en mi sistema operativo no se repiten pulsaciones de teclas hasta que no la sostienes durante 650 milisegundos. Lo he configurado a 200 milisegundos y ya funciona perfectamente.

Uso este juego desde un sistema GNU/Linux con Wine. Este es el pequeño script que tengo para iniciar el juego:

xset r rate 200 # set keyboard type rate to 200 miliseconds
setxkbmap us    # set US keyboard, spanish keyboard doesn't works well
LC_ALL=pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 wine RAINSTED.exe # set polish locale and start RAINSTED
# set all things as they are
setxkbmap es
xset r rate

Strony: [1]