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Pokaż wątki - abhishekw

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EU07 Simulator English forum / Cab details and route details
« dnia: 07 Kwietnia 2016, 15:12:10 »
Dear All,

I am new to the simulator and finding it difficult to understand the working as everything is in polish language. I am sorry that I am unable to learn the language. I wish to update the cab with English names. I could move the train thanks to the English operating instructions on this forum. I managed to have the english subtitles for the radio as per the discussions on this forum.

I have following issues:

1. How can I have the entire cab with English names for all buttons and meters?
2. How can I understand the route details as to what I have to do and where all do I have to halt and drive back?
3. How can see the time table and station distances during running of the simulator?

Thankyou very much in advance.


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