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Wiadomości - renataccio

Strony: [1]
Symulator / Odp: Pomoc w doborze karty graficznej do Maszyny
« dnia: 16 Listopada 2021, 09:06:56 »
buongiorno a tutti.
Ho scaricato la nuova versione del simulatore ma quando il treno comincia d accelerare oltre i 60 70 km/h o quando entro in stazioni graficamente impegnative comincia ad andare a scatti ( ogni secondo si blocca per poi riprendere ) .
Ho un I5 2900 Hz con 16 gb di Ram e una scheda Gforce 550 con 4 mb di ram dedicati.
Possibile che con una configurazione così il simulatore non riesca ad andare liscio ?
Renato Pezzano

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Installation Issues
« dnia: 30 Kwietnia 2020, 19:24:44 »
Hi, i have a problem.
Every time i open the program ( From Rainsted or from Starter Maszina ) , i choose the scenery or the train but when i click Start this message ( in attached file ) appears : System error : MSVCP140.dll or VCRUNTIME.dll not found...

How is the problem ? How can i resolve ?
I have win 10 64 bit
thank you from italy

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Loco cabs
« dnia: 05 Kwietnia 2019, 12:31:07 »
Hi mates, i have downloaded the EN92 ( Elf ), it compares on the consist files, but when i start the game, no elf but a kind of Tank with no driving cab is on the rail...what's the problem ?

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Loco cabs
« dnia: 24 Stycznia 2019, 17:20:06 »
Yes, after the second start i finally have found the Train, thank you very very much

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Loco cabs EN57 AKL
« dnia: 24 Stycznia 2019, 12:52:28 »
I downloaded the latest 19/01 version of Maszyna but i can't find in here tthe Train and the relative Cab for EN57 AKL .
Heva to download in another part of the site ? ANd if yes, where ?

thank you very much

Renato from Italy

EU07 Simulator English forum / Real bank driving simulation
« dnia: 07 Września 2018, 18:32:56 »
Hi mates,
I'm a user of yours simulator from the beginning, and i play it every day.
here in Italy i have found this device that you see in photo added.
This is a simulator bank used by the real railways driving school in Italy.
It has a usb port and main controls for a train, but there is no interface for a pc, so i don't know if this device is applicable to drive your simulator.
Is it possibile ? We have to made an arduino interface ?

Let me know if i could buy this and try to drive the train with this
thank you very much

Renato Pezzano from Italy

Hi boys, i have installed the new versione 18.01, but i can't find the new Dragon E6 Act...where is it ?

thank you very much and very good job

Renato from Italy

Strony: [1]