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EU07 Simulator English forum / Low FPS on high end computer
« dnia: 18 Lutego 2024, 19:25:14 »
Hello there,

I have recently upgraded my computer to this state (List of crucial parts):

CPU: Ryzen 9 7950X
Graphics: AMD RX 7900 XTX (ASUS TUF Gaming)
RAM: 64GB kit - G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64GB (2x32GB) DDR5 6000 CL30

And surprisingly FPS increase compared to previous GPU - AMD Vega 56 in Maszyna is barely noticeable. In some sceneries like Drawinowo do wieczora I am even getting below 60 FPS on 1920x1200 using those settings as seen in attached files

What is the root cause of such a small performance?

Best regards,

Hello Maszyna community,

After upgrading to 22.03 MaSzyna I noticed every time when I attempt running Drawinowo scenery using Starter I always get Memory violation excpetion and I cannot use this scenery. Impacted is only this scenery other ones including drawinowo do wieczora are running perfectly. Sadly I have not found any useful information in the log, only the screenshot. I am also attaching my PC specs. It was happening also on my older setup with same GPU but slower CPU (Intel i7 4770K running 4.2 GHz and DDR3 4x4 GB RAM 1600 MHz ... 16 GB total)

CPU: Ryzen 9 7950X
RAM: Apacer PANTHER 32 GB KIT DDR5 6400MHz CL32 RGB (running two pairs as 4x16 GB at 5800 MHz with stability verified in memtest86)
GPU: AMD Vega 56
SSD used for Maszyna: Seagate FireCuda 530 2 TB

Best regards,

Hello everyone,

I noticed one strange thing on ET42 locomotive kind of related to train heating bug I have reported recently. It seems when you raise only rear pantograph, current values on series-parallel and parallel are only half of what they should be. For instance I have rear pantograph raised up, I am driving on parallel notch (38) drawing 400A per motor group, so I would expect 1600A being drawn from overhead lines, but only 800A is being drawn as seen in debug mode. (Sreenshot attachment)

I know, that ET42 has special "granny" mode (which can be activated by Ctrl+F) where you can connect all 8 traction motors into series so you can reach faster resistor-less notch for heavy trains or cruise at low speeds without using resistor notches. Here actually one bug resolves another bug, because there is twice more current being drawn in this "granny" mode, and rear pantograph only halves current, so 0.5 * 2 = 1 and fixes that unless you raise front pantograph.

If my understandment is correct, ET42 has those motor (groups) connections:

All series (8S ; 375V per motor) = S // Which I call in paragraph above "granny" mode
Series-parallel (2P 4S ; 750V per motor) = SP
Parallel (4P 2S ; 1500V per motor)  = P

So I tested all connections and pantograph combinations at 200A seen on traction motors ammeter for both rear and front section and here are the results.

Rear pantograph only:

S: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 200 A ; OK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; NOK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; NOK

Front pantograph:

S: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 200 A ; NOK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; OK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; OK

Both pantographs

S: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 200 A ; NOK
SP: Actual = 200 A ; Expected = 400 A ; OK
P: Actual = 400 A ; Expected = 800 A ; OK

As again, I would be happier if I could post those findings written in Polish, however as Czech user it would be tragedy to write in PL or have this processed by Google translator :D , so I will remain posting my finding in English.

Best regards,

EU07 Simulator English forum / ET42 train heating bug
« dnia: 05 Września 2022, 20:11:01 »
Hello again :)

I have been playing with some unusual trainsets and I as saw real life video where ET42 was pulling damaged EP09 + passanger wagons I decided to create passanger train hauled by ET42. So I made trainset ET42 + Bipa. However I noticed strange thing happening there.

When I raised rear pantograph, everything was working as expected. Current via heating cable was flowing only after I switched on heating. However when I raised front pantograph or both, current was flowing into passanger wagons regardless of heating switch position.

I am attaching video with demo of this behaviour. I also tried different passanger wagons like those ones on Wrzosy PXE mission where I replaced EU07 with ET42 and firstly spotted this issue, so it is not wagon specific

P.S. I am having simulator in Polish, however as I am Czech user I rather keep using EN, so nothing is lost in translation :)

Hello there,

I discovered minor bug when doing some atypical trainsets. I created trainset ET42 + 2xEN57 to try whether you can pull "dead" EMUs or for instance simulate their transport to overhaul repairs or scrapyard. However during tests I discovered, when you brake only locomotive by using locomotive brake or electrodynamic brake and you exceed 100 kN of braking force. Trainset suddenly halts to complete stop as if there was derail. I recorded short private video clip showing also some debug information.

Repro steps:

I. Accelerate to at least 20 km/h
II. Apply at least 100 kN braking force by using locomotive brake or dynamic brake (for instance on ET42 or Traxx)
III. Observe trainset stopping instantly

Trainset used: See attached screenshot

EU07 Simulator English forum / EU07 double traction - compressors
« dnia: 06 Lutego 2022, 14:46:21 »
Hello everyone,

I have question or possible bug report for one certain behaviour when having double traction of EU07s. I have this consist EU07-477+EU07-1512+cargo wagons. After I unbraked trainset, I noticed after pressure drop in main reservoir, that only front locomotive's (EU07-477) compressor got running while second one's (EU07-1512) remained unactive as can be seen on provided screenshots (EU07-477 ... C and EU07-1512 ... c!) However when I had manually disabled compressor and had switched it on back after pressure dropped below 7,5 bar, both compressors started to run. The same behaviour I have also observed on ET42 (easily replicable), 2xEP05 and other EU07 derivates (EP07,EP08).

Does this behavior reflect the real world's behavior?

Best regards,

EU07 Simulator English forum / Electric units door control
« dnia: 10 Lipca 2012, 19:28:32 »
Hello developers and Maszyna fans,

I have problem with sounding departure buzzer, anyway I am able to close left and right doors, I tryied to use CZ (native), EN and PL layout, but nothing worked. My keyboard is Microsoft Sidewinder X4 w/ Czech layout.

Thanks for your help!

EU07 Simulator English forum / Locomotive model exchange
« dnia: 02 Lipca 2012, 20:39:22 »
Dear developers and Maszyna fans

My question is, how can I change model of locomotive, when I available. I found for example ET22-313 with model 201e-p attached with new semi-pantographs, used in L053 activity "sluzba-night 2" as static train. But when I tryied to create sample trainset with ET22-313 attached with semi-pantograph on track TD, only one model was available, 201e with classic diamond shaped pantographs. How can I select which model will be used for locomotive?

Thanks for any answer.

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