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Strony: [1]
EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Source code for Starter app?
« dnia: 06 Maja 2023, 12:19:24 »
Hello, just checking in to see if you can update the Github repo with the latest code. Thanks!

EU07 Simulator English forum / Source code for Starter app?
« dnia: 27 Kwietnia 2023, 21:32:47 »
Does anyone know where I can find the up-to-date source code for the Starter app? I found this repo:


but it's version 7.9.4, and the most recent Starter app included in Maszyna 23.04 is version 7.14.0. I'm looking to add some English translations for the untranslated stuff, but in order to do so I need to know the names of the Delphi UI components.

Strony: [1]