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Wiadomości - DB-47

Strony: [1]
EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Low FPS on high end computer
« dnia: 18 Lutego 2024, 20:00:08 »
Try lowering the multisampling down to x4 or even x2. Unfortunately, the simulator is not optimized in terms of graphics, so it will always function worse compared to other games.

This bug will be fixed in the next patch. For now, you can open /scenery/drawinowo/sc3_sklady_dekoracja.scm and change this line
node -1 0 EN57-1051RA dynamic pkp\en57_v1 EN57-1051RA 6BAII_LED_RG 0 nobody255 0 enddynamicto this:
node -1 0 EN57-1051RA dynamic pkp\en57_v1 EN57-1051RA 6BAII_LED_RG 0 nobody 255 0 enddynamic

Publikacje / MaSzyna 23.04
« dnia: 23 Kwietnia 2023, 17:00:56 »

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z najnowszym wydaniem Symulatora "MaSzyna" - MaSzyna 23.04!

Jest to samodzielna paczka i należy ją zainstalować do pustego folderu.
Pobierz instalator
NIE należy instalować paczki do folderów systemowych, takich jak Program Files!
Wymagane miejsce na dysku do procesu instalacji: 62 GiB

Instalacja manualna:
Torrent: https://stuff.eu07.pl/maszyna-r8639.zip.torrent
Wymagane pliki dla exe: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/22158/m2304_exefiles_common.zip
Pliki wykonywalne dla systemu 64 bit:
Pliki wykonywalne dla systemu 32 bit:
Starter (od @szczawik): https://eu07.pl/userfiles/7492/starter230321.zip
Rainsted: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/22158/rainsted.zip
Dodatkowe pliki dla twórców: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/22158/placeholdery_nodebank.zip

Biblioteki MSVC2008:
64 bit: https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/D/8/5D8C65CB-C849-4025-8E95-C3966CAFD8AE/vcredist_x64.exe
32 bit: https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/D/8/5D8C65CB-C849-4025-8E95-C3966CAFD8AE/vcredist_x86.exe
Biblioteki MSVC2015+:
64 bit: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
32 bit: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe
Biblioteki UCRT (tylko dla systemów starszych niż Windows 10 nieposiadających aktualizacji Universal CRT):
64 bit: https://milek7.pl/.stuff/eu07exe/ucrt64.7z
32 bit: https://milek7.pl/.stuff/eu07exe/ucrt86.7z

Hello everyone,

I am really like Trains and MaSzyna (probably there is no better train sim currently in the world) and I playing it from a long time from when I was a young kid and the webpage showed in it's titlebar an eu07 in green from its right side (this according to the wayback machine was between 2013-1015), and you knew that the simulation shortly begins from that the text started hang down from that paper in the load screen ;)

But I am also Hungarian and i wanted to contribute to this great project so,
I just translated some important files to Hungarian, I hope, you can integrate theese...
(I also found but not finished "template.po", and if you can show me more I probably translate thoose too)

Just for fun, I also make a brake visualization (I wanted to do this for a long time)

If it is useful, I will try and make a pull request on github.

I made a graph of the forces in couplers to investigate this issue. It is in the debug menu.

With this graph you can see the coupler forces become chaotic when there is > 450 kN.

I attached the executable.

With high power consumption and low speed, the pantograph can weld to the network (the contact surface gets very hot). Thats why its safer to start with both pantographs in the air. Additionally, during winter the front pantograph may scrape off frost / ice in front of the rear pantograph.

Unfortunately at the moment the executable file team is very small, it's only two people of which only one person does something from time to time, the other person rarely does anything, so they won't really help you much.
If you are able to, you can try compiling the source code and fiddling with it. Let us know when you come into interesting observations.

I spent some time reading the source code. It looks like when a coupling is compressed by the sum of .fiz parameter fiz parameter BuffCoupl.::DMaxB of the couplings of the wagons, then the source code  forces the wagons to collide.

Maximum compression is set to 5 cm (0.05) on all couplings of EN57AKL, This value is clearly too low for the existing spring/damping constants. Unless Scharfenberg is known to be extremely weak in reality, I think a reasonable fix is to increase kB (coupler compression spring constant) and DmaxB (maximum allowed coupler compression). This is what I did in the .fiz files in my previous post, so I will not post another attachment here.

Note1: I am not sure why the source code causes a collision in this case but I guess that maybe it is to prevent wagons getting too compressed or streched (which would be a graphical glitch).

note2: If I read the code correctly, a slack of 1cm is applied on line 5290. This means that in combination with the small 5cm operating range for compression, a significant proportion of the restorative force is deleted (minimum delection: 20%  @ 5cm compression; maximum deletion: 100% @ 1cm or less). Assuming the unit of force in the source code is kilonewton, then two en57 wagons will 'collide' when compression forces reach kb*(DMaxB-0.01) = 4200 *0.04= 168 kN. This value is probably easy to reach when including slack/jerk.

note3: Perhaps maszyna should perform some other behaviour when the maximum values are exceeded. Perhaps this collision behaviour could be replaced with exponentially increasing buffer force and damping to prevent wagons from visually merging with each other

note4: I am worried about line of code 5275, because it will hard clamp the maximum coupler forces to some value depending on DmaxB. This risks causing infinite stretch/compression if such force is exceeded. If the collision logic was inserted to prevent infinite stretch, then a better fix would be to delete the collision logic and delete line 5275. I think clamping effect line 5275 also prevents the coupler break logic from ever executing in some .fiz files (in the case of EN57AKŁ, line 5275 means that CF will never exceed 168kN in compression, meaning that breaking force FmaxB (1.74 MN) can never be reached).

This bug has been present for a while. It seems to trigger when there is a force imbalance in the coupler of the locomotive, because if you slowly reduce pressure in the brake pipe, all vehicles apply their own brake and no such stop occurs.

I assume that this bug may be caused by interaction between the drawhook coupler on the locomotive and scharfenburg coupler on the EMU. Perhaps spring/damper constants for Scharfenburg are set to very-high or very-low which might cause problems in the physics engine (overflow/underflow/implausible forces). I have not looked at source code but I guess that some author decided the best thing to do in this situation was to stop the train.

A useful experiment may to be copy/paste drawbar spring/damping values into EN57 .fiz file. If the bug goes away, it may also be an acceptable workaround for this problem.

Na warsztacie / Odp: Drawinowo do końca
« dnia: 31 Sierpnia 2022, 19:01:25 »
Misja na SU45-045 ukończony powodzeniem. Gratulację za piękne otoczenie na spalinowym odcinku, lecz na drodze znalazłem dwa drobne błędy:
- Peron w Kurczu jest za blisko toru, więc pociąg się w niego "wtapia".
- Na stacji w Rosku na peronie przy torze w kierunku Ostrowni, drzwi otwierają się na złą stronę.
Ale i tak świetna robota.

Publikacje / MaSzyna 22.08
« dnia: 22 Sierpnia 2022, 13:18:33 »

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z najnowszym wydaniem Symulatora "MaSzyna" - MaSzyna 22.08! Prezentuje stan prac nad Symulatorem na sierpień 2022 roku.
Jest to patch, który należy zainstalować na poprzednią paczkę 22.03, nie należy go instalować w folderach systemowych, gdzie X to litera dysku systemowego:
X:\ProgramData, X:\Program Files, X:\Windows.


Instalator nie ma wykupionego podpisu certyfikowanego i będzie bardziej podejrzany dla antywirusów od poprzedniego.

Wymagane miejsce na dysku do instalacji MaSzyny 22.08: 46 GB

Instalacja manualna; Torrenta można też pobrać by seedować i wesprzeć nasz serwer:
Torrent 22.03: https://stuff.eu07.pl/maszyna-r7997.zip.torrent (pobrać klientem bittorrent. Wypakować archiwum do nowego katalogu)
Poniższe pliki wypakować do folderu symulatora:
Patch 1 do wydania 22.03: https://stuff.eu07.pl/maszyna-diff-r7997-r8037.zip
Patch 22.08: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/maszyna-diff-r8037-r8375.zip.torrent (również pobrać klientem bittorrent. Wypakować archiwum do paczki 22.03)
Patch 1 do wydania 22.08: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/maszyna-diff-r8375-r8389.zip
I zależnie od wersji systemu operacyjnego

Starter: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/starters/starter.zip
Rainsted: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/starters/rainsted.zip
Pliki dla twórców map: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/editor_tools.zip
Programy na potrzeby symulatora: https://stuff.eu07.pl/releasebins/2208/simulator_software.zip

Biblioteki MSVC2008:
Biblioteki MSVC2015+:
Biblioteki UCRT:

Pełna lista zmian
Lista sum kontrolnych plików

następna maszyna planowo to 22.11

Publikacje / MaSzyna 22.03
« dnia: 01 Kwietnia 2022, 21:33:45 »

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z najnowszym wydaniem Symulatora "MaSzyna" - MaSzyna 22.03! Prezentuje stan prac nad Symulatorem na marzec 2022 roku.
Jest to samodzielna paczka i należy ją zainstalować do pustego folderu, nie należy instalować w folderach systemowych, gdzie X to litera dysku systemowego:
X:\ProgramData, X:\Program Files, X:\Windows.


Instalator nie ma wykupionego podpisu certyfikowanego i będzie bardziej podejrzany dla antywirusów od poprzedniego.

Wymagane miejsce na dysku do instalacji MaSzyny 22.03: 43 GB

Instalacja manualna; Torrenta można też pobrać by seedować i wesprzeć nasz serwer:
Torrent: https://stuff.eu07.pl/maszyna-r7997.zip.torrent (pobrać klientem bittorrent. Wypakować archiwum do nowego katalogu)
Poniższe pliki wypakować do folderu symulatora:
Patch1: https://stuff.eu07.pl/maszyna-diff-r7997-r8037.zip
I zależnie od wersji systemu operacyjnego X64:

Starter: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/7492/starter220327.zip
Rainsted: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/22158/rainsted.zip
Pliki dla twórców map: https://eu07.pl/userfiles/22158/placeholdery_nodebank.zip

Biblioteki MSVC2008:
Biblioteki MSVC2015+:
Biblioteki UCRT:

I found a relay diagram for EU07 main compressor. Unfortunately I am not very good at reading relay diagrams, and the author of this diagram accidentally made the box on the bottom right too small to fit some long words, so it is hard for me to use google translate, but I think The compressor will run when current flows in the red path, which requires only the following condition

* SS1 - all contacts in the yellow path are closed

Condition SS1 is true when:
* WSC - Main compressor switch is engaged (I think this is the switch in the cabin?)
* WDC1 - I don't understand this symbol, google translate says "Switch Compressor Main"
* WR - The rapid-disconnect 3kv switch is engaged
* WCC or WDC - WCC=Low pressure in the main reservoir, I do not understand WDC
* PWS - I don't understand this switch - Some condition to disengage the compressor
* WDC3 - I don't understand this symbol
* NS01 - There is no overcurrent condition in the red path
* PPT5 - I think this is true when the compressor has been demanded for a longer than the time threshold in relay PT5? But this is hard for me to understand.

Interestingly, I think this diagram does not include the multiple unit connector, so perhaps it does not answer your question.

P.S. It is difficult to correlate the relay names in the book by Maciszewski, Pawlus and Suminski with the diagram in the attachment. I am wondering if this is because the diagrams in the Maciszewski book are sourced from EU06 production (English Acronyms) but later EU07 has redesigned/redrawn relay network (with polish acronyms?)

If I read the source code correctly, in the case of 2EU07, each locomotive will look only at its own main reservoir pressure when it decides when to activate the compressor. (Although if the locomotives are permanently coupled, then both compressors should activate at the same time?)

So assuming that only the first locomotive is supplying air into the brake pipe (and the brake handle of the second locomotive is in lockout position), I think it is possible that the main reservoir of the first locomotive will have slightly lower pressure, so the compressor of the first locomotive will activate and fill up the main reservoir of the second locomotive before the pressure gets low in the second locomotive.

Publikacje / Po złej stronie torów
« dnia: 01 Kwietnia 2021, 00:46:16 »

Modyfikacja scenerii Stary Jawor inspirowana pamiętną misją z GTA:SA. Chłopaki z Grove Street występują w scenariuszach osobowy2, retro i zdawka.

Podziękowania dla @matek123 za usadzenie BS'a i @dzordz za testy. :)

Strony: [1]