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Wiadomości - Jowell134

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EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Missing locomotives
« dnia: 04 Maja 2024, 17:02:22 »
You can try disabling "Ukryj archiwalne pojazdy"/"Hide old vehicles" in Starter.

I click on it, i see now more ST44, but i dont see the 182 locomotives.

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: Missing locomotives
« dnia: 04 Maja 2024, 17:01:19 »
Please check main folder size.


The size of the main folder is 51,1GB.
I hope its correct?

EU07 Simulator English forum / Missing locomotives
« dnia: 04 Maja 2024, 05:16:39 »
Dzien dobre,

I installed Maszyna again today, unfortunately I am missing some locomotives, due to laptop problems I had to reinstall everything. I miss a lot of ST44, and I don't see any 182 locomotives.

How can this be remedied? I think there was a patch or something like that... unfortunately I can't find it anymore..

Because I want to be able to play the game as completely as possible without bugs and errors.

Kind regards,


EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: New route when scenario is done
« dnia: 19 Grudnia 2023, 16:27:06 »
Remember that the scenarios are usually planned for up to 2-2.5 hours - after that, no trains will be in service and so the routes will be completely barren without any AI traffic at all.

If a train has already arrived and has been diverted, can I put that train back into service or not?
You can, but you must use a renderer which supports shaders. Press Tab - a minimap will open. You can control the signals and junctions from there, which should allow you to freely roam around the scenery. You will not get a new timetable though - the train will be empty and the destination signs will not display anything.

Ah okay, that's quite long.
What is a renderer?
Could I also, for example, change an existing train timetable?

EU07 Simulator English forum / Odp: New route when scenario is done
« dnia: 18 Grudnia 2023, 17:53:52 »

Many thanks for your reaction. I play now a L053 scenario.I notice that what you told me is very entertaining, thank you! If a train has already arrived and has been diverted, can I put that train back into service or not?

EU07 Simulator English forum / New route when scenario is done
« dnia: 17 Grudnia 2023, 03:54:48 »
Hi all,

Is it possible that you can continue your journey when your scenario is done?

For example, you drive a slow train from Debica to Turow, and from Turow you drive as empty stock (No stops) to Debica and on to Wolica.

I am very curious whether this is possible, as I find some scenarios quite short.

Well, there is one. https://eu07.pl/forum/index.php/topic,34078.0.html

However it's just a reskinned SU45 and it doesn't have a cab.

Thanks! how can i install it correctly?

Hi Jowel!

MaSzyna is free, open-source project created by enthusiast community. All locos (completed projects) are available after downloading the main simulator files. At this moment we do not have steam locos available.

Please also note that we do not recognise Discord as official communication channel. We use our main forum here, as well as “Mattermost” chat (linked on the main screen).

Feel free to ask in the case of further questions related to our project.


Thank you for your response!
Unfortunately there are no steam locomotives at the moment!
Sounds very cool how this is all set up. Mattermost I have already found yes.


I've been playing this beautiful simulator for quite some time and I'm very curious if I can download locomotives and the like somewhere.

I was in a certain discord server related to this game for a long time, unfortunately I lost my account.

Who can give me more information about this and or access to the discord?

I would really appreciate it!


PS: I can understand some Polish words, don't be afraid to use your own language, I love Poland!

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