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Wiadomości - David Seiver

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EU07 Simulator English forum / Status
« dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 05:28:14 »
Nebula looks promising. I played around with what was available and the graphics are much better than EU07 original. The physics engine is also enhanced. Train derailments and crashes are possible, not recommended but fun.

EU07 Simulator English forum / MaSzyna Operation Guide
« dnia: 19 Maja 2007, 05:14:55 »
Cytat: "Greno Zee"
@ David Seiver:
Though I have no idea, I'm guessing you've got the steam issues right.
I've never heard of Aurora project. Do you mean Nebula or is there anything brand new?

Right, Nebula, thanks for the correction. I knew it had something stellar about the name. :)

EU07 Simulator English forum / MaSzyna Operation Guide
« dnia: 18 Maja 2007, 20:03:48 »
Re Steam Engines. I've seen some primitive models of steam locomotives in certain scenes, although they were undrivable. What would be the restrictions to getting these to work in EU07? I would imagine that animating the wheels would not be a problem, but the drive and piston mechanisms may present a programming nighmare. Also, there is no particle engine for smoke and steam, but may be possible. Is any of the dev team considering implimenting steam in the near future, perhaps for the Aurora project?

EU07 Simulator English forum / Switch
« dnia: 21 Listopada 2004, 10:46:35 »
Cytat: "Bartek"
Which switch? Be more precise... Normally you can turn on and off switches by pressing the right key (keys). As I don't know what switch you mean, I can't give you more help.

I suspect he means the rails switch, which, as I understand it, can't be used except in automatic mode.
Certain scenarios do switch the rails, but this is not a user option.

Strony: [1]