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Wiadomości - KaroOgoniasty

Strony: [1]
Na warsztacie / Odp: Bestie z Woroszyłowgradu
« dnia: 30 Marca 2024, 11:22:04 »
Wiem że to troche głupie pytanie, ale wiadomo jak to pobrać z repo? bo wcześniej próbowałem i nie wiedziałem jak

Na warsztacie / Odp: Bestie z Woroszyłowgradu
« dnia: 30 Marca 2024, 10:50:49 »
Ja na FB pisałem odnośnie dachu, i miałem tu dać logi z errors.txt

Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_tabl_rab.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_tabl_rab.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_roof.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_roof.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_wycieraczki_w.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_wycieraczki_w.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_shutters2.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_shutters2.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_kratki_czolo.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_kratki_czolo.t3d"
Bad file: failed to locate 3d model file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/decals/none"
Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2421)
Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2424)
Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 0.96, 0.96)

Na warsztacie / Odp: Bestie z Woroszyłowgradu
« dnia: 28 Marca 2024, 20:03:38 »
Dobra, dzięki bardzo za pomoc ;)

Na warsztacie / Odp: Bestie z Woroszyłowgradu
« dnia: 28 Marca 2024, 20:00:04 »
Tak się to prezentuje.

EU07.EXE EU07 (cmake), (unknown) (committed at 2023-01-13T20:46:35Z)
Bad track: "tdo_n659" can't find assigned event "stacja2_b_sem_info"
Bad track: "tdo_n296" can't find assigned event "stacja2_b_s1"
Bad event: "przej_1_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem"
Bad event: "przej_1_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem"
Bad event: "przej_1_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_1_sem_distmem"
Bad event: "przej_2_work" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem"
Bad event: "przej_2_standby" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem"
Bad event: "przej_2_defect" (type: updatevalues) can't find memory cell "przej_2_sem_distmem"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_pudlo_zgarniacz_d.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_pudlo_zgarniacz_d.t3d"
Bad model: parent for sub-model "bogie1" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data
Bad model: parent for sub-model "bogie2" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data
Bad model: parent for sub-model "bogies_lod1" doesn't exist or is located later in the model data
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_roof.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_roof.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_wycieraczki_w.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_wycieraczki_w.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_listwa.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_listwa.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_details.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_details.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_shutters3.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_shutters3.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_lampki_male.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_lampki_male.t3d"
Failed to open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_kratki_czolo.t3d"
Bad include: can't open file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/st44_kratki_czolo.t3d"
Bad file: failed to locate texture file "skins/common/wozek_235"
Bad file: failed to locate 3d model file "dynamic/pkp/st44_v2/components/decals/none"
Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2420)
Bad trainset: empty trainset defined in file "scenery/$td.scn" (line 2423)
Bad model: transformation matrix for sub-model "Object01" imposes geometry scaling (factors: 0.96, 0.96, 0.96)

Na warsztacie / Odp: Bestie z Woroszyłowgradu
« dnia: 28 Marca 2024, 19:52:19 »
Nie wiem, czy tylko ja sie natrafiłem na taki problem, jednak kiedy załadowywuje gre połowy gagarina nie ma, poprostu jest wybrakowany. Wie ktoś, czym jest to spowodowane?

Strony: [1]