Polska wersja
The following manual is an extension to the: How to change the train set in the scenery manual, with which you should familiarise yourself with first (So that you'd know what to do with the entries, etc). Read the whole thing and then start!!!

node -1 0 EU07-150 dynamic PKP\4E_v1 4E-150 4E 0.0 headdriver 3 0 enddynamic

node -1 0 SN61-168 dynamic pkp/sn61_v2 sn61-168.dds sn61 0.0 headdriver 63 40 passengers enddynamic

Example entries:

For an empty tank wagon, with a 3mm flat:
node -1 0 5051-503320-2 dynamic pkp/zaes_v1 406Ra_dec8.tga 406Ra 0.0 nobody 3.WF3 0 enddynamic
For a full tank wagon, with the Goods setting, and a 100% chance of bogie hunting:
node -1 0 5051-503320-2 dynamic pkp/zaes_v1 406Ra_dec8.tga 406Ra 0.0 nobody 3.BG.WH100 49 Fuel enddynamic

For a second class passenger carriage, with a Rapid setting:
node -1 0 5051-503320-2 dynamic PKP\1xxa_v1 111A13.tga 1xxa 0 nobody 3.BR 0 enddynamic
For a passenger carriage with 30 passengers:
node -1 0 5051-503320-2 dynamic PKP\1xxa_v1 111A13.tga 1xxa 0 nobody 3 30 Passengers enddynamic
For a set of mixes freight wagons:
node -1 0 ET42-005-A dynamic pkp/et42_v2 112E-005-A-HIST.DDS 112E-A 0 headdriver 63.BP.WF17H100 0 enddynamic
node -1 0 ET42-005-B dynamic pkp/et42_v2 112E-005-B-HIST.DDS 112E-B 0 connected 35.BP.WH100 0 enddymanic
node -1 0 p1 dynamic pkp/11xa_v2 BDNU-51512071081-6.DDS 111AW-SPOT 0 nobody 35.BP 40 passengers enddynamic
node -1 0 p2 dynamic pkp/11xa_v2 BDNU-51512071081-6.DDS 111AW-SPOT 0 nobody 3.BP 0 enddynamic
node -1 0 t1 dynamic pkp/408w_v1 5316830-7.DDS 408W 0 nobody 0.BPWF10R10P15 10 coal enddynamic

The aboce mixed freight train set, has all wagons set to the Passenger setting, with a ET42 unit in multiple. The first ET42 unit has 17mm flats, and both have a 100% bogie hunting chance. First carraige has 40 passengers, the 2nd one is empty. The coal wagon is carrying 10T of coal, and can have a flat of between 10mm and 20mm, with a 15% chance of having a flat.

For the interested:
More detailed entries manual, by Jaras (Polish only):
Scenerie, wpisy, składy, zdarzenia - warto zajrzeć

Author: Rootek
Updating and modification: libertyn89, Maciej, kolejarz2009
Fixes: Quark-t
Translation: kolejarz2009